If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, September 20, 2020

If You're Lucky Your Luck Will Change
Unity Consciousness #2233


( 9anx of 11)

Luck is a revolutionary resource that comes and goes, comes around, goes around, appears and disappears like the Abra Cadaver, the Abracadabra, The Adro Adroa. If you are moving in “synchronicity” with the lucky ones emerging at the highest and widest corners of the Galaxy, you too will begin maturing in understandings in many areas such as...

1. Understanding relationships between and among humans and superhumans.

2. Your safari will allow you to be a sojourner near and narrowly, far and widely, all for the priceless cost of being held captive to freedoms of space and time, a great set of responsibilities (response abilities).

3. You'll remember the major purposes of being here and there.

4. You will have enough time and presence of mind to redo some things differently and some things more of the same.

5. When you awaken in the tomb of the cocoon and emerge from the womb, you will not be rock-a-bye-babied back to sleep and be limited in hope and scope of further transformations. Instead you will remain connected to that which sparks interests and develops into wildfires.

6. You will develop the witsdom to not seek to apprehend truths for personal possession, but rather to comprehend more strands of connections for group expression.

7. Early on, you'll remember how to access and utilize lifelong memories, including from previous lives.

Lucky is luci is lucid. You are lucky and your luck is changing for the better if you have become an initiate of learning. You are lucky because you are being retooled and refueled by star constellations where luck is reformed and performed through revolutions in the Corona Zones of chromosomes. Your vision perceptions and visual acuity are improving due to recalibrations of the ones and twos, the primary binary code that is everything and changes everything. Yes, yes y'all, the truth is changing which is why luck is changing because truth and luck are each other and are trading places of orientation. Luck is a form of Ruck, reck, rekh, kher, reckonings.

Since changes in understandings, overstandings and innerstandings are what causes luck and truth to change, you will become more aware that luck has everything to do with understanding the truths of mirror images. These revealings are mirror oracles, mirroracles, miracles. Slow down now. Read, reflect and absorb this paragraph before moving on.

Briefly speaking, miracles are seen and better understood the more we understand more pairs and groupings of truths. Mirror images are oracles. Thus then, since we are a mirror image, we are an oracle in many ways and contain many oracles. We just need to remember how to read them, hear them, see them. We need to improve as oracle readers, which means we need to improve our understandings of truths. These truths we possess due to smart luck of superhumans not the dumb luck of humans.
We have discussed the Ma-Kheru or Makheru and that Kher is truth and true. I submit that the word “acle” is a form of the word “Makheru” since acle becomes akhle, akhre, akher. Miracles are mir-akhers, truths from the mer.
Miracles are oracles from the Makheru.
Ma is Maat, Ma is Am. Ma is part of Shu-ma, Ma-Shu who is the Lucy, the Lucky as Obatala Kepheus, one of two main composite collective teachers of the New Ages. Maat is lady luck and lady truth who will change anything using any means necessary to bring about the change that establishes the logic and set of conditions for the new reigns to reign supreme.

I am lucky, able to see my reflection in the mirror of water and recognize the waters is seeing its reflection in me, remembering itself as I am remembering myself. One of us seeing where it has gone, the other beginning to see through to where it came from.

A miracle is most easily noticed when truth/luck changes form one from to another and we did not expect some aspect of that change was possible, thus we explain it with miracle and luck. Though we are correct, we are not kherrekh because we fail to understand that miracle is truth and luck and takes place all the time everywhere in everything, thus miracles, truth and luck are the rule of spirit motion, not the exception.
This is the basis and basically why your luck is changing for better or worse because the overall course of ever-coming, ever-changing, everlasting events is changing into a new “STAGE” of the “TER”, which combines into a change in “strategy” each time A Starage changes miracles, luck, truth and the fates of mates.

Additional Notes: Akher is also what forms Maker. The Maker is the Ma-Kher, Makheru and the Ma and the Kher.
Aker also forms occur. Thus what occurs is truth. All occurrences are forms of truth, even when that occurrence is manufactured by humans, such as a Covid-19 pandemic resulting from the overall human pandemic.
Lastly we note that “ence” is a form of ankh. Thus the ubiquity of the ankh in Egypt before Egypt Minor and Egypt Major became places of spirit-mind-emotion-body paraplegics and quadriplegics. Ankh is a form of nkha, nga, naga and the denigrated form of nigger.
If we are lucky, anyone who blasphemes the Nga, the Ankh by uttering the word nigger with the intent of harm, will lose their voice and their appetite. Their body will reject all nutrition. This is a complement to the rejection of nutrition by their spirit-mind-emotion. Thus they will starve to death because they have been starved to death. All this is in keeping with the mark of exhibited beasts. Heka Hiao Ashe Amenet Makheru Nganga Great Mother Great Father, Great Sister, Great Brother. It is written. Let it be done.