If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Ownership Yet Deep Denial Of Personal Responsibility
Unity Consciousness #2490

(9axt of 11)

As expected and as always happens, now the blame game, after the ill-advised love fest.

1. A homeowner cannot prevail if they sue a contractor, architect, engineer or government agency, unless those people failed to perform their duties, including intentional or unintentional misrepresentations.
However government responsibility should be limited to the degree it is or isn't a government office under the control of someone you voted for. You voted for them to get benefits, now live with their failures of governance also.

2. Apartment dwellers can prevail against apartment owners or against owners of any building because there is always an implied warranty of suitably for the intended use. This does not excuse renters, or people who are in any building for any reason or any length of time, from exercising natural sense and taking action when they notice something.

Champlain South Tower, Surfside, Florida

3. You cannot sue yourself. Condo owners are homeowners and cannot prevail in suing the Condo Association Board because they themselves are the Condo Association.

4. Condo owners can only prevail if the Condo Board is self-appointed and can make all final decisions, without regards to input or voting from condo owners. Or if the Condo Board did not perform their duties such as failure to provide required information to owners.

5. Condo owners should not be allowed to avoid taking personal responsibility for building issues that any average or reasonable person can detect by simply living in the building and requires no expertise to notice.
Any reasonable person with a list of outstanding home repairs, including something labeled as “major” knows it will decrease home value and continue to damage the structure.

6. Condo owners cannot prevail in suing architects if building plans were approved by government. Government is responsible for standards used to reassure the public.

7. Condo owners can prevail against contractors if building specifications were not followed.

8. Condo owners can prevail against governments who do not perform their duty at any point, including inspections, site suitability and notifications to owners of what factors threaten site suitability, thus building integrity.

9. Condo owners can prevail against nearby construction contractors whose work damages their property.

10. Condo owners can prevail against governments who changed building codes but did not require retrofitting or more frequent inspection of older buildings.

11. Condo owners can prevail against whoever was responsible for conveying land subsidence information to owners.

12. Condo owners cannot prevail against home inspectors unless something in the scope of the report was missed.

13. Condo owners cannot prevail against the roofing contractor; however laws should be changed to require any contractor whose work could add significant weight or forces to a structure or could impact any structural member, to get written verification from the owner that the building is not in need of any known major repairs.

14. Condo owners cannot prevail against the 2018 engineers even if the engineers later said the building was okay. Written information supersedes verbal.
Recent Condo owners can prevail against the city official, agency and condo association who said the building was okay in a Condo association meeting after reading the 2018 report. I suspect the city official was paid (bribed) to say it by someone(s) who sold their condo(s) after that meeting and before April 2021.
Condo owners who made purchases after the 2018 report, and were unaware of it, should have recourse against the sellers for withholding material facts. Condo owners prior to the 2018 report cannot be allowed to set aside personal observations, collective observations and engineer observations and then blame a city official for saying the building was okay. To allow previous condo owners to prevail would be to allow people to get away with neglecting the basics of personal responsibility – thinking for yourself, especially when you have plenty of signs and opportunities to know better and behave more diligently and urgently.

15. Condo owners cannot prevail against government for not investigating the effects of nearby construction because the owners should have paid for a private assessment of potential nearby construction impact, and then sought reimbursement from government.

16. Property owners cannot be excused from due diligence and resolving conflicting information such as between written and verbal or between official or expert information and what a reasonable person can assess for themselves and become self-educated about and furthermore know is not normal, thus not okay to ignore or delay correcting.

17. Condo owners will have to rely a great deal upon property and life insurance to the extent that negligence does not invalidate their claims.

Remember, people of this building and community are being lavished with praise as being so wonderful. The price of the condos I've seen are half million to over 1.5 million. The people are basically touted as being good, the best, having their shit together and by extension well-educated and intelligent, yet none of them are accepting personal responsibility, but evidence points to personal responsibility. Knowing this does not require years of investigating or experts, just natural sense.

We must take personal responsibility for our own actions, lack of action, health, safety and choices about ways of living. We cannot pass it off and outsource it, then come back later and cry foul, even when government is involved, because we are the government, so we must live with the good and bad of the government we allow to exist.

Most certainly, the people of Champlain Towers South are in the favored group and are victims of their own logic that manifests in all the moving pieces associated with constructing the logic used every step of the way in each person involved. A culture of broken and weak logic is personally responsible. This way of thinking continues to make Champlain people say they were not warned of potential collapse, yet clearly and easily all they had to do was add one and one and one and one... or simply use reading comprehension, which we already know does not come with critical thinking, something purposely shut down by free will choice to avoid acknowledging true reasons for societal disparities.

All potential prevailings by condo owners can only be partial because they have at least 75% contributory negligence.

If they don't already, condo associations should now be required to carry insurance against failure to perform duties.

What Caused The Collapse

This is in addition to or repetition of what has been said in the past seven days.

1. A culture of miseducation. A chief logic flaw is “that doesn't happen in the United States of America.” It's amazing how prevalent this false notion is when the truth is, the USA is full of more weaknesses than strengths. Even after colossal failures we fail to acknowledge this fact, thus we are setting ourselves up for greater collapse of logic that is like deadly logic roulette, which is why fools believe and claim predictable deadly incidents of weak logic are random anomaly one-off failures of individuals and small groups rather than indicative of the failure of the larger collective.
Secondly, adopting logic flaws that cause us to begin a pattern of behaviors that go against achieving what we think we are achieving: health, safety, security, freedom, democracy, good education, wealth, a better life, and so on. These pairings of logic and behaviors contradict our desired effects, but they do not contradict predictions of cycles, circles and patterns that go against the grain and flow of wholeness and harmony.
2. Basic human weakness.
3. Giving benefit of doubt in unwarranted situations.
4. General delayed building maintenance.
5. Ignoring leaking water for years.
6. Water damage from weather and from pool leakage that damaged columns and slabs.
7. Partial slab collapse under the pool that led to almost instantaneous domino effect collapse. The slab collapse under the pool rapidly widened and fell into the garage. The force of the concrete and water pushed against already severely weakened columns above and below ground. The pulling apart of connections caused by corrosion and expansion caused by ongoing weather, pool leaks and then the pool collapse, pushed stability past the breaking point. To know these things only requires basic understanding of process and cause and effect and that everything is connected, the perfected and the defective. Thus weak logic in one place threatens logic in several other places. All logic begets more logic of the same nature. This begetting is more prolific when the logic is stem logic, system logic, fundamental logic that supports everything else.
To know in advance what will happen also . It also requires the logical use of metaphor of what we already know. This allows us to understand that what builds a strong structure and destroys a strong structure of any type, physically or philosophically, such as culture or safety or governance or country, are all subject to the same principles.