If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, January 6, 2020

Any Number Of Things It's Not About & Is About
Unity Consciousness #1938


( 9acr of 11)

This message will be updated on an ongoing basis as I am reminded of the many things and sayings we humans like to say it's not about and it is about.

1. Why does empire sound and smell like vampire? Because, as we now realize and can't deny, empire is not about something for which we should aspire and admire; empire is about bloodsuckers sucking the life-blood out of anything that has life.

2. It's not about what you eat; it's about what's in what you eat. More specifically said, it's about the formulation of the elements in what you eat.

3. It's not about being a producer rather than a consumer; it's about being a net producer (a contributor to abundance rather than scarcity). Earth is a prime example. Another example is the Primordial Five. Many creatures live close to the midline of being equally producers and consumers. This occurs simply by living their lives and doing what it takes to stay alive and survive. They may or may not produce offspring. It's okay for there to be different humans who are net producers, net consumers and net zero. In truth, all of are supposed to pass through these stages.

4. It's not about one thing and not about the other; it's about which one is appropriate under a given set of conditions. So the statement is true: if it ain't one thing, it's another. For example, it's clearly not about thou shall not kill; it's about thou should only kill when necessary. This is what allows us to eat any plant, fruit, vegetable or meat. All of that food is alive and we must kill it in the process of eating it. In actuality, if we eat the food properly, we are merely taking life into ourselves and transforming that lifeform into our life so we can return life back into the ecosystem.

5. It's not about ignorance being a choice; it's about God not giving you the opportunity to know something you can't handle. In other words, if you have been given the opportunity to know something, yet you refuse to take the steps to know it, it's not because you can't handle it. You can handle it, it's just that you are not as confident in yourself as God is.

6. It's not about being big-boned; it's about acquiescence to a narrow marrow-minded society. This is akin to backing down a one way street blindfolded. Not only are we heading in the wrong direction of logic by using the “big-boned” logic in a less than favorable nonstandard way, but we are also doing it unawares, thus blindly, and doing it as if it all makes sense such that we think we are on a two-way street.

7. It's not about the melanin as much as it is about the chlorophyll whose origin is the black and blue-green Kalua-filled waters.

8. It's not about hindsight being 20/20 such that hindsight provides clarity of vision and understanding; instead it's about the opportunity benefit of getting a second look and thinking twice. In other words, it's about the benefit of pushing rewind and play as often as you'd like and use as many different scenarios as you'd like in order to gain as much understanding as possible. This then is a basis of Sankofa. In other other words, there is no such thing as hindsight being 20/20 unless hindsight becomes sight and foresight.

9. It's not about being modern. Earth was modern when it gave birth to us. And so was the moon, solar system and Galaxy. It's about being eco-sensible as the baseline for keeping up with and being aligned with space and time.
In other words, every stage of life and existence is modern.

10. It's not about a job or your own business; it's about how does your use of genetic potential fit into your top three destinypurposes. Understand clearly, it is not meant for everyone to have their own business no more than it is meant for everyone to be a leader, in the current sense. Although everyone is a leader in the fundamental sense and everyone does run their own business, plus work for someone else, it is not meant for everyone to expand this in a collective way in the current sense; however it automatically expands collectively fundamentally.

11. It's not about Republicans and Democrats; that type of limited choice is about the 24 hour poison and the 72 hour variety.

12. It's not about USA military and other foreign military in Africa; it's about those African countries wanting to maintain power through a dictatorial style government if necessary. With this in mind, who better to partner with as willing killers of Africans? The USA, France, Britain, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, China and others by allowing their military, NGO's, missions, UN “Peacekeepers” and defense contractors to set up shop and conduct all manner of ops nonstop.

13. It's not about the kind of people who voted for Trump; it's about all people who are either unaware of their contradictions or are able to knowingly live with their contradictions due to one or more vice addictions they insert into thought processes in order to get past logic that does not compute because it self refutes. Due to being incomplete this logic is unable to complete a full circuit of thinking that self-checks and self-corrects.

14. It's not about aliens on other planets; it's about when pray come will the humans and other life forms on other planets come to our Earth and treat us aliens in the same unenlightened scary way we think of them.

15. It's not about a habitable zone around a star being defined by the area in which water can remain liquid; it's about understanding life takes many forms, thus can live under many different sets of conditions, not just those on our Earth. Consider a cell that photosynthesizes using melanin and oxygen and another that photosynthesizes using chlorophyll and carbon dioxide. Both life forms can eat and live off each other. This then tells us that not all life forms need liquid water as a primary basis.

As a natural fact, life lives in all places we think it cannot. This must be so simply based on spiritual presence, something which is everywhere anything is.

Let us be certain to understand we have already admitted these things. Our continued acceptance of other Earth-like planets being “first discovered” by Eurasians is self-evident that those Earths have always been there outside of our recent awareness.

Let me be perfectly clear. Just because we can't see oxygen doesn't mean it's not there. It's simply invisible to the naked eye. Therefore just because we cannot see something due to human usage of its most relied upon sensing abilities, speaks more to invisibility than it does to nonexistence. A white elephant in a white room against a white backdrop might become so common as to become invisible, yet it never means it does not exist, no matter how well it blends it or we pretend its not there or forget its there due to any number of distractions.
Therefore then, the many conditions and causes and effects of racism colonialism, though invisible to our stunted awareness, still exist, not simply because we say so, but simply for the same reason we know the white elephant exists – it takes up space, it knocks things over, we bump into it, it consumes whatever is consumable and it stinks, thus answering why many other things are swarming in the room. Lastly answering why we are all sick.

16. It's not about an un-investigated opinion-based factless view of Africa being worse than the USA or the USA being better than Africa; instead it's about the disadvantages of Africa being better than the disadvantages of the USA, and the advantages of the USA being less than the advantages of Africa. Racism is the wildcard, that even if the USA was determined to be preferable, racism would flip the scales back in favor of Africa. Therefore anyone who concludes the USA as the better choice, either left out or minimized the causes and effects of racisms that can only be escaped through revolution in the USA. Otherwise to say it is better to stay in the USA because we were here first and our Ancestors built the USA and we are citizens, boils down to three decision: not dealing with racism (succumbing and surrendering all self-determination), dealing with racism piecemeal (reform), dealing with racism wholesale (revolution).

17. It's not about climate change being real or imagined or human caused or naturally caused. It's about humans who have been conditioned to see effects (evidences) and not being able to connect to the root causes or being unwilling to admit the root causes. This is true of many things historically such as climate change, racism, cancer, god, aliens, dinosaurs and so on. We see the same discussions that racism exists or doesn't and god exists or doesn't and aliens exist or do not and dinosaurs existed and did not and then after we get through that we differ as to understanding the causes and effects of each.

So then what this boils down to is context, worldview, utamawazo and how optimal it is. The less optimal, the more contradictory. When extremely suboptimal, the contradictory is only vaguely noticeable and easily dismissed. This, for example is why a white female god-loving christian can defend SOB Trump despite the long list of obvious contradictions.

18. It has never really been about Becky & Brad; it's been about the last stage of Adam & Eve in whiteface.

19. It's not about me providing physical clickable links in each message to previous messages, to further information and to footnotes; it's about us understanding that links to any information we encounter or to any question we have, have already being provided. The links already exist in many forms in many places. It's up to us to understand this, remember this and act on it.

Two things I know to be true: (a) Links encountered when we are not aware or ready to proceed, will be overlooked. (b) Links beget links, of which there is no end until we reach the beginning of beginnings.

Therefore then my people, by virtue of one link or any link, if we follow it, and do the same for any link that comes into our awareness, we will be moving towards home, unity consciousness, harmony, health, optimal. This will be true no matter how maze-like the route seems.

20. It's not about SOB Trump claiming credit for Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's 2019 Nobel Peace Prize; it's about the same ole racist logic remixed.
Trump is a proxy for the runaway depraved logic of white supremacy worldwide. White people still believe their invasion, murder and enslavement of Africans worldwide, was and still is a beneficial act that has saved primitives from miserable lives. It's the same logic then and now.

It's about something is wrong and amiss in Ethiopia & Eritrea. We already know that if your enemy praises you, you have, knowingly or not, done something to benefit the enemy.
What African in their left-right mind, thinks the Global White Supremacist Nonsense Nation has a notion of peace that is the same as ours? Take one example. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was given the Nobel Peace Prize because his path was ultimately positioning Africans for the okie doke. The moment Dr. King woke up and started on the better path, this white acknowledged and praised Nobel Man of Peace, was murdered by the same white folks that said Dr. King represented the idea of peace we should all aspire to.
Therefore then, something is amiss in Ethiopia & Eritrea, especially since Eritrea's President, Isaias Afwerki, was ignored for the same 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. Doesn't it take two to achieve peace?

Furthermore, by what cluelessness regarding one's own contradictions does a person think the human poster child for violence is also in any ways qualified to determine who deserves to be awarded for peace?

Clearly, their version of peace comes without democracy or justice. This is what it's about.

21. "It's about the money," is for the gullible and to provide cover for their future endeavors and retain some loyalty to the Crown.
It's actually about racism and PTSD trauma from what the media did to his mother, Princess Diana. Neither of these two things does Harry want for his wife and child or himself.
Harry needs therapy from an African-centered therapist to help him come into a greater fullness of knowledge of self. Even so, Harry is strong and clear enough to stand up, resist and move in the direction of what is right. This is also what is happening at an extremely slow trickle among members of favored groups who are benefiting at the expense of disfavored groups.

It's about Harry as the red one as the beginning of changing logic in Britain. We shall see if Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) and SOB Trump will be taken down in 2020. If so, this should start a rapid series of successions that will lead to more just leaders, more pushback from crackerjacks, full scale war and the demise of global racism.

22. It's not about white supremacy and global racism from the global racist collective; it's about the greater the shortcut, the shorter the duration at the destination. Exhibit A is America as the USA. Exhibit B is Britain. The rest are the other wannabe leaders. None of these countries themselves might not fall, but most certainly their unjust leadership and citizens will fall to their own illogical ills.
In other words, whiteness ideology was the perfect illusion to create the justification for current terrorist dominating nations to serve as flash in the pans in the history of empires that rise, sparkle and quickly fizzle.

23. It's not about “is that a word,” or “that isn't a word; it's about a word defined as: anything used to communicate information.

So when we ask “is that a word,” we are asking a rhetorical redundant question.
How can we know if a word is a word if we do not understand the basis of the words we are using to ask the question?
By asking if something is a word, what we are actually doing is ignoring the universal evidence that all forms of expression are words, and instead we are acknowledging the limited context of life and existence as put forth by the intentionally limited minds of humans who we are purposely acknowledging as authorities of thought even as we know they are not as evidenced by their lack of wholeness thinking.

By saying “that isn't a word,” we are saying we don't understand language.

Think about it. If in the beginning was the word, what was that word and who among humans do we ask if that word is a word?

Go back to the Christian Bible and study the word word.

24. It's not about African Swine Flu or Fever; if it were, then why are pigs dying in Asia but not in Africa? It's about another of many attempts to label a disease as African. Common sense tells us, if those Asian countries were so hygienic, then they would not get a large outbreak of swine flu. It would be small and contained due to best practices taking place. Swine flue, ebola, malaria, AIDS and other diseases are not uniquely African in origin but pop up where there is imbalance.
In other words, in every case of a disease being labeled, branded and marketed as African, you can be certain the ones who gave it that name was a white person.

25. It's not about wildfires in Australia; it's about boomerang karma for the white wildfire in the form of British colonists who swept across the land now called Australia and wiped out life and liberty.

The fires are due to five reasons.
1. Mismanagement of the ecosystem (no balance).
2. Miseducation of how to prevent and deal with fires.
3. Miseducation in general, thus thought processes lead to suboptimal conclusions, thus decisions.
4. The wrath of Sekhmet of our Sunstar and the stars of the constellations of Aquaria and Kepheus.
5. Australia came into existence through the fire stick in white hands. Now comes fire to burn the sticks whites built and to reset and restore balance.

Now comes several followup effects that will continue to kill people who have no aboriginal knowledge on how to survive.

26. It's not about the world needs Africa more than Africa needs the world. It's about Africans and the Diaspora needing each other equally. It's about the need incentive. It's about this trinity.