If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Cooks Who Sit By The Door
Unity Consciousness #1963


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By now, we Africans should be able to recognize the okie doke.
Call the okie doke by whatever name you choose such as: double cross, backstab, sneak attack, smiling face and grin of the evil that lurks within, trick, doublespeak, triple speak, hoodwink, switcheroo, bait and switch, sike (psych), fake out, psych out, betray, traitor, sellout, coonin', religious, scam, flim flam, ulterior motive, liar, fodder for fools, snake oil,, pull the wool over our eyes, and so on.
All of this is the okie doke.
All of this means: presenting something as mostly one thing; while knowing full well that that thing is actually mostly something else. Simply put: presenting something as mostly helpful, while knowing it is mostly harmful.

This Is What The Cook Does

The cook takes ingredients and prepares them for your consumption knowing full well that the shit is laced with sweet tasting hidden concealed cloaked poison.

Okie dokers are cooks.
Okie doke cooks plan and plot in advance how to get you to willingly consume your own doom by fork, glass, cup and spoon.

Understand clearly, that an okie doker is a forward thinker, a planner, a calculator. They have worked through several scenarios and methods of how to get you right where they want you. Meanwhile, you the consumer, are not a forward thinker. All you think about is “I'm hungry, what's there to eat?”

The cook knows this, so the cook says, here is something I've prepared, you can have it. And we, being grateful, consume it by the mouthful, the eyeful, the earful, the noseful. Since we are purposefully ignorant, naive and gullible, we never stop to think before or after consuming. “Why did the cook prepare this, when, how did the cook know I'd like it, why is the cook giving it to me,” and so on do we never ask any basic questions while in the midst of all-out war.

By now we should be able to recognize cooks and the creative concoctions they cook up. We should be able to recognize all okie doke cooks who are not African. We should NOT still be consuming their okie dokes as if we don't know what we're consuming is harming us.

By now we should be able to recognize cooks who are African (by any name on the Continent and in the Diaspora).

Cooks Are Popular But For The Wrong Reasons

I am now focusing only on African cooks because these are the ones on the Continent and in the Diaspora who are fooling the African people by feeding the African people good tasting succotash.
In most instances of okie doke, recognizing that “we've been had,” is usually a delayed reaction of awareness that takes place after the harm has been done and is deeply embedded.

Talking about a good cook is unpopular. I know it. However, I am not seeking popularity, so I am going to mention just a few of the currently popular good cooks who okied doked Africans and/or are still okie doking Africans. This is based on understanding the nature of a seed (asili). When you see a seed, you can know what it will become and what effects it will have. You can know this long before the seed matures and manifests the full range of its development.
Many seeds have been mixed into the good tasting succotash we are being fed. We are being slowly poisoned in subservience and succumbing to the numbing of the dumbing of our thought processes.
History past, present and future will continue to bear out that Barack Obama, although a necessary part of the process, was a cook who sat by the door. Looking back with retrospective hindsight 20/20 vision, we are now able to see more clearly how the seeds of deception were sown and how they manifested and how we keep thinking and trusting and hoping the seeds would become something else.
Some other popular cooks, just to name a few, are Paul Kagame of Rwanda; Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana and Jesse Jackson, Sr. of the USA. Look at the seed mix. In a sense of what these cooks are serving us, wheat is being added to grass and sown for our feel good admiration, faithful fertilization, happy harvest and national yum-yum consumption. Looking more closely is something we should have had sense enough to do with Barack Obama. We allowed media filled with false positives to feed us appetizers for the main discourse.

I already know most of you who travel through here don't agree**, but I'm telling you that the okie doke is always transforming itself into whatever formulation it needs to keep you consuming.
The okie doke cook says, “okay, so you caught on to the sugar high rise, fall and crash landing effet of candy, so now I'm going to put the okie doke poison into “organic” food. The oke doke cook will switch up and make something look and taste as good as ever, in order to get us to consume the hidden ingredients. A lot of what is presented as “organic” food sounds good, but it's not; looks good, but it's not; tastes good but it's not. Search it for yourself. All you have to do is look no further than the rules and regulations regarding what is allowed in “organic” labeled products.

Why Do I Keep Saying “By The Door?”

All of the people above are the reason why, but I'll use one last example. Jay-Z and main co-conspirator. Their motions are another long-range strategic planning form of okie doke that does some good in advance while setting us up for a larger harm. A clear example of Jay-Z okie doke is the complete backstabbing of the justice Colin Kaepernick is trying to accomplish. No need to go into details. The evidence is clear, and if not, the effects of what Jay-Z is feeding us will continue to manifest harm overall to Africans. Thankfully more and more of us are waking up and admitting we got took by what we mistook about the rhetoric and motions of Obama.

The cook who sits by the door is the one who gets an invitation to the feast or dinner table that Malcolm X talks about, and instead of the cook being a diner, the cook is a cook for the elite or those the cook considers to be elite.

Now this cook, though a cook, does not perceive self to be a cook, but rather believes self to be a diner at the feast because the cook gets to eat in the kitchen while serving the others in the dining room. The cook gains importance by being the head cook in charge of the kitchen and in charge of others in the kitchen. This importance is felt even though the cook is an employee and does not own the kitchen. Even so, the cook is closer than he/she has even been to “eliteness”, but in effect the cook is only able to sit by the kitchen door and gaze out into the dining room of inner workings of global gobble-ism.

This is the same thing taking place with many of our African leaders and their staff. They are cooks for the elite (our enemies), yet the cooks are good cooks, presentation-wise, that's why they've been chosen, to serve the elite goulash and to feed us succotash rehashed without meet. (“Meet” in this metaphor is a play on words and is actually “meet” and “mete.” That which meets and measures up to Pan-Africanism, the African Utamawazo, Optimal Theory)

Way back as recently as 1963, we were warned about the okie doke path, but we went along with misleadership and against Kwame Nkrumah and others.

Answer me this, are any of the popular cooks mentioned above or that you admire, reminiscent of Nkrumah and company?

Would you say they are exemplifying Pan-Africanism?

Understand clearly that the best lie contains the most truth, yet is the most harmful, despite its truths.
Likewise when a person poisons you, they don't need to poison everything, just one thing. Thus do not be deceived by that which is not poisoned, but instead understand the poisoned hands and minds that have touched what you are consuming.

Fluctuating Between Hopeful and Hopeless

There is hope overall, yet some things sometimes seem hopeless.
Here's an example. Despite the definition of the okie doke given above, far too many of us still do not recognize the okie doke of medication sold to us. The medication makers themselves tell us all the harmful toxic dangerous deadly debilitating side effects of those medications, yet we still consume those medications because we think the medication is mostly helpful and because the okie doke of education has trained us to trust our enemies despite all evidence of their untrustworthiness.
Meanwhile we ignore Earth's ground advice: food is medicine is food.

One of our next questions should be: “What is food?”
Once we begin to ask basic questions like this, then we can quickly move to asking, “what makes a good cook?”

So with this in mind, I resubmit to you what you already know. Our greatest enemy comes from within. Our next greatest enemy comes from family and friends. After that, our next greatest enemy comes from among those we allow to lead us in any aspect of life. After that, our next greatest enemy comes from those who are most easily recognized to be working against us (the racist collective).
In this example, the fourth enemy (the racist collective) feeds okie doke to the third enemy (those we trust to lead us) who feeds okie doke to family and friends who feed okie doke to us. Then we feed okie doke to ourselves which then feeds okie doke to us and the cycle continues in reverse.

So then in a reversal of this message, there is another type of cook who sits by the door. This is the good cook who is trying to feed us the antidote to the okie doke. We have shut this cook out of the building blocks of our logic. This must be the reason we are still lacking good reasoning skills that allow us to discern and detect the okie doke a lot faster than after disaster.

**Note: as discussed elsewhere, when we agree or disagree with something, we are not agreeing or disagreeing with a person, instead we are agreeing or disagreeing with the information (logic). Focus on the information.