If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Temples Built With Cellular Nutrition

Food Fight #41

If my body is a temple, shouldn't I build and maintain it with the best materials? The best materials for buildings are designated on the architect's plan. A quality building requires good planning, materials and workmanship. Likewise, a quality body requires good planning, nutrients and working systems.

Nutrition Is Synonymous With Health Before Conception.

Separately, the health of egg and sperm begin to define the individual. This is true for one simple reason:
Sperm and egg contain genetics. These genetics were formed using nutrients. How accurately these genes were formed depends a lot on the nutrient history of each parent.

Nutrition Is A Significant Consideration During Childhood

Before the time a human gets teeth, most caregivers tend to give nutrition significant consideration, after all, a rapidly growing body needs nutrients. Growth, development and learning require nutrients to give the child the best chance to develop to potential. It is said, 0 to 3 are the critical years and evidently, that's it. Afterwards, it's usually a free for all, free fall from an optimal approach to eating, even to the point where soda, candy and countless unnatural things become rights/rites of childhood with the full support of frequent traditions.

Nutrition For The Fully Grown

Though an adult may not be growing rapidly in physical size, there is still a continuous need for nutrients. Nutrients are still needed for growth, learning, development, sharpness, daily activities, metabolism, digestion and maintaining health. Most of the cells in the body must be replaced on a regular basis. This includes the genetic code. If meals supply partial nutrients, no nutrients or nutrients mixed with toxic materials, the structural integrity of the temple will start to erode.

Nutrition sets the foundation for quality of life. From each cell's perspective, there is no time where not getting nutrients is not a big deal. This is true not because of a single day or meal but because the notion that sometimes is okay opens the door for this practice to expand or increase to continuous or intermittent habits that creep into life undetected until symptoms appear years later.

The same quality materials that build a body from the start must be used to keep it in good condition. In current societies, after teaching a child harmful eating habits, it seems the trend accelerates in adulthood because increased purchasing power is often used with no oversight to purchase inferior building materials to satisfy the likes of corrupted childhood taste buds.

Nutrition From The Past

The body has been constructed from what parents ate and what the individual eats. Every part of the body requires nutrients to construct it properly in appearance and properly in soundness. For instance, skin is a bunch of nutrients and bones didn't form today. Both were formed from what was eaten in days past.

Past nutrition is stored in cells and all body structures because cells and body structures are made of nutrients. When those structures are replaced/repaired, they are broken down and what can be reused, is reused. A nutrient eaten long ago can be used today just like materials from an old building can be reused.

We've learned the body will manufacture certain nutrients if those nutrients are not eaten. The body is only able to make nutrients if the components (other nutrients) are already in the body.

Picture Your Dream Home As A Temple

A healthy body requires healthy organs. Healthy organs require healthy tissue. Healthy tissue requires healthy cells. Healthy cells require nutrients. The picture of health is eating to provide construction materials so the temple maintains its structural integrity according to The Architect's Plan. We have a good plan, all we need to do is return to it, burn all those “How To” books and use the ashes to return nutrients to the soil.