If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 11, 2022

Expanding "Power Concedes Nothing Without A Struggle"
Unity Consciousness #2821

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The well-known phrase, “power concedes nothing without a struggle,” is only half of the story of power, thus is a one-sided imbalanced view of power.

It is Power within a society, that is the type that concedes nothing without a struggle; however, power within a civilization, has no need of struggle to concede inherent rights to all creations. Power within a society must be forced to do the right thing. This is unnecessary in a civilization, because the right thing already exists or exists quickly after awareness it does not exist.

Debilitating power concedes nothing without a struggle and uses all of its power to debilitate and incapacitate; however, rehabilitating power has no need of struggle to renovate and rejuvenate beings to their optimal path of beingness.

Until now, I agreed with 'Power concedes nothing without a struggle.” This notion was put forth by Frederick Douglass. I now understand that he was referring to the prevailing oppressive suffocating smothering human construct of power of his times, societal power. The same pathetic poisoning use of power that exists now in human groupings called countries and nations.
Societal power concedes nothing without a struggle because societal power is the power of injustice and was obtained unjustly and is sustained unjustly. This is self-evident. If not, self is not understood, which is why the extended self in the form of society and culture is sideways misunderstood to be mostly good and only slightly flawed.
Civilization power, civilizing power, concedes everything to the continuous process of self-reflection and self-correction; however, societal power, doubles down again and again on error and goes all in, which is why, as one example, societies spend most of their resources on weapons to weaken the masses of their citizens and on weapons to defend themselves against self-created enemies, people they've attacked. These enemies are the result of the society's internal and external thinking and behaviors based on millions of legal and informal laws, all based on one fatal flaw.

If the energies and resources of a people or a person is spent in a struggle for and against power, then that leaves little for advancement of evolution due to the continuous tug-of-war back and forth of gains and losses on both sides. This is because energies are directed towards just trying to get back to even, to level, to the inherent rights of creation born with conferred by the goddesses and gods. However, this root investment, manifests itself later when the surface situation goes through rapid transformation and the slate of the constructs of humans, is wiped clean from the face of Earth. Cancer within, cancer without, cancer absent mend, ends with closed mouth.

Power is more than externally manifest. It manifests internally first. Don't we know this?
To only say that power concedes nothing without a struggle is to also concede that the internal personal power of free will must also be contended with, fought with and forced to do the right thing. Do we struggle with the power of our own free will before we concede anything? Do we struggle against doing the right thing? Do we struggle against doing the wrong thing?

Human power (self), when out of harmony with self and all else, concedes nothing without a struggle; however superhuman power (self and all else) concedes many things and is the force against which human power ultimately contends.
Contrary to popular belief, humans are only temporarily and partially autonomous and sovereign, and at times we are neither, thus control of self and anyone else or anything else has only been temporarily and partially conceded to humans because power must be shared with all other creations in order for the universe or any ecosystem to function properly. Thus when human power is imbalanced and counter to ecosystem health, absent human self-correction, the extended self beyond humans, that collective powerfilled set of fundamental forces of nature neters, will self-correct the ecosystem, thus take away the illusory veil of power and paper mache (papier-mâché) permanence of power humans think they have.
This is foretold by Ancestor Marcus Garvey who said, organize your people, if you don't, conditions will.
Thus, conditions will cause the collective effect of individual thinking and behavior to come together as a force against societal power, even if that collective force is not collectively viewed as uniting, being united, being unified, working together or harambee.
Raindrops don't decide to unify, conditions unify and magnify their individual impact. Then heat joins in and wind joins the team.
Although power concedes nothing without a struggle beforehand, there always comes a time when power concedes everything without a struggle after the fact of the impact of power that is always greater than the power that resists.

Since everything taking place is taking place in the Universe and the Universe is another way to say, Body of the Creator, then the statement becomes:
Although higher power concedes nothing without a struggle, it is always eventually defeated and replaced by higher power whose time has come.
Always when this occurs, power whose time has come, uses the self-defeating set of conditions and adds enough additional force to beat down the resisting power so that it cannot resurge and emerge victorious until its next appointed time. Ages are the higher power rulers and are also the appointed times, as well as shorter periods within Ages. The rise and fall of human societies and civilizations have always coincided with cycles of Earth, Moon, Sun, Planets, Stars and combinations (sets, systems, constellations, galaxies). In our muddled minds we call it climate change and global warming, when instead these are only aspects of environmental change, ecosystem change and changes in how groupings of all species function and organize themselves. Always, some species rise, some fall, and if humans survive at all, the status quo will no longer exist. Power has not conceded these understandings into the below without a struggle, yet the same family of powers has assisted in the crossing of many rivers of understanding.