The cycle of life and existence is greater than 500 years.
500 years is less than 25% of a Great Year of 25,960 years.
One Great Year might be a second in the grand scheme of things.
500 years is a fraction of a second in the grand scheme of things. If we were learning what is best for us to know, then by default, we would end up in places that existed before 500 years ago. We would know where we came from and what we looked like. We would know who we are.
The only way to change our lost status is to take steps. The steps we take on this journey can move us into a new awareness of who we really are. We will not be able to find what we are looking for in this life until we find ourselves.”Thought You Knew, Know & Will Renew, Unity Consciousness #1022” How can we function properly in a world that contains millions of years of human history and we are only using 500 year's worth or 6,000 year's worth or 20,000 years worth as our foundation. That would be just like a tree trying to grow and sustain itself from a branch and never accessing the trunk or roots or soil.