If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, February 2, 2024

Why Are Black People Sicker Than White People?
Unity Consciousness #3095

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

Main Reason: Because White People Speak Hocus Pocus To Control Your Locus.
And have taught naive, gullible simple simons to “repeat after me, follow me, I am the mother may I and father expert”.

According to logic in the USA, and worldwide, black people suffer the most from almost all types of sicknesses.
Many black folks who are well-intentioned, believe this also.
So then, by default, white people must be healthier than black people.
Do you really believe this?
Why would this be true?

Do you think the healthiest people in the world (whites) would enslave the sickest people in the world (blacks)? And then put those weak and sick people through the most brutal form of treatment from beginning to end and up to even right now, and that those weak and sick people would be able to survive and not simply disintegrate and become extinct?

Is it a sign of strength, health and superior intelligence, that just because you are bigger than someone or have better weapons or are a better liar, that it's okay to beat up people and bully them and take their possessions and enslave them and do whatever you want? Do healthy people do that?

You better rethink your weak thinking, your sick thinking.

How do the strongest and healthiest people (whites), become so sick and weak so as to enslave people then and now, right now, through multiple practices in all their governments and communities?
Shouldn't the strongest and healthiest people be the most civilized?
Shouldn't whites insist on being civilized and not have to be forced to pretend to do it?
Don't you know that only sick people can't handle the truth and know their children can't handle it either, thus don't want to be woke to the truth, they already at least know exists because they know the lives they are living is riddled with ridiculous lies.

Do you really think the healthcare system in the USA is so costly and out of control due to a glut of black patients and that white people, as a group, are a lesser percentage of patients?
Why do white people, with supposedly better, stronger, healthier genetics, better education, better money, better families and better everything, still get sick and die in the same way as black folks?
Shouldn't white people be the lowest users of healthcare?
Shouldn't white people be the most mentally healthy since they are naturally stronger and since their societies pump them up and prop them up every which way?
Shouldn't this then be a natural preventative against Maafa Racism such that Maafa Racism should have never come into existence in a such a group of strong healthy people?
Wouldn't strong and healthy people be naturally good caretakers of the environment?

Do you think humans would start in Africa if Africans were the weakest? This would mean that the basis of all human genetics is a sick basis, a weak basis.
Do you really think primates could evolve into humans if those primates were sick and weak and then their evolution would beget sick and weak humans from the onset?
Do you really think sick and weak humans could create the foundations of all human knowledge?
Isn't Egypt synonymous with the Nile Valley in Africa?

Black sickness is not the same as White Sickness, nor the same as the sickness of all other races and ethic groups, and the anomaly religious group called White Jews, sickos extraordinaire. None of them having the strength of mind or enough healthy logic to ask, how did we become a race based on our religious beliefs? Why aren't other religions also a race. Why isn't there a Christian Race? Or an Orthodox Jewish Race? Or...

Now supposedly, white people say black people can only mainly achieve athletically.
Doesn't that take strong genetics?
Supposedly blacks can only achieve musically or as dancers?
Doesn't that require intelligence to create music and dancing in human form and then continue to create many forms.
White people claim music that they call classical, and its appreciation, is the highest form of intellectual evolution.
Shouldn't opera houses be filled with abolitionists?
Shouldn't the white elite and all white leaders be really good healthy people in how they treat other people? Because don't these elite and leaders represent the best that whites have to offer? Don't these leaders reflect them? Elected by them, protected by dem.

Don't you think that sick weak people after being bludgeoned for years and right now continually so, wouldn't, like a dog trained to fight, become vicious and even attack its trainers?
Yet, to a goddamn fault, black people still show compassion and want to forgive the most racist people on the planet. This despite the Christian bible showing that forgiveness has its limits. Sane Christians should know this based on Lucifer being cast out of heaven, based on first offense.

How can black people, so far away from strength and health, reach out of the depths of being pummeled and reach beyond healthy strong whites, and reach to the highest ideas of humanity?

Only sick people need to call you nigger day and night and act like its a rarity among them and that most whites are not racist.

Only in hell holes are black people sicker than whites and sicker than mexicans and asians and any other group.
Sick white people in hillbilly country are the same as sick white people in all cities, including the falsely diverse communities such as Oak Park, Illinois.