If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Reasons For African Rhythm Lovers & Rhythm Haters
Differences We Have In Common
Unity Consciousness #354


Rhythm is far more than a display of singing, dancing, drumming and other forms of music-making. At the same time, rhythm's greatness can be expressed through singing, dancing, drumming and music-making.

Everything in creation expresses rhythm through motion, movement and daily activity. Rhythm is the expression of creation and Creator.

Innerstand, there must be rhythm for a system of multiplicity to maintain overall harmony eternally.

Your heart beats in rhythm. Feet move in rhythm to heartbeat. Lungs have rhythm. You've heard of circadian rhythm and biorhythm. Cooking, cleaning, eating, digesting and excreting involve rhythm.

Who celebrates anything without rhythm? Who mourns without rhythm? Crying quickly takes on a rhythm. If you have ever been in extended physical pain, you know there is a rhythm to the moaning. You also know rhythm helps you endure the pain. Knowing this is another way of understanding what we are experiencing and why we keep on doing what we do. The deeper the emotion, the deeper the rhythm. The more in touch you are with the thought and the feeling – the deeper the rhythm.

Some say pain comes in waves. Waves are rhythms. Have you ever seen time lapse videos of the sky changing or of plants and animals growing? They dance their whole lives. If you watch nature you will witness rhythm. Rhythm is as much a part of self as anything else. If you want to be natural, you must be in rhythm.

Do not allow anyone to steal this wealth by mocking you into concealing this wealth. Don't do it.
“Through a combination of the elements of nature (i.e., plant life, water, certain types of animals, and air or life breath) with singing, dancing, and drumming, one can achieve internal spiritual satisfaction.” (1)
Rhythm is necessary for every kind of health.

Rhythm is a component of power. “The combination of drumming, singing, and dancing is the major means by which many African cultures worship or interact with the divine and to invoke the spirit of the ancestors, various deities, and the Creator.” (2)

Rhythm is in all harmonious expression. Rhythm is the expression of the without and within – the exhale and inhale. It has been proven that there are some who can do things and others who can do things better. This is common and normal. What is aboriginal is to hate those who are able to do what you would love to be able to do - be both a Rhythm-Lover and a Rhythm-Hater.

A Long Rap Sheet Tries To Criminalize Rhythm

Do not be deceived, the richness of rhythm in your African self, extends into all things . African rhythm is civilization. African rhythm brought civilization into being from the spiritual dimension. World history overflows with evidence showing that whatever Africans touch, even when misguided, it is infused with rhythm.

All this rhythm is there for the connecting, understanding and becoming in touch with the fullness of self across all dimensions. Rhythm is higher intelligence. Either you love rhythm or hate rhythm or drive yourself crazy trying to do both.

(1) Asante, Molefi Kete and Mazama, Ama Editors, "Encyclopedia Of African Religion," (2009) p. 723.
(2) Ibid., p. 222, paraphrased.
(3) Amen-Ra.