If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Culture Is Motivation Is Motive For
Mayhem, Murder, Mental Illness, Mo' Problems
Unity Consciousness #2477

(9axg of 11)

Problems exist mainly due to two things which guide primary use of free will:
1. lack of understandings, knowledge, wisdom.
2. lack of healthy morality. Healthy Morality is dynamically balanced logic which maintains harmony within self and with all else.

In societies, daily life for all people is filled with unnecessary avoidable solvable problems. In societies such as the USA, many of problems daily discussed could be solved as quickly as the coronavirus was “addressed.” Which is to say, “if the will to create and amplify the narrative existed.”

As stated before, if favored groups wanted to alleviate all lingering problems and guarantee their security, freedom, health and wealth, all they have to do is focus on respecting the rights of creation for the most disfavored – Africans (Blacks). The direct net effects would be immediate activation and continuous self-checking self-correcting processes that would solve all major societal problems, including those related to the natural world ecosystem, including climate change.
You cannot solve problems for favored groups without solving the same, similar or related problem for the disfavored group. Any attempt to do so will only make matters worse, even if there's a delay in recognizing this. For instance, you cannot solve school and mass shootings until you solve the killings of the disfavored group. The same sickness logic by which you create the conditions for killing the disfavored group is the same logic that finds its way into school and mass shootings. All you smart and honest people, analyze, compare and contrast the two types of killing and you will find a common source infecting the psyche.
As a second for instance, you cannot be secure, safe, free, healthy, wealthy or wise while simultaneously doing things to make life insecure, unsafe, slave-based, unhealthy, impoverished and difficult for the disfavored group. The favored group will suffer a plethora of problems they think is just part of life, but is the same shit in a different way that causes problems to happen.
As a third for instance, you cannot solve problems related to nutrition and housing for members of the favored groups if you do not solve access to food and housing for the disfavored group.

Dem (favored groups) tend to ask a bunch of insincere questions such as “what is the motive,” even though they never want to hear or face the truth and instead are seeking another escapegoat excuse to numb their decayed depraved wisdom tooth in bad need of a root canal. Dem always squawking 'bout problems and solutions but never once looking at self as the core problem that has grown bigger as the ill-logic fills and disfigures, country, nation, culture. In other words, the biggest crisis is the crisis of culture, something which can be further separated into knowledge and morality.
Dem never admitting publicly, privately or silently, that in order to infringe upon the rights of creation, an entire group must work together against another group, and do so by using all major institutions in the society. With few exceptions, all members of a favored group must be complicit co-conspirator gang members.

Remember, the direct effects of a rights infringing collective of institutions is to also dysfunction for all groups, thus cause almost all people to display dysfunctional thinking and behavior. Thus a racist collective creates its own “lingering” problems that can never be solved while intentionally creating a shitload of other problems.
Thus then, the answer to all questions seeking to understand the nature, cause and motive of problems and their solutions is: your institutions, your society, your culture, your self.
Yes you, and who you identify as and what that identity represents and what that identity implements (laws, institutions, culture). This answer also has application to the disfavored group.

The inability to look at self is also the inability to look at larger views. Thus leaving self unbalanced skewed. Thus not only is the mind closed to honest self-inspection self-reflection, the mind is permanently closed to honest inspection of groups, communities, culture, country and worldview.
All this is the direct effect of fostering fear of truth that comes with the territory of adults knowingly clinging to a selfview and worldview that are extremely insecure, artificial, suboptimal, contradictory and self-destructive.

A scary nature, scared of one's own reflection in the mirror of all else, takes being “chicken” to the level of Chicken Shit, a cancerous character flaw that is far worse than being a Chicken Little. Why? See the next message for details.

All this is rooted anciently in ice age desperation devastation scarcity epigenetics and recently in “suboptimal identifiers of self” that forms the asili seed for culture and worldview. This then falsely creates notions of being favored and simultaneously creates fear of being “found out.” Thus Dem Chicken Shits must always first and foremost resist and deny telling truth to self, offspring, family, friends and gullible others. Thus also always keep you sucked into their fears, their worldview, definitions, meanings, culture, education, media, way of life, crises, emergencies, pandemics and so on. For dem, the sky is always falling, and it is dem who hold it up, provide protections and solutions with the so-called civilizations they create far from barbarism that represent the highest achievements of humanity.

Understand clearly, that a hallmark proof of a civilization is a continuous, all-institutions-on-deck focus on supporting people in continually becoming better human beings.
The absence of this is another way of saying what was said in paragraph one above. It leads to motivation and motive for mayhem, murder, mental illness, mo' problems.
This is why there must be continuous improvement in knowledge of self. It is preventative medicine against chicken fear and the fatal foolishness of chicken shit thinking and behavior.