If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pick Your Poison Bumblefuck
Democrats Ar Republicans Not Us
Definition of White Adjacent
Unity Consciousness #3129

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

Every year there is some version of local to county to state to national election that reduces the consideration to Democrat or Republican.
In the Ghoul Ole USA, Pick Your Poison is subtextually pled to be the only choice black people have when choosing to vote for a candidate in any election, as if the words democrat and republican have the power to change the fundamental nature of a person or the racist malcontent of the USA.
The difference between democrats and republicans has been sufficiently explained in several ways. Here's another repetition of Vari the Repa.

If you don't know by now, you will never know that both repubs and dems are as maafa racist as their ghostly ghastly faces. They are in fact, Ridiculans and Demonicrats.

“You look like you've seen a ghost.”
Translation: turned white, look pale, look like death, look like you've been scared to death, look like the healthy color in you has been drained right out due to staring death in the face, look like you saw your reflection and are acting out self-rejection...
This is what Dems and Repubs see in their mirrors and what they manifest in all of the ten main institutions of people activity.
All this life I've been surrounded by spiritually, mentally, emotionally dead people in the flesh who are grim in their reapings.

Just like, the lesser of two evils, pick your poison is a miserable stinking rigged crapshoot shituation.

Republicans are full strength 100% poison.
Democrats are poison light, 99.5% poison.
Both poisons will kill you in the same ways and just as quickly.
The difference is your stupid perception and acquiescence to this choice conundrum, affectionately, a bumblefuck.
Picking between the Democrat Poison or the Republican Poison is like choosing between death by firing squad followed by administrative leave for the shooting gallery or death by hanging followed by a picnic (pignig) celebration for the community thus entertained and status quo maintained. Their pain transferred to our pain transferred to their gain.

The choice between Republicans are Democrats is not a choice between right and wrong or better and worse, instead it is a choice between worsest westworst and worsest northworse.
The only difference between west, worse and north is the letter R.

Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin and two halves of a double lie.
GOP is Kep. Dem is Tun. Thus Kep-Tun, Captain, thus together they are captains and take turns doing so while keeping up the game that they are not the same.

Any political group that does not put the rights of black people first, is a poison group, including Green Party, Tea Party, Independents, Black and Brown Party, People of Color Party, Libertarians, Constitution Party, Natural Law Party, Socialist, Democratic Socialist, Manifest Destiny of White Folks and Butt-Licking Wannabes...

Until you treat your choices, your thinking, your behavior, like a triage, you are living in a choice mirage where you keep your soul in a storage shed garage along with all your other barragenous logic.

Until any political party or candidate has a platform intent on restoring the inherent rights of creation and treating all problems, injustices, imbalances as if their political jurisdiction is a triage center, then choosing them is losing you.
Yes this also applies to all of you who claim you ain't black, in a family tree ancestral genetic sense, not skin color wise, not country wise, not some kind of ethnic cultural religious designation wise and not some random suboptimal identifier chosen from a grab garbage bag of bogus locus focus.

In the current societal paradigm, the only political choice for black folks is between:
1. Someone who claims to not be a Maafa Racist, but clearly is, as evidenced by them having already shown you who they are time after time.
2. Someone who claims to not be a Maafa Racist, and you believing it without knowing it, as evidenced by your misconstrued need to feel the soothing warmth of okie doke smoke being blown up your arsu-nar after being bumblefucked another day all day by a hot angry trained mob of train wrecks of thought nought rekhs well taught.

Note: Despite various definitions of white adjacent or white-adjacent as applied to various non-white groups, I say white adjacent means: only existing in the shadow of white folks, thus only existing as a result of white folks existing. Also only having thought as the result of the thought of white folks. It does not mean having privilege or white privilege, neither of those things are terms of achievable reality. Clearly a black person having white privilege is impossible because you don't have white skin and even as light skin you don't qualify for white group designation or acceptance. Besides, having crackhead butties and living in a crack house boarded up (segre-gated) community is sanely not all it's cracked up to be by your feenin' to be like the squawking ded-icated to remain incubated and intubated by outward aggressions of self-hate because they don't breathe the same air, they are anaerobic in their souls.
Clearly a black person having privilege conferred on them by white folks is not possible because any so-called conference of privilege is multiple times removed by Maafa Racism, as recently proven by Insane Obama and Clarence Thomas and Joy Reid.
The meaning of white-adjacent as used by various websites is essentially a word to replace kiss ass, chicken head, house slave, wannabe, meritorious manumission seeker, Judas, Benedict Arnold, flunky, slave, employee, devil's assistant and so on.
The word white is not owned by or created by white skinned humans. The whites are the white spirits such as stars, planets, moons and other celestial bodies. One of the lords of the white is Kepheus Constellation and its several aspects, one of which is Serket-Sekhet. Many words that mean white, also mean black. White manifestations and white colored manifestations existed long before some black colored humans experienced a set of conditions that turned them white and allowed them to stay white and reproduce white. Privilege and advantages are primarily conferred by the times, the ruling circles and the adjacents properly aligned (kerkerly aligned, circle-ly karn).