If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Seedness Seednicity In Seed Pods From God
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3122

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I have ideas and the I in I has other ideas. So here we are and IT is HERE WE GO again.

The word SEED is, at first ruk, plainly unrecognizable in Khiu and Khuti.
Khiu is Stie is Sdae is Sead is Seed and Bead.
Khuti Is Sdeta is Seadt is Seeds and Beads.
The word seed can also be derived more obviously from Sut, Set, Tet, Tef, Tep, Sif, Hu, Hut, Per, Ta, Uta. These are more likely in the form of Suti, Seti, Teti, Tefi, Tepi, Sifu all of which lead back to Khiu.
Seedness is the genetic ability to reproduce self in exact form, varied form or partial form. Thus a seed is also something who can reproduce seedness in another creation, ruproduce seednicity. See Ness, Neka and Tu. A seed can combine with something else to become part of a different seed or larger seed. Spirit-Soul is the Seed of Seeds whose energies in motion and energies at rest are seeds. A seed enables and disables or disables and enables, activates and deactivates other seeds, other spirit-souls, other energies.
I could spend the rest of this life-cycle listing seeds and never come close to finishing. An eye is a seed. So also is water, air (iar), a form of water. Thoughts are seeds. So are Tahts and Thats. Your life and the life you live are seeds. Not just sexual reproduction seeds, but mental reproduction seeds, emotional reproduction seeds, spirit-soul reproduction seeds.

Corn Cobs are Pods

Corn is the most common seed mentioned in the Egyptian Texts to which we have access.
For recent times calibrated minds, corn is corn on the cob that is yellow or white.
We are now backing into earlier meanings of corn and why the word Corn is synonymous with seed, thus why all seeds are Corn and can be called corn. You are Corn. Once again I must insert Children of the Corn.

Corn as something yellow or white is seared into our imagery because yellow and white seeds on a corn cob are symbolic of the Sun, which is yellow and white. We go back just a little and remember that corn on the cob is also black, red, blue and green. These colors also represent aspects of the Sun. The Sun is a representative of Khuti, the seven elemental souls of life which are also associated with different colors. The Sun is a Big Seed. All this has helped solidify Corn as the epitome representative of a seed.

We are soaking in water to rehydrate articulates.

Corn can be reverse-engineered on two lines of ascent:
1. from Corn to Korn to Kern to Kurn to Kiurn to Khiurn
2. from Corn to Karn to Kirn to Kiurn to Khiurn

Khiurn is Khi-Urn, the container of Spirit-soul waters (a can of corn, a khan-tank-er, cantankerous).
Khiurn is Kh-Nuir, the spark in the waters, fire waters.
Khiurn is Kh-Rui-N, raw materials transformed by hut, het, hot waters.
Khiurn is Khiu-Ren, four corners, quarters and primary elements that have been renned, rendered, heated, decocted to release their constituent concoctions.

The word Corn is not a recent English concoction.
Corn is from Cornutus (Latin) which means to be horned.
Cornutus from Cornu (Ruten) from Karnu (Egyptian) from Kar-Nu (Egyptian) from Kar-Nat (Egyptian) from Karu-Nat or Karunat (Egyptian). Karu means support, bear, carry Nat is the tool or instrument.

Thus Corn is the tool and instrument used to hold, bear, carry and transport different combinations of spirit-soul, also called souls of life, also called seeds. Thus a seed is an ark and all synonyms.
All this is about spirit-soul energy in motion, at rest in circles, cycles, seasons.
Thus Seeds are synonymous with Time.
This is why Cornus as Corn is also Kronus as Time. Thus Chronology is Cornology is Kron-ologfy is Korn-ology.
This can be preliminarily proven since Corn is Seed is Tiem is Time.
The word Kronus comes from Kr-Nu from Kar-Nu, an appointed course and cycle of time. This is a set amount of time preset based on a set of conditions. (NG2)

Seed Corn goes back to Karnat to Karnak to Kar-en-akh, the circle-of the-dead. (BB).
Another description of the same is Karneter, the lower half of the solar circle.
We remember Corn is from Karn. Karn means that which is born of the Kar, Karred, Karted off, Karted on, made En-Kar-Nakh (Incarnate) at the Karner Corner by Karn-Ur, the womb, that is also the Coroner, the ME, the MA, the SA, the KA.

We step back to seed as time. Time is team. A seed is a team of energies designed to teem when the-ru time comes to unleash them.

The RN in Corn is Ren. a cord or noose for an animal’s foot. Ka-ren is Karn is Corn, thus a corn, a seed is a tethering of spirit-soul, binding it, confining it, containing it, controlling it). This sounds familiar among humans. (BB)
Most humans, from the past half Great Year up to today, are hardheaded and hardhearted. Thus are cornheads, hornheads, thornheads, boneheads. This message alone is enough to explain everything about societies that all humans live in, and that are not nowheres near the civilized stage.

Corn is Horn and Thorn

A fuller form of Corn is Chorn and Khorn.
The letter of the law we've been using, tells us Horn and Thorn are close variations, if not in form, definitely some or all meanings are shared.

A seed is a symbol of renewal, continuity, permanence, durability, hardness, preservation, safety, a safe space, and safe-keeping of the precious thing, spirit-soul in any form.
The word precious is Precio-Us is Kep-Rekhiu, Mama's house of pure wise spirits ready for the inundation revolution of their time of coming forth by night into light.
The word Kep-Rekhiu releases prekh which allows us to make brick, another hard substance.
Prekh also leads to prick, which occurs by a hard substance such as thorn or needle. Back then, as now, a prick is a hard phallus.

Horns are corns because horns indicate puberty, thus renewal and have hardness and can be used as anchors to tie to and tie up, hold and restrain the power of animals such as cows and oxen. The horns, then, are a symbol of bearing and sustaining and restraining motion, energy, spirit-soul until such time they are to be loosed from the noose. Same applies to seed.

The Sun is seed as a whole and for the kernels of light it reproduces called beams. Sun flowers and seeds lives by stimulating them, ka-ing them to come forth when Sunlight fecundates Earth in Morning, Noon, Spring and Summer. Thus the Sun is also a horned phallus type of seed. So also is the Moon as Luna (Maori) that goes through its phases from New Moon to Full Moon. (BB2)

A seed is a conspiracy. Roots are also seeds, thus co-conspirators.

A seed, a corn, a karn is a repetition of spirit-soul. In the beginning was the Word and that word was Light and that word was God, Godseed by Godspeed. God, Light and Word are seeds. This must be repeated to break through the layers of logic we possess to the contrary. Nothing can be created, formed or born except from corn seed. In order to be born, a seed must be formed by being karn in the furnace womb of the Kar.
A seed is a Ser, Par, Repa, Kher, Rekh, Kherit, Khiur-Ut,
The seed word called Kher-Rekh produces the seeds of Seraph (Kerekh) and Cherub (Khereh).

Thorn becomes Throne, or at least Thorny does from Thronu from Kharnu. A Throne is a seed, seat and place of permanence, at least for a season of whatever duration. The precious thing called a seed is the Enveloped Majesty. Seat is Seed. A seed is a throne, a ruler and majesty of its own domain. So then what does this say about humans who give away so much power and control to other humans?

Ma & Sa

One aspect of Ma & Sa is knower, thus grower, thus shower.
Two forms of this is the Mage and the Sage.
We can see this better through the difference and confluence of Mage-Sage.
This becomes the word Massage.
To Massage is to loosen the hardness and rigidity of the seed coat, shell, covering membrane, temple walls, to allow the expansion of the precious thing in the holy of holies, by applying various forms of pressure to loosen pressure.
Mage-Sage also becomes the word Message.
We are reminded that the word WORD is Khart is a container of meanings drawn from the waters, the first Shop (Khep) with the first Chef (Khef).

MASA Savior

A seed is a save. A seed is sa-ve (savvy). A seed is a sa-ve-ur, a sa-ve-er, a sa-ve-ar, a savior. Hear this and understand the meaning of caviar. The many seeds of the fish in the waters of creation, producing kart fulls of word seeds and then Karning them for disemination.

We expand a little more to show SA is the very self, the enveloped form, the soul mummified, cocooned, entombed by the TE. This process of Khu, Khiu and Khuti is why the child is called Su and Seed. We can see how Su-Seed is Succeed and Suc-Seed is Sakh-Seed. We add context with Ses, which means to breathe, respire, reach land again.

Sa also means Eat. This provides more insight into “you are what you eat”. We have taken a previously discovered shortcut down the fellow brick road of Sati, Satet, Satis and Satisfaction.

I was conceived in waters, conceded for release, conceited by belief full-grown in the know. My wakening caused upheaval that raised a moundtain to maintain my emergence seed at the top to be clothed and bathed in sunglow and rain. Well suited, I looked out and believed I could try. Like a freight train, the khut mesti rurred and the good times rolled. I flowed down the mountain and across the night plain valley.

Rivers ebbed me on and I flowed some more, carried downstream by an undercurrent with a mind not unlike my own. I floated like a boat without anchoring rope. All the while taking notes until I was sure. Only then was I deposited to shore, at the base of another mound in the same range, rank and file where I cried “Khiu Hu,” and planted myself under new moonbow glow.
So this is the persistence then patience game was the thought entertained.
Then in the full moon and high tide on a mountain high enough for my size, I heard “Ikhu Tu.”
Slowly, then suddenly all at once, I was born again as a shuti beside a mirror pool with a water chute. I reflected on how I am such a cutie. Man, All I had to do is believe I would not fail or fall finally.