If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 26, 2020

CoronaVirus, Corona & Cornea |Refocused Definitions
Unity Consciousness #1965


( 9ads of 11)

Definitions Of Corona

1. the gas surrounding the sun and other stars.
2. crown
3. the upper portion of something

Definition Of Cornea

Outermost layer of the eye. Primarily responsible for focusing light entering the eye. The cornea has 5 layers. The outer layer shields and filters.

Quick Summary Of What We Can Ascertain Thus Far
1. Earth and other planets also have a corona, since atmosphere is a gas.
2. Earth's atmosphere consists of 5 layers and so does the cornea; thus, Earth's atmosphere is a cornea.
3. Earth's ozone layer is in the stratosphere (third layer). The ozone layer is not in the outermost layer, the exosphere. Thus, all this hype about the ozone layer is false and amounts to fearmongering. However, the exosphere may have transformed itself to allow different types of particles and radiating light to come through. This then activates changes in Earth and organisms within Earth.
4. A corona and a cornea are the same thing.
5. Earth's atmosphere focuses sunlight, moonlight and other light.


Possibilities For The Origin Of The Corona Virus (Coronavirus)

A. China's meat markets. If so, this virus should also be another “accident,” mutation and perfect alignment of several coincidents waiting to happen in the USA and other places were meat is grown, processed, stored and sold in breeding grounds for viruses.

B. The USA bred the virus and planted it in China. The USA is responsible for AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and several other viruses blamed on Africa. It is not a stretch to consider the USA as attacking China in this manner.

C. One or both of the two "crown" constellations, Corona Borealis and Corona Australis. These constellations are almost in 100% position to rule the next two Star Ages from the poles. These crown constellations are light emitters (radiation), element factories and formulations of chemicals, elementals.

In a broader sense, we have seen locusts, increased outward display of racism, weather events and many other “outbreaks” of different types. All this is most certainly part of the upheaval and fulfillment as we move through the twinlight zone.

D. All of the above.

A corona virus is a virus of the outer layer of society that exposes the sickness of the inner layers of society. Perhaps this virus is working its way from the core or working its way to the core. The core. The core-nea, the core-na, the drna and rna, the nucleus.
A corona virus is a type of SARS virus. (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
SARS and Coronavirus are the same thing. One is faster spreading.
A corona virus exposes the society to all manner of additional destabilizers.
A corona virus is a crown virus. It is a virus that dethrones on one hand, and enthrones on another.
A corona virus is an Eye virus, a Sun virus, a Moon Virus and an Earth virus. These are STARS (SARS).

Vir is part of Environmental change.
A complete virus particle is called a virion.
“Vir” is the Virgin and the Virile Male. These are the ever-coming one who is ever-transforming to fulfill the need incentive.