If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 5, 2021

Personal Choice Is Not A Personal Choice When....
Unity Consciousness #2553

(9azzd of 11)

Many supposedly sane people have an insane (self-destructive) definition of personal choice.
Clearly what “sane” means is equal to “what the status quo majority thinks in any group of any size.”

The latest logic abuser (Bob Caustic Costas) repeated what many have surely said: that it's not a personal choice when it affects someone else (for instance covid vaccine).

Okay, then let's go with that definition and list some of the quickly easily obvious things we say are personal choices, but also clearly affect others.

1. To abort or keep a child affects the child, both parents and others; therefore deciding to abort or not, IS NOT a personal choice.

2. When you have a cold, influenza or any transmissible disease, you no longer have a personal choice because your infection affects other people; therefore, everyone should be mandated to take a vaccine for any infectious disease and follow other mandated protocols, which includes disclosing to others your vaccination status, and if not, you are put on the stockade guillotine chopping block of have nots. Chop, chop you out of the rest of your rights.

3. Who you vote for clearly affects others, thus voting is not a personal choice.

4. Each vote cast on a jury affects plaintiff, defendant, their families and many others in the community, thus a juror's vote is not a personal choice and should be mandated and legislated and corrected when necessary to match the letter of the law and not allow jurors to think for themselves and invoke the “I felt this way” excuse.

5. Your choice of job, work or career affects others. We know this.
We also know it is in the best interests of everyone in a group, family, community, nation, world, for everyone to be engaged in endeavors they are best suited for; therefore, job choice is not a personal choice and should be mandated. We all suffer when people are not using their abilities in optimal fashion.

6. Your choice of friend or partner affects others.

7. Your choice to recycle or not, affects others.

8. Your choice to not use chemicals in your house or yard, affects others.

9. Your choice to speak lies or truths, affects others.

10. What you choose to believe, affects others.

11. Your choice to shower or not, affects others.

12. Your choice to put your need for food, shelter and self-esteem above the same inherent rights of others and additional inherent rights, is a choice that affects others.

13. Your choice to support products and services no matter their impact on others, is a choice that affects others, thus should be mandated and restricted to fit the desires of the majority status quo and majority of those willing to use any means necessary to make you do what they want you to do, setting aside and trampling any personal choice as needed.

This is an extremely short list. Please review personal choices you think you have a right to make. Does this personal choice affect others? If yes, then it should be subject to mandates based on whenever an excuse is need to force compliance, and unknowingly stoke revolution.
If you think a personal choice does not affect others, you have not thought about it long enough or comprehensively enough.

Your choice to piss or not to piss in the pool, affects others.
Your choice to call out Maafa Racism or not, in yourself and others, affects others.

It's a personal choice to have free speech and free thinking over your own mind, but not a personal choice to have free behavior over your own body.

Privacy laws apply to all except those it need not apply.

To each his own only applies when you are not owned.

The most deadly infectious disease is suboptimal logic, against which our only protection is self-correction.
Self-Correction is a personal choice until the larger self-correction process imposes its free will spinning wheel of mandates.

Suboptimal logic is preferable, tolerable and normal until it infects person after person and reaches herd buffoonery which leads to calm that becomes complacency, uneasiness that becomes carelessness and fear panic that becomes unabatable calamitousness.