If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

History Majors In Double Proof, Double Truth
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2228


( 9ans of 11)

We have identified thoughts and behaviors (functions, properties, characteristics, nature) as a fundamental force.
We've also been reminded that most of our thoughts and behaviors are in the past, in history, in our preexistence to this current existence.
Our life before, is vastly longer than our life now.

In the Universe of Existence-Preexistence, the positive and basic visual ability dominate at the basic level of awareness. Thus this becomes the starting point of the journey to remember knowledge of self in totality. We seek proof positive, that which is seen with physical eyes; but we must also incorporate proof negative of that which is seen with other eyes.

A one quarter turn of the positive sign and the known, reveals the negative sign and the unknown.
Just by simply turning our perspective slightly to either side, we can see more as we move away from strictly Giri So and towards the Bene So.

Here me now, hear me now.
You can't develop mature understandings of history until you begin accessing the Bolo So level of awareness.
We are also reminded, that “of all our studies, history [of anything] is best qualified to reward our research." This was restated by Malcolm X, the naga negative to the maga positive.

Thus to be positive of what's going on now, we must understand the thinking and (functions, properties, characteristics, nature) that have come and gone, have been negated, that seeming no longer are, but instead are just like preexistence. There has simply been change-exchange, and for the most part, what has always been, still is in the exact same form as always.

Claiming to understand history or the history of anything without also having a corresponding complementary wholeness to level of awareness is like trying to look back and see clearly now, without thinking back or understanding back beyond the Giri So evidences of history. To take such an approach will in no way enable proper logic connections among the then, the self, the all else, the now.

Everyone is a history major. Most of us are failing the “course.” We claim to properly understand what has happened in relation to what is happening. We think we are living in reality right now while having an illusionary view of history.

History's major purpose is not self-aggrandizement.

Hire me now, higher me now.
Lower me down, bring me around
Heir me, repair me understand me doubly crowned

This message incorporates a portion from the previous message and many others.

Understand this one point: Between the then and now you are and everything else is.
So then, which part of time and space do you and everything else belong to?

Let me make this country simple with a twist of eloquence. A large part of the problem today in thinking and behavior is that most people, the masses of sheeple, have an extremely truncated and warped sense of history. Lost in space and time. Adrift. Desperately seeking any sign of stability to belong to. Clinging to sinking islands full of active volcanoes. This is the basis of their security. If you weren't psychopathically mentally ill before arriving, you will be the longer you stay and call it home. Thus forgetting you are lost while never escaping the feeling. And this is why most people are easily bamboozled by 9-11's and pandemics and all other mass constructions the society puts forth as the way or not the way. The society needs as many people as possible to help make the island seem bigger and to add their lives to support the always eroding foundation.

And this is why to distract you from the truth of the mega-societal failure based on a slew of fundamental logic errors baked into institutional cakes, you are programmed to be extremely deficient of decency. This allows you to participate in Maafa Racism actively, passively, by co-mission and by omission. This is only possible if you have no clue as to the history of who you are, where you came from and why you are here. Thus nearly all you do is disharmonious. You excel in lying to yourself....something you learned at home.