If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, December 25, 2017

Water & Plants Are The Basis of Nutrition
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1171


(Part 9bq of 11)

In keeping with the example metaphors of the Creator, the same thing is being repeated in a slightly different way.

When I look closer and more deeply into pure water, I see air, earth, sun and other seeds.
Plant seeds absorb all these water-based nutrient seeds.
Plants combine these seeds back into a state of wholeness.
Other creatures are supposed to eat that wholeness as soon as possible after harvesting. All other animals, except humans, eat plants right then and there after harvesting, without delay. In doing so, these other animals get the broadest range of level-of-life-sustaining energy vibration. When we humans harvest plants and eat them later, we are getting a diminished level-of-life sustaining energy vibration.

Your human cells work nonstop and are in constant need of water.
When you eat dry foods and food that have a narrow range of life energy vibrating in it, the body must rehydrate (add water and other nutrients to) that food in order to transform it. It doesn't take long for this type of food to suck the life out of us, and then we need supplements, and medicine and treatments, and health insurance and all manner of this and that to deal with all manner of health issues. When malnutrition exists, processes do not function easily and things do not move through our system with-ease, thus, results in dis-ease, because the system is seized-up, because water is also a lubricant and stimulant for all of our inner moving parts.

Everything starts with the water, ends with the water and restarts with the water.

It can potentially take months to recalibrate our drinking habits. There are many strategies to get there. Some of which are:
1. Start reducing consumption of other liquids and increasing water intake.
2. Find healthier substitutes for the other liquids you are drinking.
3. Drink rainwater and snow water. What do you think winter-hardy creatures are drinking?
4. Get somewhere where you can get water that doesn't come from a municipality. Also, find purer sources for the other forms of water you are consuming that contain nutrients for mind, emotion, spirit-soul.
5. Grow some plants.
6. Flavor that water with fruits, vegetables, leaves (herbs, spices).
Try this out for at least 3 to 6 months and I am guaranteeing, you will notice an improvement in how your body, mind, emotions and spirit-soul functions.

*Dis-ease is the same thing as dys-ease, mis-ease, mys-ease, un-ease, not-with-ease, ab-ease, ob-ease, thus obese; con-ease, non-ease, im-ease, ad-ease, de-ease.

*Sickness stinks. The body is of brilliant design. OG is on point! Whatever has an unpleasant smell or taste, we are programmed to avoid, and that is why things we consume through the mouth or any other route, are given artificial flavorings and scents
Start with water and plants as the basis of food nutrition to help restore yourself to health.
Start there and you will move through the process quicker than safarians who earlier passed this way, because the way is known, well-marked and paved for those willing to take the steps, which includes allowing spirit-soul to customize the route.

If malnutrition means deficit, then nutrition must mean abundance.
This is what we are seeking, needing and missing.
If we were getting optimal nutrition, we'd be getting abundance.
This abundance would be enough for our cells to function, repair themselves, defend themselves, grow, and thus allow us to have greater genetic capacity, thus evolve.

Water and plants are in abundance. The abundance of nutrition should come from water and plants.