If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Everything Totemism & Personal Briefly Revisited
Unity Consciousness #1490


(Part 9nt of 11)

Definitions & Meanings Of Tem

Because we've discussed To and Tem elsewhere, we'll only mention a few things as we deconstruct the word totem.
“To” is two, duality, two or more.
“Tem” is a totality in two halves. Tem is also a total of “Created Persons.” These created persons are:

1. Created via the elementals as part of the homogeneous universal collective. This is the first birth.

2. Created as a specific unique individual by virtue of pubescence and becoming part of a totem. This is the second birth. (AE1 55/65)

All divisions of anything are totems (two or more parts of the total). By virtue of being a created person, each human is a part of many involuntary totems. Involuntary because we did not choose the totems and can't change our membership in those totems. Secondly, humans are also part of many self-chosen totems (group identifiers). For instance, in the USA, there are national animals and plants and each municipality also has its own version. Of course zodiac signs are totems. Your birthdate is a totem. The list of totems is enormous. We still choose totemism such as fraternities, sororities, girls and boy scouts, clubs, gangs, brotherhoods, teams, political parties, citizenship, sisterhoods, marches and any “#movement” we're a hashtag part of and so on. (AE1 53/63, 87/97)

”Person” Does Not Just Apply To Humans

1. Humans are created out of egg, sperm and sex. How many other creatures are created the same way?
When you deconstruct egg, sperm and sex you will find them composed of the same elementals in all creatures and of the same fundamental actions. Egg, sperm and sex create created persons. Two seeds unite in sex to create a person in general, then, through the process of development, the general person becomes a specific person. Some of that development takes place in the womb of the closest mother and the rest of the development takes place in the womb of a larger mother, such as Mother Water, Mother Air, Mother Earth or Mother Fire. A fish and a human have the same elemental beginnings and same process beginnings. Both are animals. How did one become a person and the other not?

2. Person is per + sun. Sun is Su. Su is both the parent and child of duality, semultaneously at the sem-same time. Su is the su-per and the per-su. Super leads to Kheper while persu is person; therefore, Kheper is the parent of person. Kheper gives rebirth to self as person. Kheper transforms into person (super transforms into persu). Kheper becomes the person (super becomes persu*). The person is the mirror image metaphor of the super. Each person is a smaller part, yet total version, of Kheper. [*See Perseus. Another word for two truths. (BB 352-3/364-5)]

3. A person is an I-TEM in the Totem. An item is an individual in the total. “I” represents two things: (1) an Individual in the total, and (2) the total in the individual. (Sem-Sem Synonym Metaphors: Atmu, Atum, Atom, Adam, Aten, Atem) (NG2 267/275)

4. We know person is part of the word personality. Anything that has a personality is a person. Personality is the same as character which is the same as characteristic. Anything that has a characteristic has a personality and is a person.

5. That which has a personality, also has a persona. Persona forms personal. Personal is person + al. We have studied “Al.” Al is El and Ar. All three of these are the same thing as the Su. Thus, in the word “personal,” we have the su as son and the su as al. Two forms of su which simply means duality is present and clearly shown. Per also means the circle is present and clearly shown. Per + son + al is the circle and the cross, the totality shown as one, two and four. This totality is the basic four-cornered foundation and cardinal points of the universe. Whatever division of the universe includes humans as persons, another division of the universe includes other creations as persons.
Needful to say, a division is the same thing as a dimension; therefore two creations can be in the same place at the same time and both of them exist as persons who are the same but look and function differently.

6. A person is a universal concept that belongs to all creations. The designation of “person,” is not the exclusive personal nomenclature property of humans.

7. Perhaps it would be easier to understand what “person” means by simply remembering who you are as a human.

Ultimately, person is persen is persyn is persem is persentence is percent.
A person is a percent of the total. Since humans do not represent 100% of the total, then the remainder must also represent percentages and personages.


The Universe (Nature, Ecosystem, Creation) is a Totem System is a Total System. Every word used to identify something is a part of a totem. Every part of the entire description of something is what makes up the totem pole, the totem family tree.
Every creature is a person and has a totem pole (another way to record lineage, genealogy, descent). These three words are also totems that apply to human ancestors to show interconnectedness and interrelatedness to the Total through the Totem.
A totem is a division of the whole total.
All forms of spirit, energy, matter, elements, chemicals, nutrients and language are parts of totems.
God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a Totem System and so is Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Juhu. And so is Jehovah, Yahweh, Adonai, Elohim and El-Shaddai . Any Divine Being and its creations are also a totem system (Islam fits this description). The realms of Buddhism are a Totem System. The spirit world, human world, shamans, non-shamans and upper, middle, lower worlds form a part of the Totem System of Shamanism. Just because one totem system exists in a different form and set of groupings doesn't stop it from being a totem. Just because a culture exists in a different form, groupings and names doesn't make it stop being a culture. Likewise then, just because a person exists in a different form from hippo to ape to human doesn't make it stop being a person or exempt from being in a totem or a participant in totemism by choice for those persons who have free will.

Totems (groupings of duality) are part of the superstructure of how the universe is organized, correlated, coordinated. There are many layers of totems that apply to individuals and to collectives.

Totems divide the whole to allow for grouping and regrouping. This temporarily facilitates mixing and non-mixing of certain parts of group genetics. This is all about how universal genetics are forming and functioning all at once in the same space to form an ecosystem that mixes and matches and changes back and forth, and yet the whole thing doesn't crash, only relatively small portions go out of whack until order is put back at the fundamental level by the same genetic seed pack.

Go back and understand what totem fundamentally means. Regroup and recoup understandings. This is the basic process to correct all understandings. Go back and get fundamental definitions and meanings. By doing so you will understand God is the everything who divided into the totem of spirit-soul who divided into the totem of seven elementals, plus one, who combine in various ways to form all energy and matter. Totems are the basis of science. A macro totem is (1) eight elementals (everything) and (2) eight principles and characteristics. This is eight by eight which boils down to everything by everything is everything.

This is key to understanding who you are, where you came from and why you are here in the current set of conditions you find yourself in. You must answer these questions about self while also answering them about all else. This is the two-way street we must travel by thinking in one direction, then turning and coming back from the other direction. Don't you know more than one way how to get somewhere and get back? Don't you travel in different circles? Totems facilitate this process and ensure full circle ecosystem eco-sensible thinking, behavior, processes and functions will take place in the collective, even if not in all individuals. The previous sentence must be read two ways. Once from the perspective that humans are a collective and once more from the perspective that the human collective is also an individual. Totality two ways. Totality to tems. Creation is based on two, thus what is created is based on the total of two (totem). All understanding of any subject or topic is rooted in its twoness, its totemism, its two parts, its two-sidedness. This is personal universal.

In To and Tem is also Teem. Teem as in Esteem. "To"-Esteem is the same as "self"-esteem is the same as to-tem. Self-esteem is self as sem as stem. Self-esteem is based on self-estimation which includes understanding what totems we are part of.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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