If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, December 18, 2023

Rome Word Origin, Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3067

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

White Romans Are New To The Game

The first people by any name outside of Africa were Africans. Duh!
All people by any name outside of Africa are Africans. Makes me no never mind anymore if you never claim it. Ain't no love lost. The only genetics are African genetics, the only genes in the human game. Game is gane is gene is genome is game on.
New to the game of human existence are Black Folks under the names of Roman and Greek. Even newer are denatured demelanized Black Folks (White Folks) under the names of Roman and Greek.

The foundation of Black Rome, is only as old (young) as 753 BCE. (Cory: Ancient Fragments). There is no such thing as ancient Rome. 753 BCE is not ancient. To be ancient, you must be at least one Great Year Old, One Sun Cycle.
723 years later in 30 BCE, Rome defeated Greece and took over Egypt.** Rome did not pop up as a bunch of whites, semites and blacks and grow into a powerful nation due to its own internal intelligence and then take over Egypt. No! Rome is a child of Africa. So the reason why Rome was built at all, is because the parents from Africa were the Romans who built Rome and who were helped by their parents from Africa, not just with physical labor, but with all the knowledge needed. Same goes for the USA and all other countries and nations that have ever existed.

**Egyptians (Nile Valley Africans mainly, as wells as those from the African expansion inside and outside of Africa).


Remn is the extent, extending to, up to, thus far. From this comes the word Rome, a land area and jurisdiction of rule.
Rome comes from the Egyptian Rom, Rem, Orm, Erm, Rum, Urm, the measure of land extending to, as far as, the border or limit determined, that is, the Rim, margin, the space or Room Thus Rome is a generic word, that applies to all areas designated by borders and rule. Just as Room is a generic word. Your Room is Rome.

To REM (Egyptian) is to weep; F or P represent article “ the” or a pronoun. Prem and Frome mean “The Rem” and is further defined as “the river that was wept” [from being well kept] drop by drop, drip by drip and that reaccumulates like memory, remembering, reminding
URM is a name of the Inundation in any and all forms and states of maater. (BB)

It is probable that the name of Rome was derived from Rem, Rum or Rome which are Egyptian names for the fish. Roma was the fish goddess. The fish man and fish woman rule in Rome. The ring with which the Pope is invested, his seal-ring, has on it the sign of the fish. Ichthon the Saviour was brought on in Rome as Ichthus the fish, absurdly personified as the “historical Jesus” in human flesh. (AE2)
Thus Rome was named during the Age of Aries, the ram, lamb, but was given the symbol of Pisces, which could be why Rome couldn't come into Power until the Age of Pisces in 120 BCE and after Pisces ended co-rule with Aries in 60 BCE. Clearly only an African familiar with Nile Valley Mythology could have named Rome in accordance with the incoming Age and its symbols, thus gaining an advantage over other Romes named Rome or not, and likely that did not incorporate the symbolism, and if so, were out of sync with the times. This is why the USA, as one example, has used many African Mythology knowledge pieces in Washington DC and on its money and in many other places and ways throughout the country.

Back to earlier Rome and its modern day continuation. The petticoated Pope is a figure of the ancient fish-woman; she who sat upon the waters and on the seven hills of the celestial Heptanomis as a water-cow, who brought forth from the mystical mouth of the fish. [which is why, in the remix of Egyptian mythology & eschatology, Jesus told his disciples to take money out of the mouth of a fish to pay to Caesar what is his] The Pope is dressed in the likeness of both sexes. The “os tincoe” of the papal mitre,*** equally with the star Fomalhaut in Piscis Australis of the planisphere, and the mouthpiece of the divine Word, is still the same antique as when the ancient Wisdom was first figured as the female fish, the crocodile, and the male fish was a likeness of the Savior who came by water in the Inundation before Horus could come by boat, or float on the papyrus plant in human form; so long has the fish been a zoötype of emaning source in the Egyptian eschatology. The Pope impersonates the mouthpiece, the fish’s mouthpiece of the Word, and, as the imagery shows, the Word, or Logos, is the same that was uttered of old as a fish by the ancient mother-fish with the os tincoe (mouth of utterance) from which a child is born; so that the mother-church in Rome, as represented by the Pope, is still the living likeness of the fish-mother, who brought forth Horus of the Inundation as her fish in the Zodiac at least some 12,000 or 13,000 years ago, and had never ceased to do so annually up to the time of rebirth in the sign of the fishes, when Papal Rome took up the parable but suppressed or omitted the explanation concerning the Christ now apothesized as Ichthus the fish.[here is another umpteenth easy to access pieces of information that tells us, Egypt in no way began in 5,000 BCE]
***The papal mitre is the hat or headdress of the pope and bishops, the top of which is an opening that symbolizes the fishes mouth through which the word is issued.
The proper date for the commencement of Christianity or equinoctial Christianity is somewhere about 255 BCE [just before the Age of Pisces the fish, equinoctial Christianity claims at least a 4,440 BCE origin and is now actually Christendom]. (AE2)

The Church in Rome was founded on Egypto-gnostic gnosis taught by the the mystery-teachers whom we term Egyptognostics, and whose Jesus was absolutely non-historical. Jesus is celestial phenomena and cycles and earthly phenomena and cycles. This is the Savior. One of the most important of all the written gnostic remains is the Pistis Sophia that continues the Jesus-legend from the Egyptian source. (AE2).
Before the name of Jesus, the savior was named many names such as Horus who was the fish in Pisces, the lamb in Aries, the calf in Taurus, the twins in Gemini, the scarab beetle in Khepera, the lion in Leo and so on all the way around the zodiac signs of star constellations that demarcate the Great Year of the Sun, great because it is a sun revolution as opposed to our Year which is an Earth revolution, thus a Lesser Year by which to reckon the times and the signs. (AE2)
The Roman Church was the mother and the Emperor and Caesar was the Son. There is a clear reason why the ruling body of the Roman Church is called the Vatican. It is the holy of holies. Further explanation coming relatively soon, Lords willing according to their reordering and rearranging. It has already been explained why and how the government, military (all forms of police and policers by any name) and religion must work hand-in-hand to control the people.

The African Origin Of Rome Can Be Shown Through Religion

...primitive Christianity borrowed from the cult of Isis in Rome, even in the structure of its processions. “Egypt is the country from which contemplative devotion penetrated into Europe.” (Diop: Precolonial Black Africa)

From 753 BCE to 378 CE) Rome followed Nile Valley Mythology & Eschatology (called Mysteries). This is 1,132 years, 409 of which were spent sucking (information) lotus nectar and eating lotus petals as rulers of the Egypt blossom. After 378 CE Roman Emperors, Theodosius in the 4th century CE and Justinian in the 6th century CE, abolished the Mysteries of the African Continent, which by the way is the ancient culture system of the entire world. Please note that the African Mysteries were abolished only in a de jure manner (by law); however, they continued everywhere defacto (in practice), only slightly hidden and obscured by government and religious leaders using different words for the same African things and sometime changing the representations and meanings intentionally or not. (James: Stolen Legacy)

Africa is the holy land of the world. Nile Valley Mythology and Eschatology was and is the oldest holy universal (catholic) religion, whose power was supreme. This lofty culture system of the Black people filled Rome with envy, and consequently she legalized Christianity which she had persecuted for five long centuries, and set it up as a state religion and as a rival of Mysteries, its own mother. This is why the Mysteries have been despised; this is why other ancient religions of the Black people are despised (most often Vodoun called Voodoo); because they are all offsprings of the African Mysteries, which have never been clearly understood by white Europeans, and consequently have provoked their prejudice and condemnation. In keeping with the plan of Emperors Theodosius and Justinian to exterminate and forever suppress the culture system of the African continents the Christian church established its missionary enterprise to fight against the Mysteries which it called paganism, even though all religions today are based on this so-called paganism. Consequently missionaries and educators have gone to the mission field with a superiority complex, born of miseducation and disrespect: (James: Stolen Legacy)

Egypt Includes Ethiopia

Ethiopia was the source of all that Egypt knew and transmitted to Greece and Rome. We are accustomed to think of Ethiopia as a restricted country in Africa but this was not true. The study of ancient maps and the descriptions of the geographers of old, reveals that the ancient Land of Cush was a very widespread and powerful empire. Hebrew scholars called Cush, all the countries of the torrid zone (tropics). It was the race that Huxley saw akin to the Dravidians of India, stretching in an empire from India to Spain. The Greeks described Ethiopia as the country around the Indus and Ganges.[These are not in Africa as we call it today. These are in the Africa of yesterday and are in the Africa of always.] (Houston: Wonderful Ethiopians)
Egypt is a word that extends all the way down the Nile Valley and went by many subdivision names such as Aethiopia, Nubia, Kush, Taseti, Meroe, Kartoom, Monomotapa and more.

Thotmes III, Amenophis III and Amenophis IV were in appearance unmixed Negro types. Darwin was struck by the extremely Ethiopian characteristics of the statute of Amenophis III. We will pause here to glance at a son of Amenophis who in our day has aroused universal interest. Tut-ankh-amen, [King Tut] was born 1350 BCE, long before the days of Athens and Rome [were a gleam in their African parents eyes and thighs]. Jupiter of Rome was the Zeus of the Greeks and Zeus-Ammon or Amen-Ra of Egypt. (Houston). So we can now see how current portrayals in books, shows and movies of Jupiter, and especially Zeus, are affirmations of Amen-Ra, intended or not.

The Name “ROME” Further Defined

Per (Taylor: Names & Their Histories), Rome is the French name of the city called ROMA in Latin and Italian. Among the various guesses as to the meaning of the name, the most probable refers it to the word gmma or groma, a technical name given to the point in a city or camp where the cardo crossed the decumainis, the two cross roads spreading themselves at their junction into a sort of forum. [As you can see, Taylor is far afield and off course on this one]
Taylor goes on to say, the imperial name of Rome has been absurdly given to more than twenty insignificant places in the United States. [Taylor calls absurd what is entirely appropriate, because we already know the word Rome is a generic term and not an exclusive imperial name.]

[We are not confused when Taylor says Rome is a French word from Latin and Italian. We've already shown the French, Latin and Italian origins and connections to Africa; however, just for the hell of it, we will list Taylor's explanation of the word France, and in a separate message, explain France and French.]
Per Taylor, France (from the German word Frankreich) and FRANCONIA (from the German word Franken) are names derived from the great confederation of Teutonic tribes [see Kelt, Celt, Gaul, Kerman] who called themselves Franks, which probably means ' freemen,' or possibly those armed with a light javelin called framea, believed to be a copyist's error for/ranea. Francia, the Latinised form from which we get the name France, signified originally the Terra Francorum, or ' land of the Franci, while Franken, from which the Latinised form Franconia has been constructed, is the dative plural of the name of the Ripuarian Franks who settled on the Main. In 488 Hlodowig (Clovis), chief of the Salian Franks, founded in Northern Gaul the kingdom which has developed into France. Europeans in the Levant are called FRANKS, owing to the fact that the leading crusaders and the first King of Jerusalem were Frenchmen. [There are far too many misstatements in this definition of France, so in a separate post, I will only provide a more clarifying explanation of origin and meanings of the word France and French, unless clarifying other misstatements are necessary to this task. All other misstatements Taylor makes, may have already been addressed. Even on the surface of initial encounter with his statements, it should raise questions and open investigations.]

Rebuilding ROME Piece By Piece Using Multiple Ways Of Knowing

Rome from Remi from Rema. Rema is a combination of Ru (Ruru, Reru) that contains the waters and the waters called Na or Ma, thus Runa and Ruma. These two words represent an amount of water that extends to the limit of something (the ENT, END, NT). This leads to Rema and Rena or written as REM and REN. Rem + It (heaven, two) is Remit is Limit.
Remi is the limitless one original source with the genetic kinetic potential capable of rising, coming forth drop by drop, drip by drip and pouring out into other sources and filling them to their limit. Interestingly enough, the word “Af” includes the meaning of, wring out drop by drop. This is because Af is a later form of Kak, Kek, Khekh, Khiukh, Khi-ukh. Khi-ush, Kush.

Per (Massey: Ancient Egypt, Vol I, published 1907 CE)
1. Sa, Ka, Sau, Kau, the God of Touch in the Nile Valley is still in use in the Church of Rome, as well as his amulets and charms, the cross, the rosary, and other fetish figures that are yet worn for protection, and are touched in time of need, to establish the physical link with the invisible Power with which it may be thought desirable to keep in touch.

2. The ritual of “opening the mouth” is still performed in Rome.

3. Carrying the ka image round the festive board was just a Kamite prototype of the elevation and carrying round of the host for adoration in the Church of Rome. Indeed, the total paraphernalia of the Christian mysteries had been made use of in Egyptian temples.

4. Osiris in the monstrance [vessel for carrying Eucharist bread] should of itself suffice to show that the Egyptian Karast (Krst) is the original Christ, and that the Egyptian mysteries were continued by the gnostics and Christianized in Rome.

5. In Rome, the altar or communion-table was the coffin lid. The earliest Christian altar was a coffin, a hollow chest, on the lid or mensa [flat top of the altar] of which the Eucharist was celebrated. This, as Egyptian, was the coffin of Osiris that constituted the altar on which the provisions were laid in Sekhem for the eucharistic meal. Hence the resurrection is described as “dawn upon the coffin of Osiris.

6. The zodiac was founded on the inundation. The mother of water figured in the southern fish, as the womb of source itself, was afterwards repeated on the ecliptic, as the wateress (later Aquaria and Aquarius) with all her myriad mammæ streaming from the fount of liquid life, in the abyss, the Tepht, or Tuat, that was localized in the recesses of the south from whence the inundation came, and from which it was perennially renewed [on an annual Earth Year scale of 365 days; and on an annual Sun Year scale of 25,920 years]. When the zodiac was established, she who had been the mother of water in the south would naturally be given a foremost place. The waterer was now repeated as the multi-mammalian wet-nurse in the sign of Aquarius; the same in character, whether as the southern fish, the water-cow, or the suckler divinized. However represented, earth as the giver of water was the type, and in Egypt, the water was the inundation.

7. The first two children of the great mother came into existence as the twin brothers, who contended with each other in the opposite elements of drought and water, or darkness and light, night and day, and in other phenomena. These twin powers were constellated in the sign of Gemini, the Twins. These star constellation twins have been described in various ways using many names such as Sut and Horus. Each time Gemini was at the equinox, the twin powers built a city above, containing equal darkness and light. One of these sets of twins were Romulus and Remus (Rome, Remi, Rema). These twins are believed to be humans who built The Rome on this Earth that became the seat of the Roman Empire. No such humans existed by the names of Romulus and Remus. These twins were Gemini Constellation, thus the Rome on this Earth that became the seat of the Roman Empire was likely founded during the latter stages of the Age of Aries when Gemini was almost at the northern pole. Thus then, when Rome was founded the twin powers of darkness and light were the furthest apart at the poles and not in balance. Thus the nature of Rome from the get-go. Same for the USA and other land areas and jurisdictions founded during the Age of Pisces, i.e., USA, Israel and so on.
When Gemini is aligned with the Sun's equator, so also is Sagittarius, another set of twins as Shu & Tefnut (Kefnut). (AE1)
Thus there is likely to be no balanced countries until the Age of Capricorn and Khepera in another 2,160 years under the twins Sut-Anup, then the Age of Sagittarius and Gemini, then possibly during Scorpio and Taurus and most likely during Maat (Libra, Scales) and Aries. The other possibility is for the Age of Kepheus to restore balance via the twins Ma-Shu or Shu-Tefnut. Kepheus Constellation, along with Aquaria might help balance things out, especially since these two are starting points of the Great Year and are joined by the other four original cornerstone constellations for a total of six in form. Aquaria and Leo currently almost fully occupying the eastern and western corners are double cornerstones anchoring both Great Year circles, thus eight in number. Another possibility is for balanced countries to only exist on one side of earth and/or in one hemisphere.

8. The fish, as a type of sacrifice eaten in the totemic or mortuary meal is still partaken of on Good Friday as the image of Ichthus; the same in Rome at present as in Heliopolis or Annu in the past. The type was changed from sign to sign, from age to age in the course of precession. [This will likely not be changed by current religions because they know not] The commemorative customs light us back as far at least as the sign of the Gemini, when twin turtle-doves, two goats, or twin children were sacrificed. (AE2) Thus the two- turtle-doves match the second day of Christmas.

9. The partridge in the pear tree of Christmas is the bird of heart & soul in the sycamore-fig tree of Life & Death, Womb & Tomb on the Western Mountain of dusk of Nut of Heaven who conceives and rebirths souls. Hathor is the green emerald sycamore-fig tree of knowledge on the Eastern Mountain of dawn and life of Earth who births flesh. [These two truths represent above and below.] (AE1)
Bata (Obatala, Kepheus) the young solar god issued in the morning or spring from the typical tree of dawn. This why the Age of Kepheus is born shortly after the Age of Aquaria (Hathor-Nut). This is the Great Year Scale and brings about large scale Great Year Spring Climate Change, thus the increase in water, wind, warmth and the submerging and emerging of land and other things from the waters and from other wombs, tombs, cocoons. This is a counter collective corrective inundation that cannot be stopped by the fiendish of fiends such as the Maafa Racism collective.
The trees are in the Heaven Amenta Underworld and can be apple, olive, tamarisk, persea, olive, or some other kind of fruit familiar to the followers of the mysteries or the religion. (AE2)

10. Iusāas, the mother of Iusa (Iusu), the Egyptian Jesus, was a form of Hathor-Meri (Mehru), and was brought on in the cult of Rome as Mary. Atum, the father, was the holy spirit in the eschatology of Annu; the first who ever did attain that status. His consort was Iusāas, who, in the character of Hathor, was the female holy spirit, as the dove. Their child was Iusa. (AE2) Kepheus is the big dog, the dog faced ape, the “Coming Son” who is Shu-Ma and a form of Deion Sanders as elsewhere explained and to be explained further in 2024. Kepheus is the first descent of spirit and first advent. In the second descent and second advent, Kepheus becomes perfected beginning approximately 8500 CE in the last 25% of Cygnus, the swan holy spirit of the father, with the help of Scorpio, Taurus and the southern circumpolar constellation. (AE2)

For mythical reasons the child-Christ remained a starrily-bejewelled blackamoor as the typical healer in Rome. Jesus, the divine healer, does not retain the black complexion of Iu-em-hetep in the canonical Gospels, but he does in the Church of Rome when represented by the little black bambino. A jewelled image of the child-Christ as a blackamoor is sacredly preserved at the headquarters of the Franciscan order, and true to its typical character as a symbolical likeness of Iusa the healer, the little black figure is still taken out in state, with its regalia on, to visit the sick, and demonstrate the supposed healing power of this Egyptian AEsculapius thus Christianized. The virgin mother, who was also black, survived in Italy as in Egypt. At Oropa, near Bietta, the Madonna and her child-Christ are not white but black, as they so often were in Italy of old, and as the child is yet conditioned in the little black Jesus of the eternal city. According to local tradition the image of the black bambino was carved at Jerusalem out of the root of a tree from the mount of Olives. This supplies another illustration of Egyptian origin. (AE2)