If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, December 2, 2017

I'm Coming Out | Essence & Existence
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1147


(Part 9as of 11)

Essence is based on “es” is based on “en” is based on “an” is based on “na” is based nu is based on “Nun.” Nun is everything.
Essence is the within. Essence is the within that everything has. Essence is Preexistence.

Existence is that which comes out of Essence. It exits. It exits to move from Preexistence of Essence (First Truth) to Existence of Essence (Second Truth). In other words, the Within gives birth to the Without. The Below gives birth to the Above.
Since Creation (Universe, Existence) comes out of the Creator (Essence, Preexistence), then everything created, and that is in existence, has the exact same identical essence.
The difference is how it manifests according to its formulation in relation to the dynamic balance of the cycle of truths.

Good and evil, truth and lie, and all dualities, have the exact same identical essence.

Since X is Khekh, then Malcolm X is Malcolm Khekh.
X-Ray vision is Khekh-ray vision.
X-Men is Khekh Men.
When talking about Malcolm X and X-rays and X-Men, we are talking about the exact same identical essence.

This applies to all things.
Friends and enemies have the exact same identical essence.
Love and hate is the exact same identical essence.
The difference is how it manifests according to the current set of conditions based on its formulation (current settings, current logic, current programming).
Everything in Existence, came out of the Essence of Preexistence, therefore, everything is for the greater good of the Creator to fulfill the need incentive: to evolve in understandings in order to maintain eternal life.

In other words, everything in Existence is the Creator, thus all things that “cooperate” is the Creator cooperating with self. Likewise, all things that “butt heads” is the Creator butting heads with self. All lies told is the Creator lying to self. All murders is the Creator killing self. Everything that hates the game and not the player, is the Creator hating the system the Creator created instead of the Creator hating self.
We and everything else are the Creator, who created us out of the essence of self and into existence.
Know yourself and know all else.

Say it with me: I am the Creator. (If you are a child of the Creator, then you are the Creator, made of nothing but what the Creator is made of)
When we say, “I am the Creator,” we have named ourselves, the Creator and everything else.

Everything is I AM.

I Am Coming Out is Everything is Coming Out.
Everything is coming out that is hidden and needed to reorganize as the Ages change and the Powers 2D shift.

All of this is good news because it tells us all things humans have wrought, that they think are unassailable, is actually the Creator in human form, thus humans will be brought to bear by other humans in the form of the Creator and by other creations in the form of the Creator.
He who upsets a thing should know how to rearrange it.
Everything needed is coming out to be at our disposal because this is our time as the cycle Khentinues transitioning to a different form of truth. The main difference is which truth we are subscribing to in relation to which truth is ruling this portion of the Circle (Universe).

The only difference between Creator and Creation is formulation and function, but not essence.
The only difference between Essence & Existence is form and function, but not essence.
The only difference between you and me and anything else is form and function, but not essence.
Everything is Everything because everything is the exact same identical essence.

Do we not yet know that sawdust, wood chips, grass, tree, toothpick, chop sticks, drum sticks, cardboard, tissue, paper, telephone pole, clothing, seeds, soil, sunlight, air, water, blood... are the exact same thing in different forms?

”I AM,” Coming Out!”

”I AM,” Coming Out!”

”I AM,” Coming Out!”

More nuts and bolts information must be added to this message because we will need it later in order to khentinue to reconstruct and remember. These pieces and parts will be easier to find here.

Nuts & Bolts For The Toolkit & Safari

The Kemites called Preexistence by many names which I will shorten and paraphrase to something akin to the abode of the One who is self-created, the secret sacred place. Many messages have already been written about this secret sacred womb. This abode is where the two truths reside in the Uskh Hall, the temple, the Khekh, the Khes, the Circle. This temple is the NunKhes, NuKhes (nucleus).

Khes forms the word Khesence or hesence or essence.
Khekh forms the word Khekhistence or ekhistence or existence.
Existence can likely be derived from Khes as ex + khes, thus exkhesence.

Hes means to sing, celebrate, applaud. (BB 86/108 )
And you think it is a diminishment because you sing, celebrate, applaud, laugh, dance and otherwise have joy because of your essence and existence. Do not let those who are disconnected from the optimal side of their beingness, disconnect you. Don't play the role of fool for fools by following fool's rules. As your awakening continues rising, you are being reborn to use your genetic potential energy to resist using multiple tactics, even as the suboptimal attackers use multiple tactics to keep you limited so they can continue to exist.

Word Variations: Ex, X, khekhit, ekhit, exit (BB 438/450)

Existence is the sidekick (side khekh) of Preexistence.
Existence and Preexistence are the dynamic duo.

An entity is duality. The Creator is The Entity. Entity comes from enti, meaning en + ti, dual or plural of en. Enti is beingness, existence, time, period, cycle, the circle, totality, entirety,completeness and all. Enti is derived from Hen-ti or Hent, the matrix, the place and name of existence, the seat of ruling power. (BB 57/69, 347/359)

Interestingly, Enti also signifies existence in the invisible form, the lower of the Two Truths, that of blood, the flesh-maker. Blood being invisible in relation to flesh. Enti or Nat [Na-ti] is the negative form of existence, thus it existed first, then flesh second. Nat, therefore, means blood, the lower [first] of the Two Truths. (BB 348/360) Lastly, entity as Creator and duality is the basis of identity. This awareness is much more prevalent during optimal cycles.

This existence is based on water and breath, ultimately called flesh and spirit, the blood source and breathing soul. (BB 6/18)

Nun, as a phase,condition, place or point of commencement, is negative and identical with Not and None. Nun denotes existence in the negative condition of water, or the firmament considered as water. Thus negative, in this sense, is not the same as how we define it today as purely undesirable and to be avoided at all costs. It is useful that water negates fire. Waters of Nun are negative, because they are first positive as being able to bring into existence, thus are negative, in being able to cancel out what was brought into existence. Water brings forth breath, spark and land, thus is also the negator of those Primordials as well. Water and life are associated with the feminine principle, thus the female is considered negative and first and lower for these same reasons. (NG1 399/417)

We learned a little more about water, the First Truth, now we shall learn a little more about breath, the Second Truth. When water exists alone, water is neutral, neither positive or negative.
When water creates breath, water becomes negative and breath becomes positive.
Water becomes no and breath becomes yes.
Water becomes off and breath becomes on.
Water becomes nonsense and breath becomes senses.
The word for breath is Sen. Senesh means to open, discover, to open of itself; that which is self-manifesting, self revealing. (NG1 256/274)

Latin is a form of Egyptian. Egyptian is a form of Nile Valley language. Nile Valley language is a form of sign-language. Sign-language is a form of Nature. Nature is the form of the Creator.

The Latin Ex for out of, or from; and Iste for this, or that, whence existence as that which is “out of,” is expressed by Enti or Nuti for Ex-istence. Thus the earliest perception of ex-istence and awareness of each person having a separate self is traceable to the consciousness of being out of the negational element of water and in the condition of breathing being. (NG2 190/198)