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Many humans have intermittently accepted the thought that the human body is a temple. Ignoring Pocahontas, we have more consistently accepted human-made secondary creation buildings as temples, treating them with greater sacred space respect than Temple Earth. We sin against sin, by free will, as if everything in the wheel house is free to the will, to wield, to fill with more wants than needs, and that that's the complete terms of the deal. On and on course we go, unwisely heading smack dab into the boomerang effects of recourse, leaving the next generation of others and the next iteration of self to foot the bill. Sefekh says, means and ends always meet. Some bodies always pay the tab for petar days and bata days. If we sinned with sin, every little thing would be alright, okay. Anyways, the house all ways wins.
The greatest temple is the body of the Super Being, the curved burekh house carved by this Superb-est Superbeast of Animals. Yes, the universe is a temple. Yet, word temple is also word simple. Both have the same meanings. Simple is based on the sem-sem, mes-mes, mesti, simful, sinful, sum of all karts. Ple is Plu is is Ful is Full is Fluid is Fluent is full to the extent. Temple is Stem-Full, Khem-Khru and Khem-Free.
This is an update to Universe | Earlier Definitions & Meanings, UC#2398
Word Universe from Unnu-Mer-Tu from Unnu-Nurtu from Nunu-Nur-Khiu from Nunu-Niur-Khiur.
Unnu is the twin and total birthplace of it is what is is containing all circles and their repeating cycles with exits for coming forth and entrances for going back. It is a house under guard, fence, gate, seal, bolt, lock and key with lines that should be crossed but not crossed. It is an open house with hidden rooms we can't escape from or into. It is the workspace resting place for spirit-soul, energy, matter, beings, people, inhabitants, new-raw materials, niu-riu materials, niur-iu materials, and all other animals by any name vilified or glorified where what goes around, comes back around as gifts, re-gifting, stolen and re-stolen, borrowed and returned.
Un is the period, bad, evil, defect, deficient, open, bald, afflicted, murmuring, waiting.
The universe is the first and last verse, I.e, omega and alpha.
Verse is Nurtu is the Nurtu-Ring, word nurturing. Nurtu is Nur-Nur is Niur-Niur is Nile-Nile is Nile-Ti is Ti-Nile is De-Nile is word denial. We can go in the front door through Niur-Niur to Nu-Niur to Ne-Nile to De-Nial to denial. This process reveals word menial. Deny means to accept or reject the two truths of the rivers that run through IT and everything in IT and connect the IT to the TI. This is the itty bitty, the total and half-total, the large and small. In other words, to view itty bitty as only meaning tiny or small is a truth half empty and half full. In other words, to interact with the universe using only half-truth logic, is like reading a script with half the pages missing and not wondering why you lack comprehension of what the story is really about and why the actors are acting as if they are not in the same play.
Size matters: There are multiple universes large and small. Each creation is a universe. Despite what humans consider small and microscopic, humans are among the smallest in the overall universe, and even in this Earth-En-Verse.
Uni-stand where you fit in and how and why you got in.
Variations of the UNI; Khun-Khun, Khiun-Khiun, Kh-Unnu, Unu, Annu, Anu, Khennu, Shennu, Nun, Num, Nem, Mum, Mem, Mun, Men, Nunu, Unun, Numu, Umun, Nemu, Umen, Mumu, Umum, Memu, Umem, Munu, Unum, Menu, Unem, Nin, Nim, Mim, Min, Nini, Inin, Numi, Imun Mani, Mone, Omni, UM. MU, NU, NNU, NA, AN, ON, IN, NNUI, EN, word Any, Ani, and more.
Khunnukh or Khennukh is another route to word enough that tells us
heaven and hell is enough.
In other words, the universe is an Enough-Verse, an Any-Means-Necessary-Verse, a Whatever-Verse, an Anything-That-Can-Be-Imagined-Verse.
In this expanded sense, the Superb Being is a Superbowl, a Superbola. This leads to word Hyperbola and word Hyperbole.
Both words from Typhon-Per-Bole. Ber (Per), the supreme height, be ebullient, well up, swell up and boil up to the topmost height as part of repeating the likeness of the power of spirit-soul from which you are formed. Ber and Bole are forms of Baal as Polaris South, the child of Typhon as the north and Ursa Major. These two are the Ber-Pair, Per-Pair and Pre-Pair that prepare us for the Kher-Pair, Khiur-Pair, Kar-Fare two truths of all times. Word prepare is to get ready to understand the behind of time and the ahead of time in order to always be AN time in perfect timing.
This allows us to be careful by being Kar-Fule Khiur-Ful of the Per-Bole.
Being Careful Continues
Be careful is the same thing as saying, careful careful. This can be shown in detail but it is enough to say that word BE can be expanded to word Circle, which leads to Be Careful as equal to Circle-Circle. Thus to be careful is to be in possession of enough two truths in order to complete the assignments. This starts with Khekher and Kherfer, the nun other mothers of the converse universe, conversing each other, bringing them-tham selves into fuller existence.
Likewise then, we can figure out what it means to be careless and the many problems this BE-havior invites and welcomes into the circle cycles of lives. Word careless is care-res. Res is heaven, but only half, thus half of heaven is not enough because half-truths used as wholes leads to disfigured circles called anemia and thalassemia. It leads to anemic group conditions such as weakness in the four inseparables, sick and tiredness syndromes intentionally misclassified locally, nationally and globularly by the legally potentated medical industrial complex that force feeds you pills for ills rather than giving you cures for injures. Anemic people are the dead-to-be cold-hearted who exhibit migraine levels of feeble-mindedness. There is always a re-karr of spirit-souls. This is word recall for product defects. Why do you think human product recalls are a normal thing? It is another of thousands of signs of the times of the above and within, now manifesting in the below and without. These are the ins and outs. The anemic spirit-souls of life in the above are portrayed below as walking dead, zombies, vampires and other suck-the-life-out destructive types.
When the Kar is full of foals who are not molded folded into being fools, then the cure automatically appears by default as a byproduct of the word default being foal-ti instead of faulty.
Hyperbola and Hyperbole is the hole, whole and womb of the universe and occurs in the womb as spirit-soul fashioned for each universe, to each according to need. The Hyperbole as Baal is the soul of life in fire, as you can imagine, was a very big bang up nu deal in a universe of waters, darkness and a spurt spark of imagination. Thus Hyperbole, as exaggeration, is a good thing in the universe when used for the greater good or greater bad depending on which side of the exustence fence you have or have not as tefense for efense.
Sticking with bole, we can now see connections to other words such as mole and vole who bore (bole) holes. The pole is an exaggerated extension of relatively flat waters, and is equal to tree, mountain and pyramid, each of which rise to superior heights in the earthscape. The knoll is the top and has a connection to word knowledge. Both foal and noel represent the firstborn from the one who is self-created, thus the first duplicate of self, thus the creation of another universe, thus the first mother who can give birth to others is the first noel. She is the ac-co-la-di, cola Nuti, dark waters, dark energy, the ladi-dadi. Mary is Noel as female, Jesus is Noel as male.
One of several possible origins of word Female and word Male are from noel and soul. Word Fe is to bear, carry in the womb and FEED. Thus we have the Fe-Soul and Soul. Thus Fe is to give, while word Fee is to take. Thus the Mother, with all her universe power unknown and not understood, is the Fe-AR and first one to cause what is described as word fear. So instead of false evidence appearing real, fear is meru, misunderstood evidence revealing universe. This leads to word meru as a form of word mirror, thus what we we fear is a mirror image of what we don't fear. Fear of the dark is due to not being able to see in the dark. This is a meru of not-fearing the light, while fearing things seen in the light. And for some, this is the other way around. Fear of drowning is a meru of not fearing breathing, while fearing drowning out of water in debt, racism, self-hate in general, identity crisis, misguided notions of love, and so on. This is not about the human condition but about the universal condition. Humans are a familiar example.
In other words, both, what is feared and what is not, are poorly misunderstood in terms of a healthy sense of universe, thus self, thus all else. There is no healthy worldview for humans that does not harmonize with a healthy universe view, even if we don't think in those terms, we must act consistently with those terms. This is hard but not difficult. It is temple simple simon sart peter. Word simple is also word person. Word fear in the form of FE-UR, allows us to see word Femur as the thigh named after the female, later associated with the bone. Femur applies to the place of release of female waters above and below that brings forth the child and leads to femare, another origin of word female, which is consistent with word foal as earlier applying to the child of any animal, including the animal we selectively forget ourselves to be. To marry is to join two. Word marry is a form of Mer-Ru, the two halves of the waters north and south in the circle. Word married is merru-et is merrut is word merit and merti and word marred.
Marry was not based on “love” in the recent sense, but based on life in the univeral sense. Marriage is uniting to ensure the continuation of life through the continuation of life of all else. What does continuation mean? Word marriage is Merru-Kau, Meru the two cows of heaven. Due to this being the marriage season of the Age of Aquaria with multiple partners, the Sun has entered the merger zone. This is why humans have been educated to reflect marriage based on love and to reflect the marriage of same sex and other variations. In recent times, a relative few number and types of human marriage are primarily concerned with and enabled to ensure the continuation of life, even if the marriages reproduce souls of life because we know this alone is not enough. We don't know the reason this is not enough, is that it does not contain enough of heaven, the universe.
Nowadays, marriage is basically a societal approved license to have “”sex” in its weakest sense, which is why most forms of sex outside of marriage and life outside of marriage and children outside of marriage, is viewed as unacceptable, lesser than, failure. This is a human animal face-forward focus instead of being a lion-animal ass-backwards focus. Understand the sphinx wedded ring to add missing links to what you think.
We go back to remember that male, mare and meru are based on niur as the waters, lake and most often the river. The female is a niur whose living waters flow in forms of mentruation, birth waters breaking and lactation. The male, whose waters only flow through semen, is an important, but lesser, river of life, sorta like a stream, brook, creek. Thus then, the male's larger role is in supporting the females and the foals. This is simple-ly another version of what the Supreme Being is doing in the temple by creating a division of gender, thus a division of roles and duties. Water is the marriage of hydrogen and oxygen who mimic the female and male concepts. Simple is to see the sem-sem in the temple.
Word family is a form of fe-mare and fe-meru. Everything is a reflection of family dynamics, so when the human notion of family is estranged from the wholeness notion of family, then what you see is what you get, regardless of how much you try to hedge deficits with contrivances to protect the deficits. Fatal flaws cannot continue long-term.
Word thigh is a form of khikh, the meeting place where the two halves of the cirlce meet or body meet.
Word khikh has been detailed in meanings and shown in its earlier forms.
Hathor by my side, is dripping love on me, laying a rap on me, repping me while ripping me, gripping my thighs, my female and male, unwrapping me. Word Love is that which supports living fully. Word Life comes before word love, a spelling variation of life.
The first step back from love is rume, thus roomy or roomie is the first and truest notion of love. This is self-love of body temple with the inner temple of spirit-soul. This is the temple-ti of love, the two temples, the word template. The reason Mer is defined as love is because Mer as Meru is Rume is Love. Meru leads to word Rume as Rum as Room which is space, room to breathe, rum to breed. The expanded combination of rum-mur leads to rumour, which can be a good thing. Also word murmur as conversations between the two mur who are so close and in tune, they only need to speak barely above a whisper in ways others who are not part of the marriage merger, can't apprehend.
Self-love in terms of the the universe is the embrace the circle membrane walls gives to the waters. This membrane is equal to the human body. Both are sem-brains that must have the wisdom of being able to recognize self in all layers and formations, otherwise be insane in the membrane.
Through meanings and visually, we can see that love as a form of meru leads to word merge as a joining of the khe the spirit-soul. Not just merging but becomine one while being able to distinguish self before and after. This applies to merging and becoming a soul mate roomie as a friend, neighbor, sibling, citizen or any other joint or collective name that suggest being part of a group.
In order to love someone as a neighbor, friend, family, an other than yourself, you must see them as self. You must sem them, sem-sem them, seem them. This requires knowledge.
Love fits like and feels like a glove because word glove is g-rume is merge. This is why the hand is given in marriage. These can be transformed and expanded back to khiurm or khiurmn, another name of the circle.
Love has a lot more to say because Life has reta meru to shau.
Briefly stated, the UN in universe means dwell, dwelling. UN as a person is the UNT who washes the ba-hinds (behinds) of others (uth-ers, birthplace repetitions). Of course, UN as NU is water, heaven, see, eye, perceive, conceive, discover, try, examine, a time appointed, a type, an image, a portrait, with, of, from and by water.
The most powerful UN is the Universe, not a bunch of whacked out cancer-conspiring humans being led to the cliff by the wackiest. Have you ever seen such a sight in your life as these blind mice?
The price of eggs is more important than the homeless and school shootings and...
Hurry up, God, and take out of the world that which you brought in to destroy family, neigbor, friend. AA-Sekha! Aw Suki-Suki Now! Go head! Go head!
I imagine a universe that causes all societies to fall in unstoppable domino rapid succession, and the remnant will walk upon the debris, pushing it into the hungry mouth of the Earth Beast whose turn it is to feast.
Word domino from tumino from tum-nui from tumunu from Tumu-Amenau from Tumu-Amen-Au-El to Immanuel and Emmanuel. Tum is the Great Judge, as in here comes the judge, the AA-ren. Tum is a name of the sun in the lower half of the circle-cycle. Tum (tem, tumi, temi, tema) is a total measure, to cut, strike, announce, make true my life and justify my love, complete, perfect, perfected, satisfy.
Amen is a title of the soul of life in the hidden sun, coming forth by night into the second half of day. Although the sun is with us because Earth is attached to the sun, the power of the sun, the power we are experiencing is the sun under water in the galaxy; however the sun is being lifted onto dry land to dry off, rest and transform from a fish into a bird. I believe I can fly.
The domino effect is two-way. First when things are constructed, aligned and connected, but not soundly in balance; then secondly when things are constructed, aligned and constructed soundly in balance. When the two meet, you already know how things are going to turn out. Immanuel is in keeping with, we're here, the sun is here. When the power of prepubescent sun in the lower, merges, marries and holy kisses and touches itself with the power of its other half, its pubecent self, then tumult occurs, upheaval fulfillment, the peace fulfillment. We are the tail end of upheaval fulfillment where there is no justice no peace, yet it is right around the corner because all seven above have fallen and been replaced by the eight, nine and ten, along with the legion of nui ready to rock the house till the morning light. As another warning to humans who are the last to know, now comes the delayed reaction below, that we only vaguely grasp as climate change. This is taking place throughout the solar system and happens on a regular basis throughout the universe. Governments are falling like dominoes.
Uni as Nui is firstborn inhabitants and powers of the waters released as an inundation deluge flood, continuously drip by drip, drop by drop, then eventually suddenly all at once. Nui (Maori), great, superior, exalted rank. Nia or Nui (Egyptian), deity, great, type, appointed form, appointed time, parent, child, repetition, nomes, water boundaries. Nui or Nu (Namaqua Hottentot), an oath.
See Karat for bolt, lock, key. Other words have same meaning.