If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Nature Of The Lie: Agriculture & Culture
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1250


(Part 9er of 11)

Agriculture Origin & History In Africa & More, Unity Consciousness #372

Mother Lie: Agriculture started in Asia somewhere called China.
Father Lie: Agriculture started 10,000 years ago.

In the Christian world, nothing existed before 6,000 years ago, so I'm not sure who or how started agriculture 10,000 years ago.
Prior to 10,000 years ago, massive cities and monuments were being built around the world. That means there were a lot of people expending a lot of energy who needed to be fed. So who was hunting and gathering all that food?
According to the Galla people of South Carolina, they have been there for at least 10,000 years. This point is made to remind us how much has taken place in history that we have forgotten. The memory is in our genetics, but we have to connect links that make better sense in order to retrieve that understanding. That requires nutrition.

It is not possible for humans to evolve into astronomy and other arts and all sorts of fields of scientific discovery, without humans having first established their location for living and the means to meet their daily physical needs. This requires the farming of plants and other animals for the resources they provide.

Remember, it takes tens of thousands of years to create calendars and understand the cycles of stars. This requires free time. Who has time to do anything if you eat three times per day and each time you have to go out and hunt and gather food?
Furthermore, it makes no sense for us to think humans were paying attention to star seeds in the Sky before they paid attention to and figured out seeds on Earth.

The nature of the lie is busted. Under no circumstances did agriculture start in Asia. Are we to think agriculture was the exception to the rule, when yet, everything else needed for the building of high cultures started in Africa? All religions and language started in Africa but not agriculture. Come on now.
Iron smelting, construction, clothes making and a whole bunch of other things started in Africa but not agriculture? Come again please.
10,000 years ago, Africa was in a declining stage. Are we to think, that at the height of their existence, they never figured out agriculture and were hunting and gathering for hundreds of thousands of years, even though they were the same type of humans as us? And then, as they started to decline, then they figured out, hey, why don't I plant some seeds? What you say?

The testimony of cultures worldwide, intentionally lies about agriculture. No need to wonder why, it's the nature of the lie.
It's time to shake and break faith from Stockholm syndrome love for our lying cultures, that do so 24/7, knowing we won't scrutinize, critically analyze. We gotta re-cognize and do more than participate as a cult that gulps.

On a related note, if the U.S. government makes a law for companies to send you pieces of paper every year reminding you your privacy is protected, then you can be certain privacy is completely gone.
Secondly, if the USA tells you they don't know where 21 trillion dollars is, then that means they do know and the number is actually somewhere around 63 quadrillion dollars.

This is the nature of the same kind of lie, that starts as a seed of agriculture.

Today we are pretty darn proud of ourselves as human doings, but we don't even understand agriculture is supposed to take us from being hunter gatherers and move us to the next level of being planners preparers.
Yet, because we know not agriculture, we are once again, hunter gatherers. We absolutely have regressed.
We are hunter-gatherers of money, jobs, food and stuff.
We are not planner-preparers in the healthy sense that allows us to move to a higher level thinking and destinypurpose.
We can't because we are constantly trying to get food, shelter, clothing and pay bills. This is hunter-gatherer mentality that makes us vulnerable to unpredictability.
Agricultural societies are in tune with the changing nature of things, thus are always better prepared.

We, the people, in order to form a more perfect union, gotta stop lying to ourselves through our cultures.
If we were in an advanced society, our minds and spirits would be free from worry over rudimentary basic needs, and health care and safety and witness to poverty in the midst of plenty – and I'm not talking about money.

If we were truly more advanced, we'd hunt and gather seeds of wisdom so we could continuously mature in understanding cause and effect properly, which is exactly what it takes to move from hunter-gatherer to planner-preparer, a more optimal understanding of cause and effect.
Co-incidentally, that's also what it takes to understand agriculture and the nature of a lie.

If we only knew what we should know about what is happening to money, electronically, and how swiping our cards to get money is about to take on a whole nother meaning as part of climate change..

Agriculture started at least 17,000 years ago in Africa. ”SCETV Dr. Charles S. Finch III “Kemetic Origin OF Christianity”

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