If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, June 17, 2024

Left and Right Directions
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3125

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

The primary method of re-balancing logic is to repair logic. Repair means just that, re-pairing, rematching logic with the corresponding logic. That logic can be one word, a phrase or a longer string called a sentence, or even longer. A pair of logic can be two, three, four, five or any number that forms the whole complete picture. For instance, the words parent and family consist of, at a minimum, two and three.
So if I'm wondering about the word Right, I should also be wondering about the word Left, because they go together. I should also be wondering about the word Wrong because it goes with Right and Left. Logic must be checked and balanced, because correct logic has greater worth than money in the baron's bank.
The title of this message puts Left before Right. This is according to Egyptian thought, the thinkers through whom thought was brought into the human species. This message, like all others on this weblog, is a comprehensive message, meaning it draws on everything remembered thus far. So as always, shortcuts must be made in the explanation because fuller discussions are found elsewhere.
The word Left is said to be from Kheft. And it is; however, that is the short version.

Longer Version

We must first state what perspective we are using so our point of view has a starting point. Then we can know how to orient and situate everything else.
We are using the circle for our basis of understanding. That circle is Earth. Another circle is Solar System. Another circle is Galaxy. These are nested circles. Earth inside Solar System inside Galaxy. Each circle has an equator that divides the circle into two halves horizontally. Each circle also has a pole that divides the circle into two halves vertically. The circle is now divided by the cross that forms four quarters. We now have a mental picture to help us place logic as we continue with this message. Each of the three circles mentioned represent the Supreme Creator-Destroyer. We are now going back, backing up to focus on the largest of the three circles, the Galaxy, the outermost circle, the Mother Circle of Mother Sun and Mother Earth.
In much earlier times, there was no Sun, no Sun circle, no Earth, no Earth circle.
Life already existed in the Galaxy Mother Circle heavenly waters. Other Suns and Solar Systems already existed. Then in the lower half of the galaxy, the life-making process began anew.

The lower half of the galaxy is named and called North and Kheft. Again, we can hear the word Left in Kheft.
Why is Left on the side, the same as North on the bottom of the circle?

The Mother Circle is the Creator and has many names for all the places and ways creation takes place. We ourselves have many names based on our different functions such as child, sibling, parent, friend, neighbor, coworker, public-an, and so on.
Because in the recent times of your mind, no one else has told you these things, reminders must be mentioned to help you fight against the urge to resist and deny and close the slit in your mind, so you can remain in the prevailing flow of leisurely lazy human thinking.

Kheft is one name of the lower northern half of the circle. Other names are Ru-Ukh, (Kar-Tek, Taurt, Uati, Ut, Tep, Kep, Kp; sparkholders), Khekh, Khefr and Khiur, all of which have been discussed except Ru-Ukh as spelled.
Ru-Ukh is a domestic (tu-mes-tek), a washerwoman, a laundress, a laundromat (laundromut, ruan-tro-mat) for spirit-souls of life. Rukh means heat, water to boil or bake, wash, whiten, purify, heal, to full (fill), thus fulfill, thus when we use either word, full or fill, we are saying fulfill. Ru-Ukh is Khuru is Kheru and Khiur.
Kheru is circle, water, fire, air, earth, love, word of mouth, voice, speech, utterance, expression, cutting in stone by the Kart, Kharti, Kar-natr, Kar-neter, Kar-en-akh, Karnakh, Karnakht, Kher-Rekh, Kherrekh, Correct.
Some word progressions are:
1. Khiu-Khiu to Khiuti and Khiukh
2. Khiukh to Khiuft to Kheft
3. Khiu-Khiu to Khe-Khe to Khekh to Kheft is Kh-e-ft. Khekh moves up and down to weave, knit and become the word Khefr.

Four Steps of The Fourfold Cross & Fourfold Mother God, The Quadraped

Mother Ru-Ukh is four sided, cornered, foundationed (footed, putted, padded) and quartered.
1. By thought conception, Mother conceived on her knees in the West at the equator she created halfway to the center eye and also created the lower northern half of the pole.
2. Mother then squatted in the middle north to give birth to kh-iuns (chil'uns, khari-ans), night lights (moonstars circling planetstars circling sunstars circling galaxystars, which is to say, mu-un-stars circling kru-nunt-stars circling su-un-stars circling karaku-stars.)
3. Mother then moved into crouching position to simultaneously create the equator halfway to center and also create the upper southern half of the pole. With a leap as the leapurt, she then stood up and lifted the entire equator horizon clothed line hung with sunstars, out of the waters to air dry on the upper east side. The stars are now the Khefr-suns moving on up. This is reconception.**
4. Mother now moves to the middle south, holds on with back feet and tail and reaches down with front feet and mouth to help lift the twined horizon clothed line onto the top of the south pole prop. This allows for more airflow and warmth and keeps clothed spirits from dragging the water below and dry ground , mountains and trees now appearing. The middle south at the pole is the rebirthplace.

Because North is hinderpart to the south, and because West is hinderpart to the East, both North and West are Kheft. Thus West took the additional name of Left. Thus Left is North, West, Northwest quarter quadrant.
Left also from more mother names: Pekh, Pekht, Bekh, Bekht, Rept and Rekht.

** Khefrsuns are an earlier form of Jeffersons. Take note that George was in the laundry business of dry cleaning, after the mother wet cleaned in the north. George owned seven stores, a number of primary significance to life, existence and climate changes in the four inseparable aspects of self and in the major institutions of all societies; otherwise they will drown or burn to death. The Jefferson's son was the Sun Lion, Lion-el or Lion-Ra. Louise is equal to Raise as the feminine soul of life in Shu and Joshua (hot water and four corners). George is a form of the Repa as the rising son and as Kepheus (Kefa, Kafi), Lord of the Whitened Black & Red Cloth.

Right Reveals Itself Right Away

1. Ru-Ukh, the Mother, also becomes Rukht and Rukh-T, once creation has been formed, and/or born and/or reborn (resurrected in the east on easter as East-Ar or Ast-Ar). The opening of the Ru becomes closed as RT.
Right is from Rukht, another Mother name. Thus, from the Mother comes the names of both sides, both hands, Left and Right. Variants of Rukht are Re-Ekh, Rekh-T, Rekht, Rekhi, Rukhi, Remit, Repit, Rabbit, Rabbi, Rubic.
2. Right from Kherf. Kherf is a title of the majesty of the sun-god. More fundamentally, Kherf is a name of the Mother because Kherf means to use a sufficient supply (of riu materials, i.e., raw materials) to fashion, form and figure. Variants: Khefr, Kherp, Khepr, Kher, Ser, Cell, Crib, Crop, Herb, Cleave, Orb (Irish), Alph (Hebrew)
3. Right from Res-Ht. Res, Rus or Ras is to raise or be raised up, prop up, give props, watch, be vigilant. Res, Rus or Ras, Res-Ta, Rusta, Rasta are also names of the south toward which the sun is ascending, place of the summer solstice; absolutely, entirely. HT is KT is ST. Res-Ht is a form of Res-Khent, Res-Sut, Res-Kt, Rek-St, Res-Khut, Res-Khu.
Khet, to cut, go, womb, little
Kt, sign of a blade, to cut.
4. Right from Rut-Kht from Rut-Khent. The Rut image is the determinative of the word Khent, the south.
5. Right from Light is South, East and Southeast quarter quadrant


When we speak of Darkness as the opposite of Light, we are referring to the lower half of the circle, the north, when the sun is floating, rowing and sailing through water. Though North is portrayed as darkness, north has many night lights, celestial bodies by the trillions. Thus the darkness of the north contains light in the waters, that we recent humans cannot effortlessly or plainly perceive or function in fully because we lack dark adaptation and dark concentration. This is not surprising since we also lack the same adaptation awareness to the trillions of mitochondrial glow in the dark krau lights within ourselves in our cells. Same principle, same branch of the friu-ur-unk flowering flowing spirit.
When we speak of Light as the opposite of Darkness, we are referring to the upper half of the circle, the South, when and where the sun is flying through air.

We are lastly reminded that we have been speaking using a heavenly orientation where west is left, north is lower and birthplace. East is rebirthplace and south is upper.
This partially matches Earth below; however, on Earth, east is conception and south is the birthplace human huddled mass consciousness considers north on earth as upper. In fairness, this miseducation is aided and abetted by the souls of life of the Ages. This has blinded us to Earth as consisting of an outer circle, an inner circle (Africa) and an inner inner circle (core expanded).
Contrary to how current humans use the words left and right, there is nothing inherently better regarding left and right, west and east or north and south. Each are natural necessary positionings in the circle and cycle of life and lives and species and humans and races and earths and solar systems. Things start sideways, go down, move sideways again, then come up before moving sideways again.

As the mother spirit moves around the galaxy, she is marking time, keeping time, tracking time (t-rexing time), ticking off time, tekhing time, reking time, reckoning time, checking time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Universal High Road Merges With Low Road
Where The Revolution Begins
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3124

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

It has long since been known that there are multiple universes from very large to very small. In brief basic terms, a universe is:
1. the circle You (IU) travel in physically and/or emotionally and/or mentally and/or spiritually.
2. the circle that contains the totality of you.

In other words, your universe contains everything you can identity and that you identify with. However, for many humans, their universe is dominated by portions of that universe such as work, work title, home, home title, family, family title, children, friends, town, county, state, district, prefecture, country, continent, planet, species, race, color and all other suboptimal identifiers of self and some of the optimal identifiers of self ...

The universe that human logic travels in most of the time, is the moral universe. [Insert sound of a game show buzzer for a wrong answer]

It turns out, as a follow-up to the Moral Universe mentioned by Martin Luther King, Jr., that the Moral Universe is the Solar Universe.
The word Moral is the word Solar.
Thus Dr. King's statement is very exactly accurate, that the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice. This is so because the Arc of the Solar Universe bends towards justice.

The word Arc is Ark is Kar and Kra.
Arc is Urc is Cur is the short form of the word Curve.
The circle and Spirit-Soul of the Sun bends towards justice.

The circle of the Sun is the Sun's Revolution around the center of the Galaxy.
This revolution always bends towards justice, because each of the four Arcs in a circle, bend towards the corners.
At each corner there is a conjunction with the cross. The front end of the curving arc is either moving towards the stabilizing pole or balancing equator while the back end of the curve is moving towards the balancing equator or stabilizing pole.
In other words, the Sun is always moving between, and in contact with, one stabilizing point and one balancing point (dynamic balancing point).
In other words, the Arc of the Moral Universe is always touching the equator and pole.
However the arc curve itself shifts as the Sun moves around itself because the Sun itself is the circle and the curve and the arc.
In other words, the Sun's Revolution causes changes in justice throughout the Solar Ecosystem, thus throughout this Earthstar and throughout all creations on this Earth.

We can call these changes, changes in justice, because at each corner, justifications are adjusted based on the juxtaposition of the Sun to the galactic equator and galactic pole and the star constellations aligned with those positions. All of this changes and shifts, energies, motions, seeds, souls, spirits, thus also changes and shifts the powers to be, the powers that allow and cause things to be that they be.

Whatever the position of the Sun in its revolution, spirit-soul rule exists that covers all creations. This spirit-soul rule continuously shifts in increments as the Sun moves in increments. At each corner, larger shifts occur.

Bar Meets Par

It follows that it is the Par for the course of the Sun, that sets the Bar for the course of the Sun.

Par or Bar is the name for a road, and signifies coming out, to manifest, show, and explain. (BB2)

Par means to go round, surround. Thus Par for the Course means
whatever it takes, how much it takes and how long it takes to go around, surround, make the circle, complete the cycle.***
Thus the amount and type of changes needed changes the Par and the Bar at each stage of the sun's revolution.

The Kar, the Kra, the Bra, the Bar is why we use those terms.
The human legal system of law is referred to as the Bar for these reasons, not the almost 100% inaccurate reason found on the internet.

There is a high bar and a low bar that meet and merge at, and as, the midbar. In keeping with the need to shift and adjust perspective and orientation, as the sun does, the high road of one half of the circle is the low road of the other half. This is the two way, two lane equal road of the north-south, bottom-top equator.**
The Mid is the Mat, a measure, extent, time, to fix, appoint, prove, witness, fulfill, the middle, or midway [matway, Mat-Kau, Mad Cow].
The Mid or Mat is the plain at the top of one mountain and the plain at the bottom of the next. This is why Mat means level, balance and equal means a relatively flat elevation of the river, streams and creeks compared to the tumble down the mountainside. Mat is equal to Makhu and Makh and Maker and Rule. The level lands are also called meadow lands and table lands that contain lakes, ponds and gene pools.

The Midbar is a mark of boundary, and a synonym for the wilderness and desert. This is because where the boundary began, so also did the desert.
The Sun Cycle is now at the midbar for the course. This is also the twinlight zone of increasingly equal night and light, thus the twilight zone and gray area, the krau area. This is where lines are crossed and blurred due to the readjusting and rebalancing of different sets of truths.

For us humans, many revolutions have taken place and are in progress. THE REVOLUTION spoken of by many, such as Gil Scott Heron, is the revolution to help the disfavored groups, to each according to need. This always is coincident with the Sun's Revolution.
Current humans of at least the past thousand years, especially since the European Enlightenment Entitlement, are pretty much clueless regarding the Kar, Par and Bar of the Sun, though we know the Sun is one of our Saviors, Messiahs, Christs.
This message sufficiently explains why the revolution will not be televised on human television, not even on plasma screens of high definition.
This stage of the sun cycle is not the final word but the beginning of a new word order of words.
Stay tuned to free space channels. Welcome to Khut Burgh-Ar, Home of the Khut Burgh-Ra, Maui take your order?

**The pole or meridian is also an equal road with two lanes, one each for traffic to flow in apposite opposite directions. This equal road is a west-east, side-to-side road. Thus the use of the term sidebar in the human justice system and in written texts.
Variants: Merizon, Kerizon, Kerisen, Khriushen, Khiurkhen, Merizen.
Equal roads do not have boundaries between each lane but are as currents in water that coexist and can change directions. In fact this is exactly as currents in waters, in one instance. In another, these roads and currents cross and form whirlpools, a twisting, turning motion. In a dry land sense of imagining this, consider two strings that you cross over each other and continue to do so. This forms a plait, braid or twist that can be made or laid straight or curled, curved. This is how the two equal roads look and are formed.
Two lane is our current word usage of Tulan. We have preserved this in Tulane.

King's Arc

Moral transforms into Solar.
Moral also becomes Molar become Mo-Rer. This is Mother Rer or Ruru.
RURU is the two ends of the horizon equator as symbolized by the two lions. One lion is the mouth in front and one is the mouth behind. This coincides with the horizon and its two corners as two of four birthplaces of souls of life. Through the Ruru, energies from outside the circle come and go. Also, souls of life from inside the circle, come and go. These spirit-souls are roadrunner birds. The lions are runners and the rivers that are the 2 by 4 roads, are also runners. This is a likely source of the saying, “you don't know whether you are coming or going.” The roadrunner cartoon showed the bird going back and forth.

Burgh is a later form of Khart.

*** In one sense of today's thinking, Par for the course means average. The Bar, the standard, is set at average. How is that average determined? Who determines average? In societies, since miseducation is the key, Par for the course must be below average of what God's creations are capable of.
On the other hand, Par for for the course is above average for the vices people are capable of, which are reflected throughout the society because vices are the cornerstones and foundation of the society. A society that uses skin color as one of its guiding tenets must not be relied upon to set the Bar or the Par.
As we know, what Par is for the course changes. This knowledge we can use in advance of the next change and changes

Monday, June 10, 2024

Kar For The Course, Kra For The Source
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3123

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

In earlier times, language, signs, letters and words moved from confused multiple meaning to confused single meaning to single meaning to double meaning to multiple meaning then to double meaning, then to single meaning to confused single meaning to confused multiple meaning, which is where we are today in our societal status of mind (state of spirit-soul, the epicenter of control). Today we look for meanings based on what humans say, even if the meanings have no clear connection to the natural world. We also look for meanings in the composite word only, rather than also in the letters and other words formed by the letters. We have been puppy dog trained to forget that each letter is an abbreviated set of words, concepts, meanings, which serve as a type, basis and root for many other words. For instance we ask what is the meaning, definition and origin of God, instead of also at some point asking the same of G, O, D, Go, Gd, Do and so on until all combinations have been exhausted or at least one more to a handful have been considered and investigated. This process is elementary education, the foundation of all knowledge. The absence of this process is the foundation of all belief. This process should awaken the need to satisfy your own curiosity by applying this process to at least one of your own names. So if your understanding of your God, your Higher Power, your Supreme Being, is that that entity is a human first and foremost, then right there is the root, heart and tip of the problem that is the same ever-repeating leftover mistake permeating most of all your other thousands of definitions by which you think and behave.**

For every word, a chapter could be written. For Kra and its ancestors, descendants and family tree branches, a book can be crocheted. Many blog pages are already filled with these messengers (Mes-Sen-Kra).

Kra. The Place

Khrau is Khru and Krau is Kra is KR

Kher or Ker, Khar or Kar is a sacred cell, prison, college, collage. Variants: Taru, Khen, Kheru, Keru, Kharu, Karu, Rekh, Rakh, Rek, Rak, Rk, Ark, Kra, Gore
Kura, school (Maori) (BB2)

Kra is the name of the oven or furnace. Oven is Nupe is Heaven is Khafen, Coffin, Cabin, Eden, Adam, Aven, Haven, Have, Khaven, Cave, Coven, Cabin, Even. By the way, heaven as a place containing the Shekhinah Glory of God and as a place of abundance, must be a hot place and a mountainous rainforest, not some human representation of opulence and wealth with streets paved in gold. Thus, once again, Hell is Cold, thus you know the nature of the spirit-soul of cold lovers and air-conditioned people who can't survive without it and who are cold-blooded in their thinking and behavior.

So now, what does proven mean? Pr-Oven is Kr-Oven is the two truths in completeness process of the circular oven of heavens, tried, purified, verified.

Furnace is Karnakh later Karnat and Karnak and Karnac and Carnac and Carnation (double-flower)

The Khrau contains Au, old first place, ancient place, island rising up out of the waters.
A Kra (Khrau) that has been Karn in the oven furnace of the waters, is as an island rising up out of the waters. So island does not only apply to land, but also to all forms of creation and dimensions distinguishable from the waters as a whole.

Kra. The Thing

Kr-Nu is the appointed course and cycle of time.
Anytime there is circle, course or cycle there is a cross and a season and events, in order, in time. Within this, and due to this, word is born, voice is formed, speeches, announcements and declarations are made as signs of their existence and coming forth and going out. KR not only means a course of time and cross, but also Power, Ability. Virile Potency, Support, Weapon, Tool in the Tool-Khet, Toolkit, Krakhet, Crochet, Sachet.

Khrau as AU as a thing is IU, UA, water, black, a hook, just to name a few things.

Kra. The Action

Khrau contains Au , meaning WAS, IS, TO BE, born of, the future of being, the coming one, hook and fasten.
Raau means come near. Rau means go near. This is essentially take one step towards God and God will also take steps towards you. This is our outer version of the inner creation process of calling forth aspects of self, the caller and the called both moving towards each other. This is the action of spirit-soul. This is why we see plants move towards light and also on the upper end while also moving towards the earth and water. (BB2)
Ar is to create the likeness, correspond, correspondence

Kra means to lay hold, take, seize, possess [obviously in the circle in due time]

In Hebrew [another language seized by thieves], digging, boring, piercing (hands and feet) is derived from the dung beetle Khepr or Khefr. Kep or Kef means to seize, lay hold by force. Kep is the closed hand, the fist, a type of grabbing, grasping, seizing, gripping, catching, laying hold, taking hold. Khepr seizes with his claws to grab dung and form the ball, the circle, Khepr is Kher is Ker is Kr which means seize, lay hold, contain. Khepr is also Khrau is Krau, the claw. Thus the Khrau (Khefr), seizes the Khrau (rau materials) with the Khrau (claw) to form the Khrau (circle). The Rau (Riu) materials caught with the claw are also called Kheri, victims, caught and bound for the sacrifice to be formed into another life form. The victims were tied to each other and En-Karn (incarcerated) to be reincarnated. In other words, the sacrifice of these Christs (Karst) was achieved by tying, not piercing hands, feet and side with nails and spear. (BB2)

Kra. The Actor

Kra as Krau is Krae is Kare is Care. Thus Spirit-Souls, Seeds, are caregivers and caretakers. Soul givers and Soul takers.
Krau is Kraw is Klaw is the claw
Krau is Klau is Slau is Saul leads to an earlier form of Soul
Slau is Slaw and Cole.

Krau is Slou is Soul, thus Kla should be Klau or Klou
Khrau is Shlou is Shoul is Shuol, thus Kla should be Khlou, Khoul, Khuol. We can sense the words Should and Cloud and Clout.

Khrau is Kru-Ah is Kre-At is Great
Khiurkh is Khriukh is Khriust is Khrast is Krast and Kra-St, the Egyptian original for the name of Christ, which means the embalmed mummified soul that is now wrapped and contained in a being that is a cycle of life, a circle of life, a seed.

KR is the course maker, the one who lays out truths, souls, seeds, plans within plans, karns within karns.
Khraum is Mkhrau is Makhru is Makheru
Khraun is Nkhrau is Nakhru is Nakheru. By the way, Nkhrau as Nkrau is Nkr-Au is Ngr-Au is Hnak-Ru is HNIC-Ur

AU from AP from Khep or earlier AF from Khef
AU from Kau from Khau, the scholar of writing, letters, earlier Khiu, later Khetu
AU is the old one; the old age, both the elder and the younger in one person, the future of being, the coming one

The Kra (Kla, Ka, Kha) is the genius or guardian spirit who dwells within. Genius has been defined elsewhere. For now, genius is the genie in a bottle (kettle, a kra kettle, a teapot, a kauket)
Upon death of the being or person, the Kra merges back into the Sisa (Sesa, Sesar) or enduring spirit, the first breath and fresh breath in the heavenly waters..(AE1)

The soul of life in stars and constellations are forms of Krast (Christ). Krast is embalming in the Kras (place of embalming, making the mummy as preparation for resurrection).
When a seed is formed, a soul of life is mummified and is now pro-krast-tinating until resurrection.
Variations: Karast, Karest and possibly Karaft, Kareft, Karapt, Karept (AE1)

Howsoever poured out, water is the primary means of fertilization. ...(AE1)
Pause here for the absorbent effects of the cause (kau the sa).

The mystery of fecundation by water was symbolized by the water-vase, and constellated in the sign of Krater, the urn of the inundation. In these waters were the Khrau, the souls of life, especially stem souls, of the first seven souls supercharged by Polestars, Equatorial Stars and Moonstars. These are the leaders of the pack. (AE2)

Khrau is an earlier form of Kha and Khu but not Khriu and Khiur.
This transforms Kra to Kri and Kru and Kli and Klu

Khrau is Khraf and Khref
Khraf is Khafr is Khaf is Kaf, Kafr, Kaffr
Khraf is Kharf is Kharv is Carve
Khref is Khefr is Khef is Kef is Kefr is Keffr
Khref us Kherf is Kherv is Curve

Kra as Kra-Kra is Cro-Cra is Clo-Car is Collar.
The Khekher is Khekre is Khekhra is Chakra is the circle, the Kir-Ker.
The circle and cross are inseparable. The Ankh-loop, the sign of one turn round, consists of a circle and a cross or crossing of the ends. This, however, is not the cross of the later four corners. The Crux Ansata unites the circle and cross of the four corners. From this origin the circle and the cross came to be interchangeable at times. For example, the Chakra, or Disk of Vishnu is a circle. The name denotes the circling, wheeling round, periodicity, the wheel of time. This the god uses as a weapon to hurl at the enemy. In like manner does Captain America as imitation of Vishnu, Thor and Khakh.. (NG1)

We are reminded that Kir-Ker or any other spelling, is Cursor, a pointer, a selector, a clicker, a holder to drag, move and do things with.

We are also reminded that not only is Kra, the claw, but also Kar-Kar or Ker-Ker is the claw because Ker-Ker is the Collar which represents seize and embrace, thus the claw (NG1)
Khekher and Ker-Ker become Seker which is force, power, potency. Seker is close enough to Seeker to recognize that seeking has force, power, potency.
Seker is Serker, Serk-Sekhet, a form of Khekher as goddess of the double force, the two truths. This double force is a rope, noose, lasso, circle, collar use by Sekhet-Isis-Wonder Woman. Seker (Egyptian is Sakra (Sanskrit) meaning strong, mighty. (NG2)

Throughout this safari we've identified spirit and soul as the same thing and under names such as Khu, Khekh, Kohl, Coal, Seed, Corn and now Kra and all related forms. This helps us remember the many names of spirit-soul in the words we use. It reminds us of what we are fundamentally talking about, interacting with.

**Another example is apple and apple of my eye. We use this thinking of fruit called apple. We don't wonder why an apple is called an apple and why it is chosen as the fruit in the Garden of Plenty called Eden in one sense. Apple is Apper which is close to Appear, as in eyesight, and also close to Aperture as in lens capturing an image. Aperture sounds like Apple Tree and looks that way too.
We use many apps and don't notice that application is Apple-Cation. And when we say apply and apply ourselves we are saying apple yourself. There's more relating to apple and eye as we seek clarity as the cure to blindness that allows us to transform worldview context confusion into Khanfusion, Khenfusion and Khunfusion.

Khrau, proven its point

In the sentence above, I am speaking about “seeking” as a cure to blindness. That was supposed to be the last sentence of this message.
Through corresponding Kra-responding seker soul clawing itself towards me, I am now shown a fuller form of Cure is Secure, Sacure and Khekher.
On the first pass, we can see Cure is Kure is Khure is Kheru, the word. But we need to add the Sa which is Ma which True, thus we are seeking the True Word as the Cure, not just the Word put forth by humans of illogic and ill intentions.
Thus we seek not the Cure, but rather the SaCure, the MaCure, the KaCure, the KraCure, the KhrauCure, the KhriuCure, the KhiuCure.

The Cure goes all the way back to Spirit-Soul, the whole truth. Societies are born liar spirits. Cure requires a healthy spirit-soul approach, a rare commodity in societies. If this were not so, the healthy motions of the masses would easily counteract, in short order, unhealthy imbalances. Instead sicknesses worsen. Cures cannot be achieved using the asili seed and utamawazo worldview of societies. True to form, societies don't want Cures because Cures would remove the rampaging imbalances and uglies that societies need in order to exist as stopgaps to brokenness (kra-ken-nets).

We can accept and function with Cure as an abbreviation of a fuller word, as long as we understand that in order to Cure you have to have the healthy kind of Care. Cure is Care is Soul.
Societies Care about the Cure for Solutions, the Cure for Health. In other words, societies want to Cure Solutions and Create Problems and Create Sickness and Illness. Their cure is more can-cure (cancer, sancer, sincere)

Cure is Core
In order to Cure yourself, you must address the Core of self and Khiur yourself (recenter using five points of contact and context)

Thus then, inherently the Kra's Par for the Course includes SA for the course as Cure for the course, if not only because course and source include the words cure and sure and sa.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Seedness Seednicity In Seed Pods From God
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3122

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

I have ideas and the I in I has other ideas. So here we are and IT is HERE WE GO again.

The word SEED is, at first ruk, plainly unrecognizable in Khiu and Khuti.
Khiu is Stie is Sdae is Sead is Seed and Bead.
Khuti Is Sdeta is Seadt is Seeds and Beads.
The word seed can also be derived more obviously from Sut, Set, Tet, Tef, Tep, Sif, Hu, Hut, Per, Ta, Uta. These are more likely in the form of Suti, Seti, Teti, Tefi, Tepi, Sifu all of which lead back to Khiu.
Seedness is the genetic ability to reproduce self in exact form, varied form or partial form. Thus a seed is also something who can reproduce seedness in another creation, ruproduce seednicity. See Ness, Neka and Tu. A seed can combine with something else to become part of a different seed or larger seed. Spirit-Soul is the Seed of Seeds whose energies in motion and energies at rest are seeds. A seed enables and disables or disables and enables, activates and deactivates other seeds, other spirit-souls, other energies.
I could spend the rest of this life-cycle listing seeds and never come close to finishing. An eye is a seed. So also is water, air (iar), a form of water. Thoughts are seeds. So are Tahts and Thats. Your life and the life you live are seeds. Not just sexual reproduction seeds, but mental reproduction seeds, emotional reproduction seeds, spirit-soul reproduction seeds.

Corn Cobs are Pods

Corn is the most common seed mentioned in the Egyptian Texts to which we have access.
For recent times calibrated minds, corn is corn on the cob that is yellow or white.
We are now backing into earlier meanings of corn and why the word Corn is synonymous with seed, thus why all seeds are Corn and can be called corn. You are Corn. Once again I must insert Children of the Corn.

Corn as something yellow or white is seared into our imagery because yellow and white seeds on a corn cob are symbolic of the Sun, which is yellow and white. We go back just a little and remember that corn on the cob is also black, red, blue and green. These colors also represent aspects of the Sun. The Sun is a representative of Khuti, the seven elemental souls of life which are also associated with different colors. The Sun is a Big Seed. All this has helped solidify Corn as the epitome representative of a seed.

We are soaking in water to rehydrate articulates.

Corn can be reverse-engineered on two lines of ascent:
1. from Corn to Korn to Kern to Kurn to Kiurn to Khiurn
2. from Corn to Karn to Kirn to Kiurn to Khiurn

Khiurn is Khi-Urn, the container of Spirit-soul waters (a can of corn, a khan-tank-er, cantankerous).
Khiurn is Kh-Nuir, the spark in the waters, fire waters.
Khiurn is Kh-Rui-N, raw materials transformed by hut, het, hot waters.
Khiurn is Khiu-Ren, four corners, quarters and primary elements that have been renned, rendered, heated, decocted to release their constituent concoctions.

The word Corn is not a recent English concoction.
Corn is from Cornutus (Latin) which means to be horned.
Cornutus from Cornu (Ruten) from Karnu (Egyptian) from Kar-Nu (Egyptian) from Kar-Nat (Egyptian) from Karu-Nat or Karunat (Egyptian). Karu means support, bear, carry Nat is the tool or instrument.

Thus Corn is the tool and instrument used to hold, bear, carry and transport different combinations of spirit-soul, also called souls of life, also called seeds. Thus a seed is an ark and all synonyms.
All this is about spirit-soul energy in motion, at rest in circles, cycles, seasons.
Thus Seeds are synonymous with Time.
This is why Cornus as Corn is also Kronus as Time. Thus Chronology is Cornology is Kron-ologfy is Korn-ology.
This can be preliminarily proven since Corn is Seed is Tiem is Time.
The word Kronus comes from Kr-Nu from Kar-Nu, an appointed course and cycle of time. This is a set amount of time preset based on a set of conditions. (NG2)

Seed Corn goes back to Karnat to Karnak to Kar-en-akh, the circle-of the-dead. (BB).
Another description of the same is Karneter, the lower half of the solar circle.
We remember Corn is from Karn. Karn means that which is born of the Kar, Karred, Karted off, Karted on, made En-Kar-Nakh (Incarnate) at the Karner Corner by Karn-Ur, the womb, that is also the Coroner, the ME, the MA, the SA, the KA.

We step back to seed as time. Time is team. A seed is a team of energies designed to teem when the-ru time comes to unleash them.

The RN in Corn is Ren. a cord or noose for an animal’s foot. Ka-ren is Karn is Corn, thus a corn, a seed is a tethering of spirit-soul, binding it, confining it, containing it, controlling it). This sounds familiar among humans. (BB)
Most humans, from the past half Great Year up to today, are hardheaded and hardhearted. Thus are cornheads, hornheads, thornheads, boneheads. This message alone is enough to explain everything about societies that all humans live in, and that are not nowheres near the civilized stage.

Corn is Horn and Thorn

A fuller form of Corn is Chorn and Khorn.
The letter of the law we've been using, tells us Horn and Thorn are close variations, if not in form, definitely some or all meanings are shared.

A seed is a symbol of renewal, continuity, permanence, durability, hardness, preservation, safety, a safe space, and safe-keeping of the precious thing, spirit-soul in any form.
The word precious is Precio-Us is Kep-Rekhiu, Mama's house of pure wise spirits ready for the inundation revolution of their time of coming forth by night into light.
The word Kep-Rekhiu releases prekh which allows us to make brick, another hard substance.
Prekh also leads to prick, which occurs by a hard substance such as thorn or needle. Back then, as now, a prick is a hard phallus.

Horns are corns because horns indicate puberty, thus renewal and have hardness and can be used as anchors to tie to and tie up, hold and restrain the power of animals such as cows and oxen. The horns, then, are a symbol of bearing and sustaining and restraining motion, energy, spirit-soul until such time they are to be loosed from the noose. Same applies to seed.

The Sun is seed as a whole and for the kernels of light it reproduces called beams. Sun flowers and seeds lives by stimulating them, ka-ing them to come forth when Sunlight fecundates Earth in Morning, Noon, Spring and Summer. Thus the Sun is also a horned phallus type of seed. So also is the Moon as Luna (Maori) that goes through its phases from New Moon to Full Moon. (BB2)

A seed is a conspiracy. Roots are also seeds, thus co-conspirators.

A seed, a corn, a karn is a repetition of spirit-soul. In the beginning was the Word and that word was Light and that word was God, Godseed by Godspeed. God, Light and Word are seeds. This must be repeated to break through the layers of logic we possess to the contrary. Nothing can be created, formed or born except from corn seed. In order to be born, a seed must be formed by being karn in the furnace womb of the Kar.
A seed is a Ser, Par, Repa, Kher, Rekh, Kherit, Khiur-Ut,
The seed word called Kher-Rekh produces the seeds of Seraph (Kerekh) and Cherub (Khereh).

Thorn becomes Throne, or at least Thorny does from Thronu from Kharnu. A Throne is a seed, seat and place of permanence, at least for a season of whatever duration. The precious thing called a seed is the Enveloped Majesty. Seat is Seed. A seed is a throne, a ruler and majesty of its own domain. So then what does this say about humans who give away so much power and control to other humans?

Ma & Sa

One aspect of Ma & Sa is knower, thus grower, thus shower.
Two forms of this is the Mage and the Sage.
We can see this better through the difference and confluence of Mage-Sage.
This becomes the word Massage.
To Massage is to loosen the hardness and rigidity of the seed coat, shell, covering membrane, temple walls, to allow the expansion of the precious thing in the holy of holies, by applying various forms of pressure to loosen pressure.
Mage-Sage also becomes the word Message.
We are reminded that the word WORD is Khart is a container of meanings drawn from the waters, the first Shop (Khep) with the first Chef (Khef).

MASA Savior

A seed is a save. A seed is sa-ve (savvy). A seed is a sa-ve-ur, a sa-ve-er, a sa-ve-ar, a savior. Hear this and understand the meaning of caviar. The many seeds of the fish in the waters of creation, producing kart fulls of word seeds and then Karning them for disemination.

We expand a little more to show SA is the very self, the enveloped form, the soul mummified, cocooned, entombed by the TE. This process of Khu, Khiu and Khuti is why the child is called Su and Seed. We can see how Su-Seed is Succeed and Suc-Seed is Sakh-Seed. We add context with Ses, which means to breathe, respire, reach land again.

Sa also means Eat. This provides more insight into “you are what you eat”. We have taken a previously discovered shortcut down the fellow brick road of Sati, Satet, Satis and Satisfaction.

I was conceived in waters, conceded for release, conceited by belief full-grown in the know. My wakening caused upheaval that raised a moundtain to maintain my emergence seed at the top to be clothed and bathed in sunglow and rain. Well suited, I looked out and believed I could try. Like a freight train, the khut mesti rurred and the good times rolled. I flowed down the mountain and across the night plain valley.

Rivers ebbed me on and I flowed some more, carried downstream by an undercurrent with a mind not unlike my own. I floated like a boat without anchoring rope. All the while taking notes until I was sure. Only then was I deposited to shore, at the base of another mound in the same range, rank and file where I cried “Khiu Hu,” and planted myself under new moonbow glow.
So this is the persistence then patience game was the thought entertained.
Then in the full moon and high tide on a mountain high enough for my size, I heard “Ikhu Tu.”
Slowly, then suddenly all at once, I was born again as a shuti beside a mirror pool with a water chute. I reflected on how I am such a cutie. Man, All I had to do is believe I would not fail or fall finally.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Motion Mest-Urt For The Time Being Now
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3121

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

1. Mu and Mo from Mao from Mau from Miu from Mhiu from Khiu. Mo came to be used more by the Hebrew. (BB2)
a) Khiu is the circle, four quarters, four corners, the cross, the four primary elements, the mother, the child, water...

2. Tion, Tiu, Tu, Ti from Tiun from Thiun from Khiun.
a) Khiun contains the spark and raw materials (Nui, Rui, Box of Rocs)
b) Ion from Iun from Iuma.
c) Ma is water, light, see. The sea is called Iu-Ma from its tidal motion expressed by lU to come and go. luma is also the coming and going of light. So lum, Aum, Hum is the one who always all ways comes and goes. This is lu-em-hept, the dual one born of the heavens. (BB)

3. Akoma (Akan) is heart. From Akh-Iuma, fire red tidal water.
a) Akoma from Aa + Khiumn is Akhiumna or Khiumana
b) Aa is trinity, duality, dew, water, yes, genetic potential is on and in motion.
The trinity aspect is the flow, rate and pressure of the container that pushes and sucks, pulsates (varies between two truths). This back and forth motion is Khekhing.
c) Khiumn from Khiumana from Khiurmiurniur, four chambers of waters, rivers in negative and positive states of motion through inlet and outlet mouths in the source and circular system.

4. Tion from Noti from Nuti from Nu-Nu, two waters released from a double source that converge, merge, surge, diverge. Also the triple double and double double (quadrupedal, quadruple)

5. Tion from Tem (Tma, Tema) means to cut, divide, make separate, and relates to division of land, fort, watch tower, criminal, distribute justice, make truth visible, satisfy, announce, pronounce, a total, the completed and perfected whole, negation, to terrify, swoop, subdue, shut up, mouthless, dumb, tongueless, languageless clickers, race of created people.
a) Tam means to renew, make over again, the second time, bad luck.
b) Temu, the people, created persons, mankind. (BB)
c) Tema is to make both true and just, complete, perfect, perfected, to satisfy. This is the epitome of team. Dream team according to current lingo.
d) Temi is a name of the Inundation.
e) Tema [time is tine is thine is khine is khinu is khiun, thus tion, tiun, thinu, thimu, thime, thyme, khiun, nukhiun is notion and motion]
f) A motion is counting clicks in the form of Mathematics is maat-thema-tics, is counting the number of Khekhs which are two truths which are mati, Maat, twin power relationships.

6. Thus it is not human practice that makes perfect, humans don't live long enough or stay connected long enough to former lives to perfection to fruition. Practice of time, cycles, seasons and motions makes perfect.
a) Perfect from P-Rekht is the thing fulled, filled, whitened, purified, blanched, Lord, Chief, reign, rule, pure, wise, Magi as in Magus, knower, intelligent one.

7. Tion from Shen from Khen. Shen, to encircle, and enclose, a crowd. Khen and Shen is water that carries or bears, as does the mother source.

8. Motion from Khekh-Khiun from Khekh-Khiumn
a) Motion might have been an earlier Khiukh-Tion, Khekh-Tion, Khakh-Tion, Khikh-Tion, Makh-Tion, thus we can now twice see the makings of ACTION.

9. Motion from Khekh-Nui or Khekh-Nu, the tidal water, thus water that moves to and fro, forth and back, high and low. This is the motion of the cross, crossroads, corners.

10. Khem is the champion, dead and shrine and circle of the dead. Another form of the same is Shen, a circle, orbit, round, circuit, period. (BB) These combined as Khem-Shen, the two circles can lead to motion. Skhemp is the shut place. Skhemp-Shen sounds to me like Gumption. Remember what the motion of Gump, Forest created. This is Karest Gump. More likely Skhemp-Shen is Khemt-Shen. To be Khemt is to become the pubescent virile adult generator and manifestor of 30 years of age. Of course we can see and hear the word Skimp, which means give less than what's needed and give more than what's needed.

11. Motion from Khemen which means heaven.

12. Motion from Sen or Shena, the tidal-river of the Inundation. Pulse (pulsations, vibrations) is a vital sign, a tidal sign, a kharti sign, a circle sign, a circulation sign. Sen means blood.

13. Shena from Shenu from Shennu from Khennu above, the region that all angles of light from each Sun is able to reach, the birthplace in the black hole center of the galaxy that releases elemental souls of life. Shena (Khena, Khenu) is also the solar point of turning returning that also releases and catches souls of life. Earth's orbit is also a Shena. Shena is a name of the elemental souls of life, a word equal to Khuti and others. Shena (Shenu, Shenui) are woven and knitted together.

14. Motion must come from Shekinah, the main eschatological power source engine of Circles, Cycle Machines. Machine from Ma-Shena from Shekinah. Ma-Shena is Ma-Shu-Na. Machine is Engine, both lead to Motion.

15. Tidal motion is Vital motion from the Tidal-Men heavens that provide Vitamins. I can now see Bitumen and Stibium, both meaning fire, coal, black muddy mess substance, soul.

16. Motion from Nukh-En from Nukh-Un from Nukh-Nu. Nukh denotes the power or force of a thing, the potency of the male. Nukh is Act (Egyptian-English) (BB)

17. Motion is Mu-Khi-Un, This based on opening, unfolding, releasing of the spirit in circle.

18. Khennu is Nu-Khen is Nu-Tion is Motion

19. Shennu is Nu-Shen is Nu-Tion is Notion is Motion

20. Khenne is Nekhen is the child in and of the waters (BB). Ne is Neh is Nehken is Mehkhen and Meskhen, birthplaces. Na and Ne is descend, descent, dark, lower, thus also descendants and ancestors (An-Ses-Teru).

21. Shenne is Shenneh is Neh-Shen is Meh-Shen is Mes-Shen that likely leads to mission. We can see how this is true in the statement “mission impossible” as something as the impossible mission force coming from the Shen, the birthplace containing elemental souls of life. Shenni as Shennih also leads to Nis-Shen to Mis-Shen to Mission.

22. Khenno and Shenno lead to Notion and Motion. Notion is an easy word form to demonstrate the two truths. Notion contains no and on, one negative and stop, the other positive and go. We are currently calibrated to think of negative as something undesirable, but we know it is very desirable, if we just think again for another few seconds. Thus negative is also positive and the other way around in the opposite apposite reverse.

23. Khenni is Ni-Khen is Ni-Tion is Nition as in ignition and other words containing nition such as premunition, premonition, cognition, recognition. ignition, ammunition, admonition.

24. Khenna is Na-Khen is Na-Tion is Nation and Mation as in Transformation, which must be about motion and must involve water or components in the water. N from Ng from NK from KN from Ankh as the first sign of water, family, people of a district, number two. Number two because water is self-contained in the container body of the Supreme Being called Universe, Heaven. The Galaxy Nation, Solar System Nation, Earth Nation and human nations are only partially to slightly self-contained.

25. Maten means to go, move away, give way to

26. Khaten is a likeness, image or ring representing a large circle of time. This leads to Nu-Khaten, Mu-Khaten, Makha-ten. Makha-Khen. Also Mekhaten, thus Mecca, which can also be obtained from Ma-Khekh

27. Motion from Nuti-En, of the two heavens and two waters

28. Motion from Mehten. Meh or Ma mean nine, to fulfill. Ten is throne and termination/initiation of a cycle. Aquaria is part of the Meh-ten and present current motions.

29. Motion from Mhkiun from Khiunm from Khiukh from Khiu-Kh. In Mhkhiun we can see Mehten.
a) O from H from Ho or Oh from Kho from Khe from Khu from Khiu from Khiun from Khiunm from Khekhiun from Khekh-Nui (BB)

30. Motion (Egyptian-English) from Maten (Egyptian-Ankh-Rekh). Mat to go. move away, give way to.
a) Maten from Kihun from Khiun
b) Move is from Mufu from Khufu from Khu-Khu from Khuti from Khiukh from Khiu-Khiu
c) Khiu-Khiu is simplified as the two truths of time Maat, Mati, Time, all of which lead to Move. It is possible that Time is Mtie or Tmei is Stay and Stop. Most certainly, move, stop and stay have roots in Khekh and Khiukh, two of two handfuls of taproots (kukruki).
d) Maten from Khekh-en or Khe-Khen

31. Motion from Matien from Mati-En from Menati from Menait.
a) Menait is an instrument called a whirler used to symbolize whirling round and Ursa Major Constellation, the Great Mother of Revolutions, Rotations, Circles and Motion. Two of her names are Rerit and Menait. (AE1)
b) The stone cairn was a heap of stones above ground surrounding and covering an underground hole (Kar). Nu is a receptacle, house, feminine abode. Thus Kar-Nu becomes Car-Ni becomes Cairn. This has the same meaning as Carnac, Carn-Akh, Car-Rekh, Karrekh, Karnak and Kar-en-akh, the circle of the dead, the mummies, those who are asleep in Christ, as Ars at rest (arrest) in the Karas or Karast or Karest which holds, hides and stows away for safekeeping while being transported to the mountaintop of resurrection. These dead are souls of life, precious things lying in wait to be awakened and released, set in motion in this dimension. These dead are being rekhed, refhed, purified and refined, both words relating to the mother and the initial sets of two truths as the foundation for all other truths. This process takes places in the Khar and is the Kher-Rekh process. Thus in order to be correct, it takes a continuous process of purifying and refining truths, whatever truths you think, believe and know are truths, even truths in the form of legal and illegal.
c) Annait or Anat or An-At is the earlier form of Cairn, the stone circle of repetition. The Annait was built by each person contributing a stone. Annait is Annati is Nanati is Menati and Meanit. Nat means an offering of a stone (An). An also means speak, hear, listen. Annt is tribute. Anit means to anoint with incense. The Annait was made of smaller stones people could carry and was the first stone sanctuary before larger stones were hewn and later bricks were made. The Annait and Kar-En-Akh and Cairn are earlier forms of the Church as the Great Mother Sanctuary for the dead waiting to be reborn in the Karest, thus Christenings and Baptisms to anoint and symbolize rebirth. Anat, Anit, Neith, Tefnut, Kefnut are some of the names of the mother church. (BB)

32. Motion from Ma-Tiun from Kha-Khiun from Kh-Kh-IU-Na (Change)
a) In the Metu Neter, Khiu-Nuti-Kh Kenetic Genetic code letters M and N sometimes have the same value. This is true of all interchangeable letters. This allows crossbreeding variation without alienation or disconnection, except when it comes to recent crops of humans and similar periods of time after and before.
b) Ma and Na both read of, from, to, by. Nu, Na and Mu, Ma denote chief, head, water, begotten by, fluid, flood, liquid essence, feminine first, masculine second, negative, positive, negate, not, no, non, nen, none, nay. Na is black or red, ink or paint. Na (Ma) is red blood with the blood. Both are negative. We can easily see how Na is positive and negative in the word Rain. (BB), (BB2).
c) Neh means vow, request, pray. (BB2)
d) NA is an Egyptian singular article, THE (The is Khe, pronounced Thay and Khay). Nai is a plural article, THE meaning two or more. Or in our usage, them, they
e) Fluid, Flood and liquid from Aru-Nun, Arunun and variations of Khekh, Khekr, Khefr, Renut, Rennut, Mover, Maker, Nuirkh, Muirkh. It is likely that runneth is Rennut-h, Rennet-h, Rannet-h, in the sense of runneth over, overflow, floods, pours out abundantly, inundation. This is shown by Rem or Ren, an inundation or a deluge; Rem, to rise and surge up as a tide of tears. These supply the type-names of Rem and Ranu. Possibly earlier forms of the word Inundation are Rinundation or Renuntation or Rennutation.
f) Water, as Nu, Na, N, with the masculine article prefixed, forms type-words for water, as Pena, Penu, Pen. The feminine type-words are Tuna, Tunu, Tun.
g) Souls of life saved out of water are called Muses, Mu-Ses, Uses, U-Ses, the place of land and breath. Ses (Sus, Ssu) is breath. A form of Muses is Moses is Ma-Shu is water and breath. Shu typifies the breath of Hathor who is Aquaria, Great Mother of the Waters. More fully, Ses means to breathe, respire, reach land again, as did Shu the breather in person emerging from the waters in the form of this first and second true selves, water and aird MaShu, the Age of Kepheus. Meanwhile Nga's are being deprived of breath and breathing room. This and more more already remembered, tells us many things are coming to a head soon as many floods unite into one. (BB2)

33. Motion comes from the ever-coming one, the child in the womb, the heir and primary power of motion and rest. (AE1, AE2)

34. We encounter the words Sefa (Kefa) as goddess of tides and inundation. So we know, at a minimum, this has something to do with motion and water. The Dation in Inundation is a form of Motion and Mation. This becomes clearer when we consider hesitation is holding back of motion or slowing down. Hesit is the Mother of Heavens who feeds and refills her children and allows them to rest before they move on to their destinypurposes. So we begin to expand, transform and rearrange the words. Sefah is Sekha is Khekha is Khiukh is Khiukn is Kikh-Un is Sikh-Un is Sekhen.
Kn is the Kn of Know, Knowledge and more. It is the mirror image sem-sem of NK and Nga and Ank.

35. Motion is Sekhen (Sekhem, Shekhem, Shechem)
a) Sekhen means to support, sustain, give rest. Sekhent is the prop on which the heavens and double crown are established. Osiris is this prop as the Skhen, the Sustainer. Thus the word skin as a covering. Also the word Skein around which the serpent wraps and around which yarn, wool, thread, strand, fiber is wrapped.
b) Birth and death occur in the same place. Death is energy slowing down, condensing, while birth is energy speeding up, expanding. And as celestial bodies rotate and revolve, they are winding and unwinding, constructing and deconstructing genetic material into and out of the waters we call space filled with dark energy and matter.
c) Earth's equator and pole exist on grid lines of latitude and longitude that the entire galaxy shares. These are power lines, energy lines, roads, channels.
d) The serpent on the pole who khekhs up and down is a pole dancer.
e) Possibly Sekhen leads to Shekhenah as a form of Shekinah or Shekhinah. Also to She-Shekhenar as Emotional. Back to Khekh-Iunah as a from of Shekhinah. Iunah a form of Iuma. Then Kheshinah and Khushinah, thus showing us Kush is a form of Khekh. Thus Cushinah is Motion and Cushion, room, space, distance created over time, between two things, thus a buffer and cushion. I am that I am going through the motions up and down back and forth round and around trying to stay soaking wet and bone dry in every sense I came back and forth to this town.
f) Khush is said to be equal to Khepsh and Aethiopia and North. However, Khush is a form of Khukh and Khekh, the midway equator. Possibly then Khush is also the region on either side of the stabilizer pole. Perhaps this is what makes Kepheus in the northern circumpolar, a form of Kush. Khush above is the northern polar birthplace. Khush below is the southern equatorial birthplace. Both of these locations and their inhabitants expanded to all four corners of heaven and earth. Thus all humans and superhumans are Kushites, Aethiopians, Khekhites, Af-Ra-Khiun. The major part of all sicknesses on this planet is due to the fact that most humans are at odds with the Khushite physical self that is attacked by the miseducated Khushite mental self that is exacerbated by their Khusite emotional self that is hated by their Khushite spirit-soul. The circle is broken into four pieces but not along the cross lines of pole and equator. The circle shattered and the four formerly inseparable aspects of self, are now scattered. This is the antithesis to the Khruin team, the Caribbean Dream.
g) Skhen is another spelling of the same shrine, and signifies to alight, rest, place, dwell, sanctuary, institute and establish. Sekhen means to settle; the determinative being a water-bird. Khen and Khenen are additional variations.

36. Pekhen from Pe-Khen. Pe is heaven. This birthplace could be reckoned as being lower, right or upper. This refers to the birth of the ever-coming one into puberty. The birth of the ever-coming one into prepubescence occurs on the left side or lower side of the circle. This is the Pecking Order. Pekh is back or rump. Feminine Pe is Nupe or Nu-Pe or Penu, thus Nupekhen is a fuller version. This might relate to Penultimate from Pen-urt-tema-tu. Masculine Pe is En-Pe or Na-Pe or Pe-Na, thus Napekhen Pe is ascend, light, upper, over. Na and Ne is descend, dark, lower, under. Pe from Pek or Peh from Pekh or Khep. (BB2)

37. Bekhen from Be-Khen is origin, birthplace, dwellings of the gods, heaven. Bekh represents the hill of burial on one horizon [rest] and the resurrection on the other horizon [rekh, motion], thus the stopping and starting of motion or the reducing and increasing of motion.

38. Motion from Heaven. This Heaven Motion can be viewed as vibration waves in the waters created by spoken words, spoken internally within self, thus thought, self-talk, talking to oneself.
a) Vibrations can be likened to a snake, reptile or insect that moves with a heaving up and down or in and out motion. Hef (Hefu, Heft, Hfa) is a name of creations such as the reptile, snake, serpent, viper, worm, and caterpillar. Hef also came to mean a creation that sloughs or sheds. This extends to that which sheds fruit. Thus this applies to all fruit producers of any dimension of fruit, one specially named as such is the Hau (Hfau) or Haw (Egyptian-English) thorn-tree, Hawthorn, White-Thorn. (BB), (NG1)

39. Motion from Mutu-Un. Mutu, for ejaculations or brief utterances. Mutuni means Lo it is, or It is verily so. In a similar sense, “So Mote it be” is used by freemasons. This is also used in Genesis Chapter 1 of the Judaeo-Christian book expressly recognized as pertaining to spirit-soul, even though all books pertain to and come from spirit-soul, thus all books are religious, whether adhered to or not. Mut means to pronounce conservative formulas. Thus we can see the starting and stopping of motion. (NG1)
a) As just said in the previous point, motion is first created through internal thought as the primary spark and sustaining ember of spirit-coal.
b) I imagine the two circles as Khiunti, combine into Khiukh, couple, copulate, Couple-At. One is Khiu, the other as Iukh (Ikhu, which is Echo). Thus the thought in the womb and lower half of the circle is echoed when released into the upper half of the circle. This release is birth of the creation inside the womb. At least one or more such births will be heard worldwide coming from water, wind, earth, fire, sun, sky, caves and so on. Does not everyone in the room or the house hear the baby cry at childbirth, especially if you are quiet, still and expectant.
c) This echo system is one of the meanings of Ecosystem Echosystem. Yes you too are an echosystem. All contents in all containers are under some degree of pressure due to fundamental forces and functions of nature. Internal and external factors, can cause a change in any aspect of a container, thus also create a ripple cascade effect of vibration waves that influence and affect surrounding containers, the degree of which depends on the closeness to the original source or repeating source or mitigating source or nullifying source.
d) To repeat the beginning, this is why it is said, spark the imagination. Also other such phrases and words that means our thinking has been initiated, such as inspire, motivate, enthuse....Don't we love inspiring motivational enthusiastic speeches of words spoken from inside someone and released into the atmosphere and echoed so we can hear?

40. Motion from Animation from Uni-mation from Nui motion from Animaur from Am-Niur. Somebody should be wondering wheres did the R come from and should be able to eventually find one location.

41. Potential motion has been imprisoned by lethargic minds of the Academy.
a) Potential is womb-based is Ar-Rest (Arrest) of the child in seed form but not arrest of the womb that, like a pro, is creating most of the motion. This motion is initiated by the two-seed in the form of the masculine, reentering the womb and combining with the one-seed. This reentering is caused by the laws of the circle cycle seasons. This is why all creations, except humans on this planet rock, are involuntarily beholden to mating season. They can't help themselves from not helping themselves. This is the overall supreme creative force that khekhs off and khekhs on (wax off, wax on) to ensure active motion becomes less active becomes active. Thus the initial thought and spoken word that set this whole thing off and on is still circulating in the universe. This word is becoming more articulate as it reticulates, matriculates, gestates and graduates in each cycle.
b) The child is being composed and is on alert lying in wait as the reti at the ready, the unreleased unopened seed soul of life, the chip off the old block at Kep-En-Teriu Rocky Top.
c) Potential is Poten-Tial is Mu-Nui-Reta is Reps of Mother and Rek Raw Rui Materials.
d) Thus potential motion is motion encapsulated and stored so it can again enter the womb to be restored into the ever-coming child and then into the next phase, stage and dimension where the child is resurrected reborn at the cross and becomes the primary cause of motion. This repetition of motion is the restoration, renovation and reparation of motion. This energy, this spirit-soul is thus transferred into the dimension the child is born into. A basic example is the sun being interred in Autumn and then reborn in Spring to bring about the broad range of unstoppable effects caused in both instances. This alone explains the state of human things and how they came to be so, many many times in the human component of history khekh-teriu, khiu-teriu.
e) Simply put, a seed is potential motion, potential energy, stored motion, stored energy. A seed is a cell is a cycle and cycle of life at rest. Likewise energy in your cells and the cells of other creations is also potential energy, even when you transition into another dimension. Your cells are seeds. Elements, molecules, atoms, compounds and other combinations of creation are also seeds, cells. Your entire self is a cell, is a seed. A seed does not stop being a seed just because it has been planted and sprouted and taken a different more expansive form. This is why different parts of many creations can be used to reproduce the creation or portions of the creation. This is also why cells can make exact copies and variant copies of themselves. Soil, Sun, Water, Sun, Moon, Clouds and many other creations are easy to see forms of Seeds containing potential motion and energy. Most creations, most seeds contain a lot of potential energy while using and manifesting Khennu-Khekh Khen-Nukh-Ekh energy (Kinetic Genetic energy). Earth is a behemoth seed, as is Sun, Solar System, Galaxy and the Star constellations that affect our equator and pole. This then is what is the greatest factor of climate change when seeds change and shift their energies between at rest and in motion. This then causes a cascade domino avalanche effect of changes in other seeds such as the wind, heat and rain we are currently confused about as to the underlying causes of their seemingly rapid, seemingly unusual changes. Can't finish with again saying all this then significantly changes the status quo of all creations, including humans who have grouped themselves into countries and smaller containers who believe they can use discombobulated seasonal thinking and behavior to survive Great Year Spring.