If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pick Your Poison Bumblefuck
Democrats Ar Republicans Not Us
Definition of White Adjacent
Unity Consciousness #3129

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

Every year there is some version of local to county to state to national election that reduces the consideration to Democrat or Republican.
In the Ghoul Ole USA, Pick Your Poison is subtextually pled to be the only choice black people have when choosing to vote for a candidate in any election, as if the words democrat and republican have the power to change the fundamental nature of a person or the racist malcontent of the USA.
The difference between democrats and republicans has been sufficiently explained in several ways. Here's another repetition of Vari the Repa.

If you don't know by now, you will never know that both repubs and dems are as maafa racist as their ghostly ghastly faces. They are in fact, Ridiculans and Demonicrats.

“You look like you've seen a ghost.”
Translation: turned white, look pale, look like death, look like you've been scared to death, look like the healthy color in you has been drained right out due to staring death in the face, look like you saw your reflection and are acting out self-rejection...
This is what Dems and Repubs see in their mirrors and what they manifest in all of the ten main institutions of people activity.
All this life I've been surrounded by spiritually, mentally, emotionally dead people in the flesh who are grim in their reapings.

Just like, the lesser of two evils, pick your poison is a miserable stinking rigged crapshoot shituation.

Republicans are full strength 100% poison.
Democrats are poison light, 99.5% poison.
Both poisons will kill you in the same ways and just as quickly.
The difference is your stupid perception and acquiescence to this choice conundrum, affectionately, a bumblefuck.
Picking between the Democrat Poison or the Republican Poison is like choosing between death by firing squad followed by administrative leave for the shooting gallery or death by hanging followed by a picnic (pignig) celebration for the community thus entertained and status quo maintained. Their pain transferred to our pain transferred to their gain.

The choice between Republicans are Democrats is not a choice between right and wrong or better and worse, instead it is a choice between worsest westworst and worsest northworse.
The only difference between west, worse and north is the letter R.

Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin and two halves of a double lie.
GOP is Kep. Dem is Tun. Thus Kep-Tun, Captain, thus together they are captains and take turns doing so while keeping up the game that they are not the same.

Any political group that does not put the rights of black people first, is a poison group, including Green Party, Tea Party, Independents, Black and Brown Party, People of Color Party, Libertarians, Constitution Party, Natural Law Party, Socialist, Democratic Socialist, Manifest Destiny of White Folks and Butt-Licking Wannabes...

Until you treat your choices, your thinking, your behavior, like a triage, you are living in a choice mirage where you keep your soul in a storage shed garage along with all your other barragenous logic.

Until any political party or candidate has a platform intent on restoring the inherent rights of creation and treating all problems, injustices, imbalances as if their political jurisdiction is a triage center, then choosing them is losing you.
Yes this also applies to all of you who claim you ain't black, in a family tree ancestral genetic sense, not skin color wise, not country wise, not some kind of ethnic cultural religious designation wise and not some random suboptimal identifier chosen from a grab garbage bag of bogus locus focus.

In the current societal paradigm, the only political choice for black folks is between:
1. Someone who claims to not be a Maafa Racist, but clearly is, as evidenced by them having already shown you who they are time after time.
2. Someone who claims to not be a Maafa Racist, and you believing it without knowing it, as evidenced by your misconstrued need to feel the soothing warmth of okie doke smoke being blown up your arsu-nar after being bumblefucked another day all day by a hot angry trained mob of train wrecks of thought nought rekhs well taught.

Note: Despite various definitions of white adjacent or white-adjacent as applied to various non-white groups, I say white adjacent means: only existing in the shadow of white folks, thus only existing as a result of white folks existing. Also only having thought as the result of the thought of white folks. It does not mean having privilege or white privilege, neither of those things are terms of achievable reality. Clearly a black person having white privilege is impossible because you don't have white skin and even as light skin you don't qualify for white group designation or acceptance. Besides, having crackhead butties and living in a crack house boarded up (segre-gated) community is sanely not all it's cracked up to be by your feenin' to be like the squawking ded-icated to remain incubated and intubated by outward aggressions of self-hate because they don't breathe the same air, they are anaerobic in their souls.
Clearly a black person having privilege conferred on them by white folks is not possible because any so-called conference of privilege is multiple times removed by Maafa Racism, as recently proven by Insane Obama and Clarence Thomas and Joy Reid.
The meaning of white-adjacent as used by various websites is essentially a word to replace kiss ass, chicken head, house slave, wannabe, meritorious manumission seeker, Judas, Benedict Arnold, flunky, slave, employee, devil's assistant and so on.
The word white is not owned by or created by white skinned humans. The whites are the white spirits such as stars, planets, moons and other celestial bodies. One of the lords of the white is Kepheus Constellation and its several aspects, one of which is Serket-Sekhet. Many words that mean white, also mean black. White manifestations and white colored manifestations existed long before some black colored humans experienced a set of conditions that turned them white and allowed them to stay white and reproduce white. Privilege and advantages are primarily conferred by the times, the ruling circles and the adjacents properly aligned (kerkerly aligned, circle-ly karn).

Monday, July 15, 2024

Reasons Why Patients Get Pneumonia In Hospitals & How To Significantly Reduce The Risk, Especially For Black Folks
Kik Uk Kiuniru!
Unity Consciousness #3128

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzu of 11)

How many times have we heard of someone who went into the hospital for one thing, developed pneumonia, died? I now understand why.

1. Patients and their advocates do not learn enough about what's going on, do not ask enough questions and accept too many bogus answers from employees who do not have the patient's best interests in mind by doing their job fully.

2. Hospitals are like any other workplace. They have employees with the same job title that provide different levels of care. What we know about so-called modern medicine, is that it is designed for white folks, not black folks; therefore there are medications, treatments, protocols that increase the risk of receiving improper healthcare, simply because you are black, not because of incompetence.

3. The schools that teach healthcare and the healthcare industry across the board are fragmented and do not take a holistic approach, thus everything they do is without regard to the whole body set of systems and the patient's unique set of conditions and needs.

4. Despite patient rights to ask questions and have them answered and accept or refuse treatment, a parade of hospital staff come in and out the room and do things without explanation and without connection to all else being done.

5. Anyone who goes into a hospital should have an advocate with them at all times, 24 hours a day until released. If the person does not have a private room and there are not at least two advocates of the same gender as the patient, then hopefully the same sex gender can stay during the night after visiting hours and the opposite sex gender can stay during the day. Insist on staying after visiting hours so you can care for and look after the patent who continues to get care and treatment when no advocate is around. This is always dangerous, even when the patient is clear-minded, they are still sick, thus need help in understanding and making decisions.

6. If you look up the cause of pneumonia you will get explanations that avoid blaming the hospital. This is some bullshit. If you get pneumonia while not in the hospital, someone is responsible, such as yourself. Also responsible is the set of conditions you are exposed to and lack of early recognition of symptoms and early intervention.

7. Black folks know parents always warned us to dress warmly in cool weather, otherwise we would get pneumonia. The number one thing a hospital does is keep patient rooms chilly nonstop. To make it worse, if a black person is in a room with a cold lover, the room will be kept to the temperature the cold lover prefers. To make it worse, hospital gowns, sheets and blankets, are pathetic in keeping a person warm, even if you use more than one blanket.

8. Bring your own blankets and comforters. Bring socks for the patient, bring something to keep their head and ears covered. Patients are sick and need to use their body energy to fight illness, not to keep warm. The body first uses energy to keep warm and keep vital organs functioning. Then if there's extra energy, it goes toward healing and fighting pathogens.

9. Every patient has the right to ask for whatever they need, more blankets, more food, more juice, turn the Air off, put me in a private room, put me in a room with a person who does not like the cold, keep the window shade up and let the sunshine in, and so on.

10. Contrary to popular belief, a hospital does not have your best interests in mind. Their priority is to make money and claim no responsibility when things go from bad to worse.

11. Medical training worldwide does not account for the whole body system and how all conditions affect those systems. Yet, when you are in a hospital all your body systems are there and are being affected, but each thing done by various staff and ordered by doctors is not inspected regarding how it will affect each system and work with other treatments. For instance, pain medication and antibiotics will affect heart rate and blood pressure, yet staff will tell you these vital signs are outside the norm, but will not tell you how what they are doing is affecting those vital signs and neither will they adjust what they are doing. You must ask, question and state your preferences.

12. Notoriously, hospitals order a constant barrage of tests by various staff who each then can bill the insurance for their services. For instance, the CNA takes your vital signs, and then the respiratory therapist comes into to check your oxygen level, that is one of the vital signs the CNA checked.

13. Notoriously the hospital will set you up with IV's, antibiotics, oral meds, mediccation by needle, different categories of staff taking vitals and all sorts of things taking place just because it's billable and just because it's their policy and procedure, not because it's what's best for the patient on that day according to the patient's improved, worsening or same condition.

14. Going back to the room temperature, hospital staff are trained to regulate the patient's body temperature according to the hospital staff's temperature comfort. This is crazy. The person is sick. We all know that the body raises its own temperature in order to fight pathogens and to heal. Yet staff will keep rooms cold, take off blankets, leave the patient's extremities, neck and chest uncovered, especially when the patient is asleep and no advocate is around. The next time you get sick at home, keep the house cold and lay around with a hospital gown on and the thinnest sheet and blanket.

15. Another major factor that contributes to getting pneumonia in hospitals is when a person is on oxygen or a ventilator. This keeps cool air going into the lungs. Does anyone see a problem? Keep that patient warmer. If not, the body will get exhausted trying to stay warm and fight pathogens and heal, As a result, pathogens will multiply and gain a stronger upper hand. Meanwhile the patient's vital signs will be terrible and the hospital staff won't try to troubleshoot why, except to give more medications. No other basic common sense adjustments to recovering from colds, flus and pneumonia. Meanwhile all those medications come with a few dozen negative imbalancing effects called side effects. The negative side effects upset, cells, organs, systems, which causes the body to use additional energy and function less efficiently. This contributes to weakness, less ability to fend off fiends and heal.

16. No person should go into the hospital and get worse unless the illness or trauma that sent them to the hospital was already significantly unstabilized and immediately life-threatening. You mean to tell me a hospital can't catch early signs of pneumonia and make adjustments to the entire set of conditions the patient is experiencing rather than simply prescribing antibiotics and still keeping the patient cold and on low nutrition and having a toxic GI tract. Hospitals don't check as often as needed but do check some things more often simply because of billing.

17. Another major factor is when a patient is being hydrated via an IV and is not taking in liquid or food orally. IV's go directly into the blood stream. Meanwhile, the GI tract is still there from the patients mouth to the anus. When no liquid or food enters into and passes through the GI tract, naturally occurring mucous builds up, cakes up, clogs up, bogs down, along the entire path. Oral food and liquid intake prevents this. If a person takes in little to no food or liquid orally while in the hospital the GI tract becomes toxic and a breeding ground for pathogens that migrate travel into the bloodstream and lungs. This is the main source of the pathogens that cause pneumonia in hospitals. It is these sets of conditions. This is also another way acid reflux is created when the GI tract is not used for days and there is sickness elsewhere in the body causing a general upset stomach feeling that ramps up to reflux.
In other words, the GI tract is a vital organ.

18. Hospital staff will uncover a patient to check something, then fail to cover the patient completely up to their neck and over their shoulders. Imagine if no one is with the patient and this goes on all day and even all night when temperatures drop even more. The patient cannot recover as quickly and can get additional infections. Meanwhile nowhere in doctor's or other staff thought processes do they try to troubleshoot the patent's conditions, treatments and basic environmental conditions so as to make immediate adjustments. I am repeating on purpose.

19. For some reason hospital staff think if a patient is warm to the staffer's touch, the patient is too warm. We all know staying warm and hydrated helps loosen mucous and helps it drain through nose, pee and poop and sometimes helps cough it up if the patient is aware enough to spit it out. I'm amazed and dismayed at how disconnected hospital staff is to basic healthcare that you would do at home when feeling any kind of sick. Staffers are too married to what they've been taught by some school and some workplace. Patients and advocates must use common sense in their own care.

20. Don't we know a sick person needs a constant level of high quality nutrition in order to fight pathogens and heal? Yet, hospital food is insufficient. An advocate must bring food or insist on nutritious items.

21. To make matters, worse, hospitals serve breakfast lunch and dinner four hours apart then from 4pm to 7am the next morning, there is no food, that's 15 hours without food intake. A sick person is unlikely to eat all of their breakfast, lunch and dinner, and even if they did, the body is using those resources quickly. An advocate must help the patient get good nutrition throughout the day and night when the person is even partly awake.

22. Hospital staff are supposed to feed patients who can't feed themselves. Good luck with that. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to properly assist a patient.

23. Hospital staff like to keep patients lying practically flat. This does not help mucous elimination. But staff ain't thinking about that. All I keep hearing them say is they want the patient to be comfortable and sleep. More important than sleep is the proper temperature, nutrition, as few side effect filled medications as possible and other proper care. Sleep will come on its own.
Sick people at home or in hospitals need to move their bodies in order to help circulation. If they can't sit up or get up or move their arms and legs, then they must at least be turned and repositioned in the bed frequently.

24. Anytime a patient is on a ventilator, IV, feeding tube, catheter or anything that must be inserted into the body, the body must treat it as a foreign item, thus have an immune response, thus use energy, divert resources. Each invasive treatment carries the risk of infection.

25. You can get MRSA and other infections in hospitals. They are dangerous places to those who do not understand the dangers and guard against them.

26. I repeat, the medical community across the board is not good at customizing and making adjustments and diagnosing and treating causes.

A hospital is the perfect set of conditions for anyone to get pneumonia if you are admitted. The risk is higher for black folks, whether or not there are websites that admit this. There is not a single workplace where all or most workers take pride in their job and are not affected by biases, prejudices and discriminations.
27. So imagine being a black advocate for a black patient in a medical setting or hospital where 99 percent of the staff is white and here you are questioning them and asking them to do their jobs.
So pick your battles and ask for the most important things. Bring the patient better home-prepared food. The hospital nursing stations on each floor have microwaves and refrigerators.

28. No patient should expect their PCP (primary care physician), ER doctors, monitoring physicians, any specialist or any other doctor or medical staff to take into consideration their full situation and health needs when those same people must address dozens of patients each day and are restrained by several factors, human skill, human concern, hiding behind a one size fits all protocol, and other limiting logic that allows them not to have to think too much or customize.

29. In hospital stays and ER visits there is a carousel of people that come in and out and take tests, draw blood and administer medications. Most of the time they do not explain and expect you to just accept and let them do what they've been told to do.

30. Ultimately all these things are the patient's, advocate's and family's responsibility. Each person must take full responsibility for their own health, their own healthcare, treatments, medications and making adjustments to the environment in which these things are received. You do not have to be overruled by anyone, no matter their job title. In all medical settings, they are getting paid to provide services and products to you. You are the customer. You are not their mindless rightless minion or follower of what they do and how they do it.

31. What has just been explained is the perfect swarm and storm of conditions that can harm patients, and the perfect swarm and storm that patients and their advocates can, should and must do to always remain the primary caregiver.

32. Air and breath is formed from water and heat. In order for us humans to breathe, requires heat, staying warm to allow heat to flow, moisture to flow, air to flow.

33. Pneumonia is the number one hospital acquired infection that leads to death. Hospitals have lots of experience with pneumonia, yet they continue to do the same things and expect the same results....for people to die once pneumonia becomes an added complication. This should be very scary to any patient or their loved ones.

34. Search treatments for pneumonia. Search how to loosen and remove mucous from the lungs.

35. Since fools believe more than they know, check out, what are the health conditions of people who get pneumonia in hospitals

36. People don't get pneumonia because they are in the hospital, if so, staff and family members would get pneumonia on the regular, and die. People don't get pneumonia because they are in the hospital and sick, because if this was true, then admissions would far exceed discharges. People get pneumonia in hospitals when all conditions and care in the hospital are not properly managed.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Order & Disorder In The Khart, Khurt & Court
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3127

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

Order means a progression of things in a cycle, a circle, a creation, a being, a collective of souls, each of these representing a truth, a possible manifestation. Order is instructions and Instructor. Order is rule, rules, ruler, law, laws, lawgiver, lawmaker, lawyer. Order is the thing, the place, the person, the action, the thought, the behavior, the description, the modifier, the identifier. Order is all parts of speech, voices, words, utterances, silence, rest. Order is all forms of all creations and involves all forms of all creations.
The word order from:

1. Ker-Ter, Kur-Ter or Kar-Ter

2. Ur- Ter or Ter-Ur

3. Teriu from Ter-Riu

4. Urker from Rek-Ur from Rek-Ker (Lawyer) from Kerrek (Correct)

5. Urker from Kheru from Kher-Ru from Kher -Rukha

6. Ret-Ru or Ru-Ret, the repeated road and also a name of the mother as Ruret, Reret or Rerit.

7. Khiur-Khiur, circle and two circles, the kiur-kiur is the word year-year, thus year after year is a form of order, and as a human expression, year after year acknowledges the beginning, the continuation, the now and the forever. Year after Year is the same as circle after circle, cycle after cycle, season after season and time after time.
The word year also from Khar and Repa.

8. Khefr-Ra or Khepr-Ra, from Khiur-Khiur

9. Circle from Khiur-Khiur

10. Cry-Cry from Circle. Variations: Cry-Call, Call-Cry, Call-Call. These are forms of the Echo, the Ikhu from Iukh from KH, the spark and IU, the duplication repetition. Thus we can see that Khiu as the four corners and the cross is an echo, north echos south, east echos west, echos each other in order as motion travels around the circle through the cycle sequence and series of motions, events, actions.

Various Types Of Disorder

1. Disorder is the second order, the next order, the next child, the next creation, the next repetition in the cycle, the circle. Darkness is order, lightness is disorder, then lightness becomes order and darkness becomes disorder, then darkness becomes order. Water is order, Fire is disorder, then order and Air is disorder, then order and Dry Land is disorder. Monday is order, Tuesday is disorder. Tuesday is order, Wednesday is disorder. One is order, two is disorder. Mother is order, Mother-Mother is disorder. Mother-Mother is order, Child is disorder. Feminine is order, Masculine is disorder then order, Feminine is disorder.

2. Disorder is Khif-Order. Khif is This and That, thus This-Order and That-Order, thus Which Order and What Order. As students along the way to becoming more adept, we can easily see Khif is also Dhif as part of Different, thus Disorder is Different Order. We can also see Khif leads to Gift Order and Theft Order. We can leap to the threshold of the next growth stage by recognizing GIF, TIFF, JPEG and PNG as forms of Khif as images and data packs from the imagination of the Constructor-Reconstructor. Reconstructor being equal to deconstructor and destructor.

3. Kek-order is also when the overall alignments and orientations of cycles and their pole polarities are working at criss-cross purposes rather than cross purposes. This destabilizes to allow for necessary upheaval and fulfillment.

4. Kek has many forms, one of which is Check. Disorder occurs when logic is not double-checked to be in the dynamic balance that creates harmony but logic is double-checked to be in the dynamic balance that creates disharmony.

5. Disorder means a variation of order, a dif-order, a different order that results from different turns and different discerning due to different mix and match combinations of oracles, oracle readers and executors.

6. Khut-order is Dhut is Dut is Dis is the word disorder, is god order is Dhut is Thut is Thot is Thought order. We already know and show a lot of human disorder is due to thought disorder. We can now see Dhut is Deut is the word Duet is the word Due is Due-T is the word Duty. We can now see the beginning basis for the word Deuteronomy.

7. Khuti-order is Duti is Disi is disorder is the elemental souls of life order.

8. Khes-order and Khesti-order. Thus, disorder is a destiny order. Disorder in the universe is part of the destinypurpose of the need-want incentive of Spirit-Soul.

9. As we can now see, order is essential to disorder is essential to order, both of which manifest and work simultaneously.

10. Dis is Dos as in the second or the duplication of One. Disorder is the second order. Dos is second to Uno. Uno is Uni as in Universe, thus there is a Dos-verse, a Dosi-verse, a second circle, as we've long since determined. Each cell is a universe and we know the heavens are filled with way more than trillions of cells, celestial bodies. We also know that we as humans are an example of a being containing trillions of cells, each a universe within a universe. Thus there is a Tri-Verse, a Quad-Verse and so on, up to the highest number. How many worlds (universes) do we humans consider ourselves to already currently live in and exist in simultaneously everyday? Many, Very, Vari, More.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Poets Khaut In The Rain | Poetry Poem
Unity Consciousness #3126

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

Poets Khaut In The Rain

by the Handful Artist Collective: Khauti-Triu, Khau-Iukh-Khriu, Pau-En-Teriu, Pauti-Ter, Pauti-Ret,

Though downpour rain is disdained
No such deluge doused volcano flame
Fire moun-tains don't shrivel cloud foun-tains
Each need not diminish the other's home range
Instead they replenish naturalesque chains
Each enhances the other's campaign
Human choices shame the game
In identity crisis places on bone dry plains
Where poets dwindle in no fame

A hurricane receives all kinds of blame
Giant intuit who deserves acclaim
Water wasted, called tasteless mundane
Mess takes these mistake claims
Resieves each grain to reframe
Different words, same refrain
Intelligence without poets is insane

Reconnect to vine to cure the vein
As evidenced by elemental El-Aines
Re-expressing abode and code contained
Without fail or tail of ourang-outang
Where spirit, soul, brain are selfsame
And that I am is all that aim
To support the wild bunch, the tame
Coming for the haineous on the hain
A free wheeling res-train
Boomerang effect of Urru's Kam pain
Like Afer Kane Jane
And Keku-Akhemu-Seku no names
Poet powers remain germane

Mama is a lion-fish roaring unreined
Dada, an ape crocodile kaaning untamed
Duet, truet and triu are poetry's senset names
Kartek, Quartet, Akar Aurua and Aquaria be sames
Creator-Destroyer hallmarked twain
Stirs the waters to heat bread and breath again
A lot in a big pot to sustain the gargantuan gang
Steam up-pours, rain down from the Khuricain
The first poets are water-fire-air exchange
Called forth who heard hurried came kame
Knowing many meanings of many names
Rhymes, reasons and rhythms rearranged
Pau-It-Tri allways appertains