If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Definitions & Meanings Of Sahara
Desert By Meaning But Not By Name
Unity Consciousness #915



1. An Arabic word meaning Great Desert; therefore, the phrase Sahara Desert is redundant. (Africa:Mother, 128)

Sahara is not Arabic in origin. It is Arabic in version. Sahara has Babylonian, Chaldean, Kushite-Ethiopian, Egyptian-Khemite roots. This, of course, makes sense since the Arabians themselves have African roots, so also must their language have African genetics. In this statement alone is the first truth for all other groups about their physical and language genetics. (AE1 319/329)

There was an Egyptian-Kamite ruler named Saha-ra of the 3rd Dynasty mentioned in many references. His name is also spelled Sahu-Ra and Sahure. (NG2 437/455) and (Manetho, 50/86)

2. An Arabic word meaning 'deserts' or 'wildernesses,' being the plural of sahra, literally an 'extension,' and hence a widely extended plain, and then used to denote a plain destitute of herbage, a moor, heath, or desert.

Sierra is a form of Sahara. (Taylor 241-2)

3. Sah is the Ancient Ancient Egyptian concept of the spiritual body released from the material bonds of the flesh. Also called sashu, this spiritual essence was released from the body during mummification processes and funerary rituals. (Bunson 369/481)

Sah is a cross strap. (BB 71/83) and (Asante & Mazama, 78)

4. Sahu is Sah. It is the Orion star system of the southern sky, a constellation in the equatorial zone, visible to the naked eye thanks to its brilliant stars, which form a quadrilateral enclosing a shape like a "T." (Asante & Mazama, 78)

Sahu is the spiritual body or spiritual mummy or celestial body. (AE1 154/164), (AE1214/224), (AE1 395/405)

Sahu is a glorified form in which the soul of the deceased is re-incorporated for the life hereafter. Horus, Heru, The Sun is the Sahu of the Moon (Sut, Horus, the Elder). (AE1 319/329)

Sahu is the resurrection of the soul that passes from the body on earth and emerges in Amenta, the underworld earth of eternity birthplace. (AE2 820/284)

Sahu is the living mummy that is resurrected. In religious terms, the risen Jesus is the Sahu. (AE2 654/118)

Sahu is identical with the Karest or the Christ. IN OTHER WORDS, every person's spirit that is resurrected and does not suffer the second death is a Christ. The savior of the world is all the spirits that are going to be resurrected for the day of the Great Battle. (AE2 781/245)

Sahu signifies to incorporate. The soul of the dead was incorporated in the physical mummy which then, once entombed, passed into the underworld, but was left outside the gates of Amenta and the soul entered Amenta and was incorporated as the Sahu mummy in spiritual form which then entered the sekeru solar bark coffin. (AE2 881/345)

Sahu means to assemble and perambulate, to set up, charm, drive away the evil. (BB 292/304)

Sekar Variations

Sekar means to cut; cut in pieces; sacrifice; or, as we have the word in English, to score and scarify. (NG1 120/138)

Sekar means to be silent, inactive, inert, assenting to quiescence [consenting to a period of dormancy]. (NG2 124/132)

Sekaru means a fort. (NG2 124/132)

Sekeru-barkor sekru is a coffin. (AE2 654/118) and (AE2 875/339)

Sekari is the silent. This is the typical victim that opened not his mouth, as the inarticulate Horus[Sut, the Moon, the first incarnation and first truth of the Sun]. (AE2 874/338)

Sekari is the burial place in the lower Egypt of Amenta and the sandy wilderness of Sekari. (AE2 654/118)

Sekari is the sandy realm of Amenta, the under-world is a wilderness of sand, the place of interment, the Kâsu* or burial-place, the place wherein the living, but dead are destroyed.[and the dead but living are restored] (AE2 643/107)

*Khabsu is the elemental power of darkness divinized in Sut. It is the evidence for a soul of life in the dark was furnished by the star. Hence the soul and star are synonymous under the name of Khabsu.(AE1 124/134)

Khabsu is one of the seven elements from which the enduring soul and total personality of man is finally reconstituted in Amenta after death. It is the dark shade whereas the light shade is the Sahu. (AE1 127/137)

Sekari is the wilderness. It is the sandy realm of Amenta, a land of bondage from which an exodus is made by those who rise from the dead as children. It is a wilderness of the nether-earth, a land of graves. (AE2 643-4/107-8)

Sekari is a title of Horus, the sun-god. (AE2 891/355) and (AE2 576/40)

Sekari is a title of Osiris [Ausar, Ptah] as the mutilated and dismembered god. It is explained that this darkness of Sekari, the god who is pierced, wounded, cut in pieces, is caused by Sut “the slayer,” who has “terrified by prostrating.” Sekari is Osiris in the sekru, or coffin who is the father who is then resurrected as the son who is also called Sekari. (AE2 875/339) and (AE2 576/40)

Sekari is the sufferer in the cross, on the cross or as the cross. (AE2 873/337)

Other Names For Portions Of The Sahara

Kimit Desert, Egyptian Desert, Lebu Desert, Libyan Desert. (Africa 259, 265)

There are many other names for the Sahara that are localized to specific portions of the Sahara.

The Sahel

Sahel or Sahal is the region, the intermediate transition zone, between desert and forest. In other words, savanna. (Asante & Mazama, 603)


Like most words in any language, Sahara has multiple meanings because it is a compound word. Sahara is composed of smaller words which form various combinations. As a result, there are multiple variations of spelling the same word within most languages. When the words or their meanings are used in other languages, additional variations of spelling and meanings come into existence. Language is not sacred in the sense that it is untouchable, unchangeable and immune from the ever-present touch of creative genetic potential genius.**

Look and listen with all sensing abilities and letters, shapes, and sounds will reveal their patterns and rhythms, thus recalibrate you to their understandings.

As is knowable through meanings of all of the associated words above, especially “Sekari,” Sahara also means “Great Graveyard” and “Great Burial Ground.” Therefore, a desert is a womb, tomb and cocoon. This must be so. It has already been proven. (Diop, Chapter X)
A Sahara exists in many places on this planet. Sahara also exists in many dimensions in the below, above, within and without.

**This paragraph, in conjunction with the entire closing section, is why words like Sun, son, moon and daughter share meanings. Both sun and moon are each male and female. Sun and moon each are representative of the child of either sex. Suns and moons are celestial sons and daughters. Human sons and daughters are each, earthly moons and suns. Thus, if the sun is a star then so is the moon and so can we be likened (See Khabsu above).
As mentioned above Sahu, Karest, Karast, Christ and spirit mummy are all the same things.