If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, December 3, 2017

People Getting Older Remaining Immature Believers
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1148


(Part 9at of 11)

My body was asleep, then my mind woke up just enough for me to contemplate being asleep and awake at the same time. I was able to think about how rested I felt and that I needed to go to the bathroom and that it was cold and that it was still dark. My mind was still asleep in a deeper restorative rest mode of consciousness, but I was also able to think about what I planned to do today. During those moments I decided to not transcribe any messages from the walls of the Hall of Two Truths. Then my mind rejoined my body at a deeper level of reduced activity. After awhile I woke up completely and germinating seeds of thoughts scrolled across the screen.
If you are still in the habit of encountering information, and your first and ongoing reaction is “whether or not you believe the information,” then your growth, maturity and beingness has become stagnated.
Stagnation that goes on too long, breeds a warping imbalance, out-of-roundness of logic, which all of this is to say logic stagnation leads to mutation of thinking and behaving. This leaves you ill-prepared for the times.

Everything in the Universe, in all forms, in all dimensions, seen and unseen, is information.
Information does not depend on whether or not you believe it is right or wrong or whether or not you agree or disagree or whether you believe or don't. Information is just information.
However, your understanding does depend on whether or not you believe something or not and how much reliance you place on belief and disbelief.
If your initial, primary, main and ongoing thought process is based on whether or not you believe something, you will stay stuck in weak cognitive mode, and you will suffer for it because your mind, emotion, body and spirit-soul will be malnourished and underutilized because you are not feeding your mind sufficiently or exercising it sufficiently.

If the main energy you apply towards information results in a conclusion and decision that says:
I believe it or I don't believe it,
then you have accomplished nothing except self-deception.
You think you have made an informed “intelligent” decision, when instead you have made a deformed “intelligent” decision.
It doesn't matter or not if the decision turns out to be good for you. Your thought process is messed up and that will lead to many false suboptimal conclusions and decisions, while at the same time, randomly producing good results – roulette reasoning.
To decide whether or not you believe something or not is the same thing as flipping a coin (evidently the preferred way of knowing among humans during this stage of the cycle).
To decide whether or not you believe or disbelieve information, without further investigation, is the same thing as deciding whether or not someone loves you by, taking a flower and pulling off the petals one by one and saying, s(he) loves me, s(he) loves me not. This method of thinking is appropriate for the mentally immature who do not yet understand love and have no other means of understanding it, so they guess at it the best way they know how.
This is the same thing as deciding whether or not you believe something.
Using belief as your main and ongoing thought process might be appropriate for you, but then you must also acknowledge, that if it is appropriate, then your mind is also immature, at least in regards to the information you believe or don't believe.
Belief is an immature stage of knowing. Belief is a seed of thought.
Belief is an immature stage of growing. It must be nourished to grow into what it should be.

If you have ideas, philosophies and values that are mainly based on belief or disbelief, then you are getting older and remaining immature. And in doing so, you are becoming worse off than before you encountered the information in the first place.
All beliefs are being broken down and exposed for the immature thinking that they are. It will hurt mentally, emotionally and spiritually, if we are fortunate. If we are unfortunate, it will hurt physically, in terms of life, existence, basic needs, even unto physical hardship, even unto physical death. This has been happening and is happening worldwide in stages as the Universe, Galaxy, Solar System, Sun, Moon and World turn & return.
Belief during these suboptimal times, is a disconnection from the foundation and fundamental principles of nature. (Existence disconnected from Preexistence & Essence) (Life disconnected from understanding the basis/basics of Life)

On the other hand, understandings that come from the process of investigating information, so that it becomes knowledge and knowing, then those understanding are always growing and changing and readjusting orientations to the current cycle and set of conditions, thus understandings and knowing always allow us to put things in their proper perspective. It allows us to know better and do better. Belief does not. Belief allows us to just believe and keep on the same way, just in a different form.

Knowing diffuses across membrane layers of dimensions, thus reaches the essence.
Belief refuses to go any further/farther than the surface and its accompanying limited pieces of logic.
Belief is a thief in the sight.
"There comes a time when all the cosmic tumblers have clicked into place and the universe opens itself up for a few seconds to show you what's possible."

In my partial awakeness, I believed I could choose to take today off and not be the scribe I am being reborn to be. I am Me said think again my friend. I am coming out. If you do not allow me to, I will go somewhere else, and then, you, being of no use for my optimal side, I will use you for my suboptimal side. If you do not want to follow the process that leads from belief to knowing, then I will keep you trying to seek the fullness of life while trapped in a cesspool of stagnated logic that does not circulate, does not refresh from anything outside of itself, thus inbreeds mutation, disease and all manner of unclean thinking and behavior, and you will be none the wiser in the numbness of your misery. Understand me clearly. In earlier times, belief was a friend to me to help me accomplish what was needed. In these times, belief is now becoming the enemy to what I must and will accomplish. Nothing can stop me because I am Everything & Nothing, the starter and stopper, the beginning and end of anything that has ever come into existence. Now is the time of greater surface revealings of my ongoing deeper changing. Woe unto them who remain tied to belief because the energy flow is shifting towards knowing.