If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Universal High Road Merges With Low Road
Where The Revolution Begins
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3124

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It has long since been known that there are multiple universes from very large to very small. In brief basic terms, a universe is:
1. the circle You (IU) travel in physically and/or emotionally and/or mentally and/or spiritually.
2. the circle that contains the totality of you.

In other words, your universe contains everything you can identity and that you identify with. However, for many humans, their universe is dominated by portions of that universe such as work, work title, home, home title, family, family title, children, friends, town, county, state, district, prefecture, country, continent, planet, species, race, color and all other suboptimal identifiers of self and some of the optimal identifiers of self ...

The universe that human logic travels in most of the time, is the moral universe. [Insert sound of a game show buzzer for a wrong answer]

It turns out, as a follow-up to the Moral Universe mentioned by Martin Luther King, Jr., that the Moral Universe is the Solar Universe.
The word Moral is the word Solar.
Thus Dr. King's statement is very exactly accurate, that the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice. This is so because the Arc of the Solar Universe bends towards justice.

The word Arc is Ark is Kar and Kra.
Arc is Urc is Cur is the short form of the word Curve.
The circle and Spirit-Soul of the Sun bends towards justice.

The circle of the Sun is the Sun's Revolution around the center of the Galaxy.
This revolution always bends towards justice, because each of the four Arcs in a circle, bend towards the corners.
At each corner there is a conjunction with the cross. The front end of the curving arc is either moving towards the stabilizing pole or balancing equator while the back end of the curve is moving towards the balancing equator or stabilizing pole.
In other words, the Sun is always moving between, and in contact with, one stabilizing point and one balancing point (dynamic balancing point).
In other words, the Arc of the Moral Universe is always touching the equator and pole.
However the arc curve itself shifts as the Sun moves around itself because the Sun itself is the circle and the curve and the arc.
In other words, the Sun's Revolution causes changes in justice throughout the Solar Ecosystem, thus throughout this Earthstar and throughout all creations on this Earth.

We can call these changes, changes in justice, because at each corner, justifications are adjusted based on the juxtaposition of the Sun to the galactic equator and galactic pole and the star constellations aligned with those positions. All of this changes and shifts, energies, motions, seeds, souls, spirits, thus also changes and shifts the powers to be, the powers that allow and cause things to be that they be.

Whatever the position of the Sun in its revolution, spirit-soul rule exists that covers all creations. This spirit-soul rule continuously shifts in increments as the Sun moves in increments. At each corner, larger shifts occur.

Bar Meets Par

It follows that it is the Par for the course of the Sun, that sets the Bar for the course of the Sun.

Par or Bar is the name for a road, and signifies coming out, to manifest, show, and explain. (BB2)

Par means to go round, surround. Thus Par for the Course means
whatever it takes, how much it takes and how long it takes to go around, surround, make the circle, complete the cycle.***
Thus the amount and type of changes needed changes the Par and the Bar at each stage of the sun's revolution.

The Kar, the Kra, the Bra, the Bar is why we use those terms.
The human legal system of law is referred to as the Bar for these reasons, not the almost 100% inaccurate reason found on the internet.

There is a high bar and a low bar that meet and merge at, and as, the midbar. In keeping with the need to shift and adjust perspective and orientation, as the sun does, the high road of one half of the circle is the low road of the other half. This is the two way, two lane equal road of the north-south, bottom-top equator.**
The Mid is the Mat, a measure, extent, time, to fix, appoint, prove, witness, fulfill, the middle, or midway [matway, Mat-Kau, Mad Cow].
The Mid or Mat is the plain at the top of one mountain and the plain at the bottom of the next. This is why Mat means level, balance and equal means a relatively flat elevation of the river, streams and creeks compared to the tumble down the mountainside. Mat is equal to Makhu and Makh and Maker and Rule. The level lands are also called meadow lands and table lands that contain lakes, ponds and gene pools.

The Midbar is a mark of boundary, and a synonym for the wilderness and desert. This is because where the boundary began, so also did the desert.
The Sun Cycle is now at the midbar for the course. This is also the twinlight zone of increasingly equal night and light, thus the twilight zone and gray area, the krau area. This is where lines are crossed and blurred due to the readjusting and rebalancing of different sets of truths.

For us humans, many revolutions have taken place and are in progress. THE REVOLUTION spoken of by many, such as Gil Scott Heron, is the revolution to help the disfavored groups, to each according to need. This always is coincident with the Sun's Revolution.
Current humans of at least the past thousand years, especially since the European Enlightenment Entitlement, are pretty much clueless regarding the Kar, Par and Bar of the Sun, though we know the Sun is one of our Saviors, Messiahs, Christs.
This message sufficiently explains why the revolution will not be televised on human television, not even on plasma screens of high definition.
This stage of the sun cycle is not the final word but the beginning of a new word order of words.
Stay tuned to free space channels. Welcome to Khut Burgh-Ar, Home of the Khut Burgh-Ra, Maui take your order?

**The pole or meridian is also an equal road with two lanes, one each for traffic to flow in apposite opposite directions. This equal road is a west-east, side-to-side road. Thus the use of the term sidebar in the human justice system and in written texts.
Variants: Merizon, Kerizon, Kerisen, Khriushen, Khiurkhen, Merizen.
Equal roads do not have boundaries between each lane but are as currents in water that coexist and can change directions. In fact this is exactly as currents in waters, in one instance. In another, these roads and currents cross and form whirlpools, a twisting, turning motion. In a dry land sense of imagining this, consider two strings that you cross over each other and continue to do so. This forms a plait, braid or twist that can be made or laid straight or curled, curved. This is how the two equal roads look and are formed.
Two lane is our current word usage of Tulan. We have preserved this in Tulane.

King's Arc

Moral transforms into Solar.
Moral also becomes Molar become Mo-Rer. This is Mother Rer or Ruru.
RURU is the two ends of the horizon equator as symbolized by the two lions. One lion is the mouth in front and one is the mouth behind. This coincides with the horizon and its two corners as two of four birthplaces of souls of life. Through the Ruru, energies from outside the circle come and go. Also, souls of life from inside the circle, come and go. These spirit-souls are roadrunner birds. The lions are runners and the rivers that are the 2 by 4 roads, are also runners. This is a likely source of the saying, “you don't know whether you are coming or going.” The roadrunner cartoon showed the bird going back and forth.

Burgh is a later form of Khart.

*** In one sense of today's thinking, Par for the course means average. The Bar, the standard, is set at average. How is that average determined? Who determines average? In societies, since miseducation is the key, Par for the course must be below average of what God's creations are capable of.
On the other hand, Par for for the course is above average for the vices people are capable of, which are reflected throughout the society because vices are the cornerstones and foundation of the society. A society that uses skin color as one of its guiding tenets must not be relied upon to set the Bar or the Par.
As we know, what Par is for the course changes. This knowledge we can use in advance of the next change and changes