If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Moonbows & Rainbows Are Metaform & Form Circle Dualities
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1128


(Part 9aa of 11)

”DuDu, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1114”

Moonbow and rainbow are used interchangeably. To speak of one is to speak of the other. Even so, in the teachings of those who understood the most optimally among humans, the moonbow was recognized first as the ark of the covenant and ark of safety from the deluge. (AE2 563/27)

We know a moonbow is a not a semicircle, rather it is a full circle.
Each rainbow is a series of concentric circles displaying the metaphors of the seven elementals plus one plus zero, the hidden and revealed, the limited, the infinite, the circle, the double circle, duality, one, many, musical scale, dynamic balance, above/below/without/within and Khepera transformation.
The natural fact that a moonbow is not any other shape should tell us that the rainbow is trying to tell us something on a grand metaphor scale for all to see even more often than an eclipse. A rainbow is indeed a reminder of the covenant because the covenant is an agreement (things working together), a common bond of all things through the basic duality of the two truths. Moonbows and rainbows are visual evidences and reminders, that while everything is constantly changing, everything is remaining the same fundamentally in essence, origin and structure, and transformation only moves things between hidden and revealed, Preexistence and Existence.

“Stars Are Spirit-Souls Of Life Called Khabsu, Unity Consciousness #981

”Ankh | Mother Creator Basis of Understanding, Sankofa Life By Expanding Definitions & Meanings, Unity Consciousness #940”

The participation of light in the form of moon and sun and the participation of water, air and earth speaks to the Archetype of All. ”Reckoning Archetype & Archaeology | Definition Meanings, Unity Consciousness #1044”

The natural fact that a double rainbow displays reverse colors tells us that one is a mirror image of the other just as is the second zero of Double Zero, that reversed itself to differentiate itself from the first zero. The second zero is what we call One and Existence whereas the first zero we refer to as Zero and Preexistence/Nonexistence. These two Zero Circles are the beginning dualities that contain all colors of light, day and night. Moonbows and rainbows are imaging their origins. They say remember who you are and where you came from and that the fundamental nature of all life and existence is as simply as the Circle Cycle and its elementals that are in operation during day and night, and by the way, don't forget there are two Circles and two basic levels of awareness (unseen and seen).
Furthermore, this is why there are two Great Year Circle Cycles – one based on seven and one based on 12. And this is why some cells have double enclosing membranes and some have one. And this is why the All-Seeing Eye is on the Left and Right. There is so much more to the metaphor.
Moonbows and rainbows are telling us the fundamental duality of self and all else, all over the world and throughout the Universe, day and night, in any kind of light in conjunction with the other elementals are the same, no matter which duality is currently manifesting more, because Maat Duality is fixed and variable and is the same even when things are reversed or varied 7 times over, ten times over....
The colors of moonbows highlight orbit paths for that which circulates within Earth. These orbits share double doors and are dynamically shifting, resizing and changing orientation.
A rainbow is not just about water refracting light and two reflections inside the same droplet. Current explanations don't add up to total sense and leave much to be desired when put to the test. Isn't there moisture and light in the sky, other than when it rains? Why is 42 degrees involved? Why does light reflecting twice explain the second rainbow, and if so, why doesn't light reflect three and four times? How and why does the colors reverse due to a second reflection of light in the same droplet? Why does a rainbow seem to appear suddenly, but disappear slowly? And there are more unanswered questions when we review current explanations and put them through the critical analysis of cross examination and check each part of the explanation against other parts and against what we already know about how natural law functions.
A rainbow requires a greater harmonious set of conditions and a temporary change in each orbit's barrier so as to not allow diffusion as it generally does. Rainbows appear in different combinations of orbits higher or lower in the sky. And this is why we are also able to see much smaller rainbows, for instance, near waterfalls.

I was caught up in my sleepiness by a golden stork
Its rainbow-tipped wings touched both horizons
West/East and South/North
It balanced itself in this fashion
And we were suspended, motionless
Above and below multitudes
The circle turned and each horizon moved
Yet we remained right where we stood
I was wide awake and it was all good
Then I carried stork and blue hawk within
Went back to Argentina to see a friend

I'll say it again. In order for moonbows and rainbows to exist in the same shape, and in no other shape, there must be an underlying structure that always exists. In order for colors to show up under both moonlight and sunlight, the process must involve a change in the barrier between the underlying dimensions and be more fundamental than light itself. We can be certain there is an electrical enzymatic component. Lastly, because we can see moonbows/rainbows slowly fade/dissipate, then we know the process also involves diffusion on the back end, thus must involve diffusion on the front end of formation, which also always involves a precondition to diffusion - a concentration gradient (a difference in the amount of something in one area compared to another area).
If there is such a thing as a jet stream and if there is a transportation network within the cytoplasma of cells, then this perspective on moonbows is completely within the realm of known information, just not yet applied. This is yet another way to understand that, if we are functioning on information that has not even been applied “to the side,” then we are using information that has not yet reached the Bene So level of awareness. Therefore, even if we function at the highest level of information educated into us by today's societies, we will still be at the Giri So level of understanding. In no way then, can we be the best we can be. Our optimal best requires synthesis (of beingness), the highest level of understanding, as explained by Nana Marimba Ani. Layers is another understanding to seek.