If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Of Course HIV Is Cured By Natural Immunity & Much Healthier Living
Unity Consciousness #2563

(9azzn of 11)

Before the stink dried on the most recently exposed lie, another one is again exposed out of lying assholes.

How Do I Lie To Thee, Let Me Count The Ways

We've already had several opportunities to know we are being lied to about HIV (inappropriately called AIDS).
HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Viruses (HIV-1 and HIV-2).
AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Many things, factors and conditions can lead to AIDS, just as many things, factors and conditions can lead to Dementia Syndrome and many other Syndromes).

Esperanza Makes Another Brick In The Wall Fall

Now there's hope that the HIV lie will be known by all, or at least by all who want to know the truth.

We've been lied to and told that Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus we can't get rid of (a forever virus) and that the body has no ability to mount an immune response, defense, not even with healthy living.

We are lied to and told the corona virus #2, is a virus that even though our body is able to overcome without a covid vaccine, we still need the vaccine because our body's immune response is insufficient

Now on 11.15.21, we are told:
A woman in Argentina has become only the second documented person whose own immune system may have cured her of HIV.
Thus we are to believe our bodies can heal itself of the dreaded death sentence HIV, but not adequately deal with the extremely low death rate and high recovery rate coronavirus, even when people wait to help themselves.

The article states: “The case serves as one of two proofs of concept that a so-called sterilizing cure of the virus is apparently possible through natural immunity.”

The article claims that it's a “miracle of the human immune system.”
I say, it's not a miracle, bur rather only the natural way our bodies work when we lead healthier lives.

As usual, lying and stupidity work hand-in-hand. The so-called experts are behaving as usual and trying to pinpoint some kind of human-conceived magic process they can reproduce and sell to people as a treatment, instead of implicating and acknowledging healthy living on all levels, as the cure to all that ails us.

The article states: “researchers have successfully cured two other people therapeutically — in both cases through complex and dangerous stem cell transplants.”

I also say that so-called experts, due to their suboptimal context, are confusing what is taking place in immune cells, called the viral reservoir.
I also say, if it is true that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus resides under the radar in immune cells, then it is also true that all other viruses are also in the viral reservoir. I suspect this is for the redundant purpose of being able to reintroduce small amounts of a virus back into the circulatory system, just in case, already established immune memory cells are damaged.

Thus, as a result, people are being told the have HIV and can't get rid of it, based on the virus being present in the viral reservoir that even the bodies own active immune system ignores and doesn't respond to because the viral reservoir is a quarantine storage databank documentation location.

The article speaks of a “sustained force” as if what's going on is a mystery.
Once again, I say the sustained force is the body's own genetic potential working in conjunction with much healthier living.
The article continues to echo the logic of the medical industry and the masses, that it is surprising that our bodies can heal itself without medication or some medical treatment or vaccine. This is why people don't believe we can cure ourselves of AIDS and of the corona virus and of the influenza virus and many other ailments, especially those termed “cancer.”

The article admits to what the body is capable of when it states: “there are a number of documented cases of people who have stopped antiretroviral treatment, in particular if they started such therapy very soon after contracting the virus, who have not seen their viral load rebound for years.”
What the article doesn't specify is the changes these patients made in order to live healthier lives in the four inseparable aspects of self, preceding viral load remission and rebound resurgence.

What the article says but doesn't say is that all these supposed treatments and cures to address HIV, have, like most medications and treatments, harmful effects that damage other parts of the body.
The article does not plainly state: You can't cure people by killing people.

HIV cure research hit about $335 million globally in 2020.
Imagine if that was spent towards simply cleaning up the food system and helping people plant food in their own yards.
Imagine what would happen if people stopped lying by 50%.


Additional God (Good) News We've Known Long Ago

All viruses are curable naturally, including the virus of lies and its variants.
Much healthier living will expose more lies to you and allow you to quarantine those lies in order to remember them but not be harmed by them.