If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Meaning, Definition, Origin Of Sport
Unity Consciousness #3195

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

The word sport and the word sports and the word sporty and the word spot from:
1. Khiur-Khiur, two circles, two halves, circle-in-circle, two concentric circles like (as is) a cell and its nucleus. Khiur-Khiur is Khiurtu is Khiurti is Khiurt is Shiurt is Shirt and Shurt is Spirt and Spurt. Spirt becomes Spart and word Spark and word Parts. Spurt becomes Spert and Sport.

A circle is a container and covering for various recombinant forms of spirit-soul. These circles, and various forms of spirit-soul and their life cycles, are beings, creations, creatures, animals, persons, lifeforms, bodies, entities, alien arians, karuan khiuriuns, crayola crayons and other words describing any type or form of individual or collective. Everything goes back to circles and their contents (various varieties of spirit-soul in sufficent supply on an as is needed b-as-is). When we speak of spirit or soul, we are talking about a circle and cycle, a being, a creation, a thing which can be anything. These remembrances are brought forth again to help us again, move from stuck places, shut places in human framework infrastructure of else-self-awareness, so we can once again understand, honor and respect sameness and difference in an optimal worldview utamawazo (the wide world of sports).

Sport and Sports are primarily about circles, cycles and spirit-soul in any form by any meme necessary. Sport and Sports are always taking place within and between all creations, even among humans in ways we don't think is sport or sports.

Get this, and give yourself a, holy kiss.
All this is explained to help us become more adept at making the steady leap in our logic to understand that two circles or two halves of a circle or two parts of a circle are sport. This is critical. The word critical is karti-kar, ker-ker-rek. This is also the word credible. We can stretch this back and forth sport to the word incredible which means unbelievable as in unreliable; but also means unbelievable as in reliable since it is an-credible and iun-credible and Khiun-Credible. We can sense the relationship between credible, critical and the word criteria and word etcetera. It takes more practice to see the word analytical as an-aru-ti-cir or an-a-ruti-cir or an-arrut-i-cir or more ways.

The circle Khiurt is Shiurt is Shirt and Skirt. Thus, this leads us humans to refer to the covering for our upper half as the word Shirt, and the covering for our lower half as the word Skirt. By the law of the letter confirmed by the rek of the retter, the word Skirt existed before the word Pant or word Pants. In earlier times, all humans wore skirts (mini-skirts are loincloths) before they wore pants.
Additionally, the saying, “the shirt off my back”, is a later form of “khe khiurt ut nu bakh”. This initially refers to the placenta lining that covers the newborn in the womb, the bakh. Thus the first skirt was an inner lining equal to a woman's slip. Thus the word slip is the word srip, srep, sper (an-side, inside), sker. We are near and far in our understandings, both in time and on time.

2. Khiurt becomes Khart (Kharti), which might be easier forms to see how Khart becomes word Short becomes Sport.

3. We now move from Khiurt to Khurt to Khurt to Khurf to Kurf to Turf to Terf to Tref, which means dance, sport, lively. Then to Trep, Trip and Trap. Then leap to Wrap that collaborates the ending of Point 1 above.
Simultaneous is the change in form from Khiurt to Thiurt to Thirut to Thiru to Thriu to Three, Theru and Teriu to Teru, Teria and Tera. Both Tref and Teru are connected to the word Tree. Teru is a circle and a river-branch. So we have the round circle and the pole and branching Tree that forms the two lines (the + Cross) within the Circle. This + Cross marks the spot and the sport. The two lines are roads, crossroads and cross rivers that perform and receive mouth to mouth resuscitation. The word mark is better understood by the meaning of to mark is to Murk is to Niurkh, the opposite of the circular Khiurn. To Niurk is to Kh-Niur, create rivers of fire water, living breathing spirit-souls, some of which manifest as visible stars. Thus the Milky Way is the Murky way, Niur-Khi way, the MerKhi way, the MarKhui way, the Marquee way, the Market way to distribute supplies throughout the galaxy. These rivers are Niurs are Nirus are Niles. Rivers are serpentine, thus we should no longer view the + Cross that divides the circle as purely a straight line, but rather is a wave. The word serpentine of course contains serpent. An earlier form is Khiurf-Nu-Khiukh that leads to Kerf-Un-Khena to Serp-En-Tena (Sper-Tena) to Serp-En-Tine. This is why the river and the serpent are mirror image metaphors. Rivers are also lakes, oceans, seas, creeks, streams.
The word river is ru-mer, thus the word rumor and the word mill, which come together as rumor mill, the doubled-up forms of information that crosses back, forth, twists, turns, spins, whirls and swirls round, circulates, and is transformed at every change of hands, ears, mouth, feet, eyes. Rumor mill, as used by current humans is a character assassin sport used by snipers to deflame and kill the spark of spirit-soul. This mars the spot. It tars the feathers of the bird of two-truths, spirit-soul, breathing and being, thus prevents unfolding, expanding, flying. The word tarnish from Karnak from Kar-Nist from Khiur-Nukh. NIst is Nest is Mest is womb, birthplace Nukh is the power or force of a thing and its negation or reduction. Again we can see the Nukh-Ur and Nukh-Ar leads to the word nigger and marks the despot.
Additionally, what does Cornish hen mean?
The tree as the Cross is also called the Tat-cross or Tat which signifies to establish and found by crossing, tying the knot and Ti-ing the Net, thus doubling the power by connecting TWO same creations with one or more differences (one and the second of two). Even if the only difference is time of creation, a metric still used to distinguish twins. The word Mau in the Maori language and in the word Maori, also means to restrain, confine, fix, affix, word attach (tat-takh) establish, found, complete. Thus, going back to the word Tat, we can now see how it leads to the word Did, word Do, word Dad, second to the son or mother; word Tad.
We double-back to say that to MARK is to create something that stands out in contrast to its surroundings. Rivers stand out on the land, as do rivers of stars in black waters. X (+) marks the spot because Tekh Mirrukhs Khe Khekh.

4. Khen (Ten, Tan, Khan) means to bear, carry to, transport, navigate, bring to, divide, be divided, fire, turn to, blow to, fly to, travel by water or wind, attract, accept, calm, peaceful, inspire, reach, attain, alight, rest.
Khena (Tena, Tana, Khana) means to bear, carry away, transport, navigate, take away, divide, be divided, fire, turn away, blow away, fly away, travel by water or wind, repel, refuse, agitated, fearful, inspire, reach, attain, alight, rest.
The completion of this two part process of Khen and Khena is Khen-Ti is Khent is word Went is word Wind and word Windy is word Wend and word Wendy is word Sent and word Senti is word Send.
Khena (Tena) means to divide, become separate, which supplies a principle for naming the legs or feet. Islanders are Tena because they are separated from the mainland. This perhaps leads to the word tenant. The word Tena shares a mirror image with Aten.
Variations of Khena and Tena are: Teine (Welsh and Irish), Teen (Gaelic), Tine (Cornish), to light a fire; Tine (English), to kindle a fire; Tane (Japanese), the creative fire, ferment, cause, origin. Since our spirit is always seeking connections, we can now see words such as Butane and Octane from Akh-Tane.

5. The word Tree likely comes from Khiurt to Thiurt that is reversed as Truith, but the TH is removed to make Trui to make Tree, an open-ended circle form of rui and khui that elongate and expand with the command to curl and curve into itself to make ends meet and greet. The Tree consists of Three primary parts, a single pole and a double branch, both feathered on each end. This is four corners, ends, feet, footsies (fut-siu).

6. A Tree is the second form of the Circle, thus a tree is a repeat, a redundant word. The word repeat from rupeit from rupait from ru-pait from ruphit from rukhit from khiurt. The word repeat from reked.
The word rekhed from rekhet from re-khe-t, khe-t is khuti or two spirit-souls. Ru is the opening, mouth, place were two spirit-souls meets to form one circle or connect two circles to show their relationship, origin, evolution, etymology, genotype and phenotype.

7. We can further see the word repeat from Pehti and Ru-Pehti or Peht and Ru-Peht. We are reminded that Pehti is the two ends of the equator horizon that represent the north soul of life in water and the south soul of life in fire. Peh is Phe is Khe is Khu is Khiu.
We take another intermission as we wonder, what does all this have to do with sport?
Sport is the actions and interactions of spirit-soul. H-Tu-Kiu (H2O, water) is sport. You yourself is sport. Sport and sports are taking place within you and through everything you do and think.

8. The word Tree from T-Rep from Khi-Rep from Khiurt.
Rep from Ref from Kerf from Kherf from Khiurf from Khiurt.
Rep has variations such as Repa, Rep-A, Riuf, Ruif, Rif, Ruf, Ref, Raf, Rof, Riup, Ruip, Rip, Rup, Rap, Rop, all which mean to root,stem, grow, bud, blossom, shoot, take leaf. Rep and Leaf (Ruif) are equivalents. Tree, in the earlier form of T-Rep means THE REP, which means SPIRIT Budding, unfolding, leafing, flowering, growing, being, growing, developing. This is what a Tree does and what a circle does, and what we can relate to as what our spirit-soul desires, needs and wants to do. BE, as a circle and tree. This is self-sport, even as it is necessary to interact with all other selves and their self-sports and interact with collections of selves and their self-sports. Also, we each ourselves as individuals also function as part of many collective selves and self-sports.

9. Without going into further detail, we should be able to see how forms of the word Rep, lead to the word Root and word Roof, together representing the lower and upper halves of the circle and tree. Humans live in houses with a Roof and Root. Root being a synonym for foundation, which we know must be well-rooted and grounded in order to support the rest of the structure above.

10. We can see how the word Tree or any earlier form, can lead to the word Try. Just try and try again. Peat and Repeat in circular form and tree form, always the two together. This is sport and sports.

11. The word Try reveals itself in the sport of Rugby. A Try is achieved by crossing the end line moving forward opposite the starting point. The word rugby can resolve into khiur and repti and rekhi.

12. The Tur or Ter part of Khi-Ter (Khi-Urt, Khiurt) signifies all the people, the whole of a community, village, homestead, dwelling. These meanings are the same as group, herd, family, tribe, trip. The word tribe and word trip are easily part of this word tree and word circle. So quit running from your own shadow in the word tribe. Everything is part of many tribes. God, by any name, is the chief tribal elder.

13. We can now complete the thought to say Sport is tied to the Tree, which is the Tree of Life. The word Life is Rifu is Riuf is Rifu is Ripe. This is why we have managed to recognize and vocalize that, life imitates sport imitates life. Yet we have stopped way short of recognizing that everything in life is sport. Still yet we love sports because the word love is the word live is the word life is the word fiur is the word khiur, is what it is.

14. We can easily leap from branch to branch to show why Art imitates Life. Art is Tar is Tur is Urt is part of Khi-Urt, thus Urt imitates Khi, thus the circle, tree, people and inhabitants imitates spirit-soul as individual and whole. Art is a form of Ar-T or Ar-Ti, Urti, Rurt or two likenesses two eyes two circles, two waters. Art from Arte from Reta from Ruti from Urti.

15. Let's be sure to understand that sport is taking place in our thinking, our decisions, our everyday choices to do right or wrong. We are choosing sides and supporting one side. Self-evidently most humans are supporters and fans of the worst in sport, in life, in themselves, no matter how able to survive drinking muddy water.

16. Another derivation is peat from word fu-fu and repeat from word ru-fu-fu, which means the mother-circle as the inspirer of repeated breaths (spirit motions). Ru-fu-fu leads to ru-ru-fu-fu to ru-futi, ruti-futi and tutti-frutti, which means a lot of repetition is contained in each creation, especially the eight principles and characteristics of everything (the four primordial fruit doubled, the seven elemental souls of life and their eighth composite). Ruti is Teru is the entire whole, the Tree of Life producing abundant fruit. The eight are two truths by four corners, thus two by four or tu-ti futi. When a RU opening occurs anywhere on this tuti futi tree, tuti becomes tru-ti becomes truth because word is born; and also, futi become fruti become fruit because the khiurt has been reborn in repeated form, In addition to fu-fu, there are also forms containing mu, nu, hu, khu, mui, nui, hui, kh. All this is sport by the eight-legged solitary spider playing the word game solitaire, the card (kart) game solitaire.

17. Another way to add clarity khiurti to the word sport is through the intermediate word Sper, which means a side, one side, approaching the side, the other side, half-way round the circle, half of the circle. Tena is one-half, thus Sper-Tena is Sport. An earlier form is KhiurTe-Na. Na means of, from, to and by water. Tana or An-At is the circle of repetition. Khiurt-uni. Uni is inhabitants, the Au materials from Khau from Khiu. Another form is Khiur-Nuti.
Sper, Spur or Spr also means, to conduct, lead, cause to approach, come to the side, measure, rib. Sper-T, to ask, supplicate.

18. We can now show the word sper as the basis of word Spare and word Rib as the compound word Spare-Rib, which basically means ribs on either side or both side and is essentially the form of Sper-Sper or Rib-Rib. Rib is Ribs is Sbirs is Spirs is Spers is Spert is Sper-Ti.
Because Ribs have a lesser meat to bone ratio than other parts of the body of many animals, Rib, Sper and Spare also contain the meaning of thin and lean.

19. The word spirit and the word soul can be obtained from Khiurt, the double circle. This must be so. Important understandings can be obtained from previously explained forms of the word Spirit from Sperti shown as Spi-Ret and Sep-Ret. Important understandings can be obtained from previously explained forms of the word Soul from Khiur. Word soul is equal to word idol (iter, itur, ithur, thiur, khiur) Thus an idol is another representation of any creation, especially one that is not easily visible.

20. Sport simply means, cooperation through apposition. This allows for two winners always.
From time to time in history, as it is now, humans have mucked up this understanding, thus continue to flub and gaslight themselves.
Most things in societies are about operation through opposition where there can only be one winner. Despite us knowing that humans play games in all areas of life, we don't view them as sport and don't view most of the interplay as the worst form of sport that take all thoughts and behaviors to the level of life and death, with money and control over others, in between those two extremes. Very serious games are being played in all areas of government, business, education, media, religion and all major institutions. Many are acting like dog eat dog and rats in sports where everything is spoiled by those seeking to be the victor at the expense of other creations and their own salvation. This is because winning is not understood as kenning. Thus the concept of sharing and taking turns is out of roundness soundness. Since this is the same as being out of khiur, fhiur, fiur and fair, it is also out of square. Thus the saying, fair and square means balanced in roundness and squareness. This is the double-check of the Khekh necessary to properly click logic.

All other creations, not humans, are what humans are up against the most. As clearly shown, the big game is changing and the nature of sports is changing because the circles and cycles are changing. These are the cycles we call Ages, along with their associated alignments with other celestial beings. They are the commissioners and owners of all sports leagues. The transfer portal is open without restriction.
Thus spiritual warfare and spiritual sport is also about the sharing and non-sharing of space and time. The word share from kharu from khiur. The word Sha in share, also denotes all forms and kinds of births, commencements, beginnings, becomings and fertilizations that nourishes and allows souls of life to rise up and take their rightful place, Sha is inundation, thus does not depend on any creation's acquiescence. Sha is Kha is Khau is Khiu, Who, when completed and aligned, form the Khiurt and word Worth and phrase, for all it's worth; for all, it's worth; khiur uts khiurt. A giveaway takeaway is that repair-actions are not in the hands of the destroyers but rather in the hands of the ru-heirs. Thus, like NIL, reparations are coming from the collective and its sponsors.

Our human conception and practice of sports has once again deteriorated to its most vice-filled level where even the games we acknowledge as sports are filled with unhealthy competition, thus unfair advantages are employed to ensure winners and losers in the context of enemies rather than friendly competitors.
In certain circles, even as the moral is outnumbered by the immoral, mortal combat is always trumped by immortal combat in circles surrounding these circles. Don't move, we have you surrounded. Throw down your weapons. Someone always makes the wrong move and the massacre ensues, just as is occuring as long as masses continue to uphold the status quo suboptimal context worldview of their societies and sacrifice their own children for sport.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Unsportsmanlike Behavior Penalizes College Football Playoffs & Players By Using Deceitful Arguments By False Authorities
Unity Consciousness #3194

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)


In one sense, all the hater-nation comments about Deion Sanders is a form of horrendous unsportsmanlike behavior. All because Deion did not get his credibility from a Father-May-I massa's white godfather coaching tree. Nowhere near understanding Deion is from the ash coaching tree of life Black Jack.

Then there's the same no fun league of white people always trying to tell black people how to behave.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalties In College Football are another form of Jim Crow Black Code intended to keep those niggers in line. We don't want to see them happy rubbing their achievements in our faces. Just make us money.
How ridiculous is it for college football to have an unsportsmanlike penalty for celebrating when the the sport itself is brutal. Brutality yes, Celebrating, no. Targeting blacks yes, Targeting their inherent hatred, hell to the no.
Old ass white males always mad, angry and rabid about what they lack. Thus they lean their self-esteem on money and control of others.

Football is a business institution that itself is unsportsmanlike. The leagues, the commissioners, the coaches, the players, the referees, the fans, the media, the sponsors, the local, state and national governments.

I betcha if you look at all unsportsmanlike penalties in the past 12 to 60 months, in college, you will find an enormous percentage given to black players versus anyone else. We know this but don't want to take the fun out of our illusion of what is fully taking place. All ways taking place.

Unsportsmanlike Ranking System

The NCAA, CFP committee and the AP Journalist Poll should be sued and investigated, along with the football referees, media, Vegas, conference commissioners and anyone benefiting from the SEC and Big Ten being pumped up and propped up for several decades. If you think evil conspiracies are not rife in college sports, then you don't know the USA.
It's a slap in the face of sanity to accept a bunch of journalists, using wonky criteria, as credible football savants that get to be a defacto pre-selection committee for playoff spots.

Strength of schedule is a false argument since all teams play at least 75% of their games against teams in their own conference; therefore if you initially, perennially, automatically deem the SEC and Big Ten as the best, and rank them as such in every pre-season poll, then even when they lose, they still have a stronger strength of schedule, which is why teams with fewer losses in other conferences are pushed lower in the polls and out of the playoffs.
Also, most teams play their first three games outside their conference. This essentially serves as in-season preseason warm-up. Check the schedules of the top six SEC and Big Ten teams and see who they played. They all played teams in “lesser” conferences. Then check Colorado's schedule. They played Big Ten Nebraska in their second game and perennial champion NDSU in their first game. If Colorado had played Kansas State second and Nebraska in the Kansas State slot, Colorado would be 10-0.

Here is a smattering of comments I've left regarding the illegal NCAA method of choosing playoff teams.
1. You live by the rankings and give them credibility, then you have to live with rankings. What makes people think a patently unfair system will be fair?

2. Vegas is not smarter. Their goal is to optimize the number of wagers for and against. Vegas is no more accurate than the Associated Press Polls.

3. Media gives too much credibility to the pollsters. BYU dropping seven spots. Come on, yet an SEC or Big Ten Team loses and that barely moves their needle. It sounds like the media's job is to justify the NCAA and the AP Poll.

4. They [SEC] have had an unfair unearned advantage in media coverage, money and other areas that has caused the best players to choose those schools. This is why there is an outcry against NIL, the transfer portal and other rules that give power to the players and other conferences. [NIL is not new, it's now legal because NIL is simply allowing players to get some of the payola profits.]

5. It's called one business hand washing the other business hand covering up each other's dirty dealings.

6. Bottom line is, SEC and Big Ten get too much grace, forgiveness and second chances, even before the season starts.

7. The SEC and Big Ten have decades of a head start in attracting players. Even now they get more money from the NCAA and media and get to have more teams in the playoffs, which means more money and more appeal to players, so coaches don't have to be special to attract recruits. The SEC and Big Ten have been winning due to a faulty unfair system that has pumped them up with hype until it became a self-fulfilling prophecy and foregone conclusion that they were good. Give Coach Prime two more years and he will win a national championship by the end of 2026.

8. What they [NCAA] got wrong is their existence. Every conference champion should be in the playoffs. Too much control by a relative few who use tons of subjectivity, thus personal preference.

9. Sports are a microcosm of life in the place where the sport is formed and regulated. Bad behavior through the context of racism is the heart and soul of the USA and many other nations. Racism in any form must be exposed and opposed, otherwise we get deceived into thinking something is not what it is just because it is wearing different clothes. See, the message whose subtext is ”Unsportsmanlike Unfairness Racism Against Guess Who? HBCU's!”

10. Not sure why so many people with supposed broad football knowledge keep saying Saban is the greatest college football coach, and totally ignore Eddie Robinson who had less to work with in terms of media coverage, scholarships. [Every time I've left this comment, it gets ignored by so-called experts on Youtube, who mostly don't like it when those who visit their channel question their logic with receipts.]

11. Projections, predictions polls rankings and point spreads are not based on objective criteria, so why do we keep acting like they are valid and credible?

12. Amazing how all the other conferences allow themselves to be treated as inconsequential. Sheep gon-uh be sheep, dubbing what keeps them subservient. Employees employing the logic of servants to tyrants.

13. See more warning messages about the okie doke of polls.

14. All this slickery sickery trickery brings us to the annual noise of ridiculous-sounding pundits wanting us to accept as fact and birthright, that both the SEC And Big Ten deserve four or five college football playoff spots.

15. So then, if they have no factual basis to predict the future, while pretending to do so, why does the media and sports teams treat the AP Poll as gospel, valid and legal? Just because the NCAA criminals use the AP Poll to cover up their covert collusion money dealings?

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Difference Between Spirit & Soul
Windows To The Soul, Part 1 of 4
Unity Consciousness #3193

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

The fooled asked, what is the difference between spirit and soul?
The response was a question.
The fooled said, so you don't know either.
The fooled moved on, backwards.

The educated asked, what is the difference between spirit and soul?
The response was a question.
The educated said, don't you know you should never answer a question with a question?
The educated moved on, sideways, back in line.

At an age ahead of their years in relation to their much older peers, the children asked, what is the difference between spirit and soul?
The response was, what makes you think there is a difference?
The children said, I don't know, I keep hearing both those words as something people have, but I don't understand, maybe it's because they are two different words.
The response was, is there a difference between water and liquid or breath and air?
The children said, I don't know.
The response was, ask the universe, then let me know what you are told.

Eventually the child returned and said, there is no difference, those are words that mean the same thing.
The response was, spirit and soul are also two words that mean the same thing, When you look in the mirror, you can see your reflection. Is that true?
The children said, yes.
The response was, when you look in the mirror, who is that in the mirror?
The children, still in unison, said, me.
The response was, so both you and your reflection are you?
The children said, yes.
The response was, spirit is you. Soul is the reflection of your spirit...You can't see your face or head or eyes without looking in a mirror...You can't see your full spirit without looking into a mirror that reflects your soul.
The child said, what kind of mirror is that?
Start by looking into water, fire, air, earth, the sky during the day, the sky at night, the clear sky, the cloudy sky...Look into anything in nature that is not human. Use all of your sensing abilities. Be quiet, be still and ask each creation to reveal their soul through your soul. By acknowledging each creation as a mirror, you will begin to understand that some part of each creation, is part of you. The I am that they are is part of the I am that you are.

The children evolved, looking forward to seeing more of self by using all sensing abilities in a unity consciousness way. Slowly, the faster, then suddenly all at once, by repeating this scientific method of inquiry and verification, the children learned to look with multiple eyes, side to side, up and down, behind, all round, inside and outside.

The I's are the mirrors to the soul.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The Lord Is My Shepherd I Shall Not Want
What & Who Is Lord, Part 2 of 12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3192

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

See, The Lord Is My Circle, Shepherd & Beast, What & Who Is Lord, Part 1 of 12, Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings, Unity Consciousness #3191

For starters, the word Shepherd is from Khep-Hert, Khep-Khart, Khepsh-Urt, Shepsh-Urt, Khuf-Pert, each of these representative of the mother-circle and son-circle. In other words, the word shepherd is representative of the two truths because it contains the two truths. Since each of these earlier words have been sufficiently remembered, only the necessary clarifying parts will be repeated here.

1. Per and Pert is the reappearing grain, corn, food made of corn, emanate, proceed; put out, pour out, liquid, manifest, emanate, come forth. This is the green pastures and the table made in the presence of mine enemies.
Per and Pert as the reappearing seed and word, guides and directs our actions to know when and how to find food. Pert is also Perti is Repit is the goddess of the harvest.
Per means to show, expose, see, appear in the circle, of the circle, the waters, the womb. Thus what is per, pure, par, part is based on the circle, the circular, the total, the balance. Circles, cycles, stars, moons, planets are seeds that guide and direct our understandings of what time it us, thus our thinking and behavior follow.

2. Khep includes all forms of word AP. Khep is the Ap-Parent. AP means everything that is first, the Supreme Parent, duality, birthplace, to guide, manifest, expose to view, thus open and close the AP, the mouth, the womb, the uterus, the circle, the system, the lord.

3. Word Sheep from Shep from Shef from Kheft.

4. Word Sheep from Shep from sh-Sep from Shepsh-Sip from Shepsh-Sif from Khepsh-Sif from Khepsh-Khif. The Sif is the child of the mother. The child naturally follows the mother who is the shepherd. The child is a version of the mother, a reconfiguration, a reformulation of the seed inside the mother. Thus just revealed is that Shepsh-Sif is the word Shape-Shift. This is why, in a weak sense of the word, sheep are easily swayed to shift and reshape their thinking and behavior according to whoever is leading them, feeding them.
The reason sheep are posed as scared of the wolf is because the word wolf is wherf is kherf. Thus the wolf represents the change agent trying to change and transform sheep out of their going astray ways. To do so, the wolf must consume them or at least consume their attention. The wolf is the soul of life that changes souls fundamentally in their logic, thus in their thinking, thus in their behavior.
This also enhances understanding of why the Lord is my shepherd. It's because the lord is rurt is the circle, the enclosure that protects sheep.

5. We go back to show that the wolf, the kherf kherp is only a slightly different form of the shep and sheep, both have a leader and both are followers. Both are consumers and producers. The wolf is the leader of consumers, while the shepherd is the leader of producers.

6. The souls of life led by the shepherd Mashua Moses behaved as sheep and wolves. This is the same behavior as not quite right people who have gone around the world and destroyed every land.

7. Because the alpha wolf leads and shepherds the pack, the alpha star of the reigning circumpolar constellations were called wolves and served as guides, thus Lords. The alpha pole star is the dog-star and the jackal, fox, coyote, fenekh and other canine types.

8. All this explains the wolf in sheep's clothing as describing the need to be clear-headed about where you are being headed so as not to be deceived by those you allow to lead.

9. This is also why wolves are associated with shape-shifting as werewolves and vampires and lycans and other mutants in many movies of the past 75 years or so. And why most people are not who they claim to be, but are who they show themselves to be. Weak sheep or creepy wolves, both dangerous.

10. Because a sheep is a shep is a khep is a khepsh is a circle is a repeating cycle is a way to tell time, then when you keep up with and follow time and construct your activities around time, you are being a sheep, a good sheep in this sense.

11. To tend sheep is from ten (ten-t, tend, tun), the continuous motion of taking account, reckoning, keeping track of everything, properly discerning, distinguishing, understanding and dividing truths. Thus we are sheep following shepsh.

12. Shes-Sert.
Shes, serve, servant, follow, made to serve. (BB2)
Sart (Sert), is a keeper of souls of life who sows seeds of knowledge.
The Shes-Sert is a Shepherd who tends as the Sert-Tent (ser-ten, certain), thus a shepherd must be certain to tend carefully.

13. Shes-Peh-Art
Peh, to follow up, penetrate.

14. Shepsh-Urt
Khekh, whip, follow, chase

15. Shesh-Aru-T
Aru-T is the river formed. The river was the first thing followed because it led to somewhere from beside relatively still waters to perhaps greener pastures, whereas the lake did to a lesser degree by being crossed.

16. Suph-Aru-T
Suph in Hebrew means a hinder part, an end, conclusion, fulfillment, as does Mehu, an Egyptian name of the north. The marsh, the source of the water plants, out of which came the child borne on a lotus; the lake of primordial matter found in the Peri-Em-Heru, also called the Red Sea and Pool of Pant. Sufu means paints, colours. This supplies the red or paint of the pool, the pool of pant. This Red Sea is not the Red Sea on this Earth. It is the celestial Red Sea, Red River, Red Waters. There was no human Moses or Joshua or Aaron who parted a Red Sea. Sheep have been misled.

17. Khefer-T from Khekher-T

18. Shes-Taurt

19. Khep-Kharut

20. Khep-Tar-Ut. Tar-Ut means magical evocation. Magic applied to “TRYING the spirits (khar-uts)” or evoking invoking provoking them, by understanding their cycles, movements and influences. Their rekhs and effects. Tarut (Truat, close to Truth and Truit) signifies urgency.

21. Kepheus-Herut
Herut is one of many names of writing as cutting in stone. Herut also means to arm for war (kar-mati change, ker-mati change, climate change). Mashus is the Lord of war (kar), floods, fire, heat, humidity, hurricanes, the Young Elder, the double force and double abode of Ra (the underworld and overworld).

22. Thus,
The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want
in an earlier form is
Khe Rurt Ukh Mashus-Herut, Kha Kharunat Hant
This means, Spirit Cycles of Souls Fight for Breathing Room for the Heavenly Flock, so There Is Nothing Sa-Fire & Desire of the Individual or Collective Needs to Make It Through and Not Be Extinguished, That Will Not Be Provided Because the Appointed Times Come Bearing and To Bear What It Needs, To Ensure Their-Our Return.
With this in mind, it is easier to understand why Psalm 23 says what it says

23. Since all of the words in Point 22 above have been explained here or elsewhere, I will only expand, a little, on the word Kha. Kha is an earlier form of the word I. Like all current words, they have many earlier forms, thus the word I can also be any of the following and more.
a) The Inner African Nge (Eng, Ing, Ng-A, Nga, Ng-Ah, Nke, Nku, Nkhu, Nkha) is the most common form of the first personal pronoun I throughout the world. Nge represents nose, ankh, all sensing abilities inherent in each creation and all sensing abilities of all creations.
b) N from Ng from NK from KN from Ankh as the first sign of water, family, people of a district, number two. This indicates a form of U-N-KH, the place of waters, and sparks that fly and swim.
c) Nakh (Ankh, Akh, Kha), is the I as chief one; I in the highest form, the royal personal pronoun and and represents all sensing abilities inherent in each creation and all sensing abilities of all creations.
d) Thus the word I is collective first and individual second, both simultaneously always, whether or not we think and behave that way. There is no escaping the I. This is because of the word personal is the word person and the words AR, Aru, Ari. Person has been much discussed but a shorter version is the word mer-sen, a repetition formed of the waters. Also forms such as Per-Sen, Pert-Sen, Khiur-Sen, Khart-Sen, Karr-Sen, Kher-Sen, Par-Sun, Kar-Sen, Har-Sun, Har-Su-N, Ntur-Kenia-N, Khar-Khenan, I-Tem, Per + Sun, Per-Sen-T, and more, especially forms containing kun, khun, khiun, sifnu, sunu sunnu, sennu, khenu, khennu.
e) In other words, it is risky business to think I know who are the best lord-help-me choices as my shepherd for me to follow, if I don't ask the lord to help me know the best version verse-n of the person I truly am. Knowledge of self is herd immunity, one way or the other.

f) A shepherd is a herd mentor, thus projects the herd-mentor-reality (herd mentality). Prevalent self-evidence proves the Lords of the human herd is a sicko (psycho) on a warpath where worlds coincide. The flock of sheep humans have herd immunity to critical thinking. This has led to mass weakness which has allowed humans to drift away and be separated perceptually from the larger herd of animals to which all creations belong, thus allowing humans to be captured and controlled by always desperate demonic spirits. Thus our efforts to create a just and sustainable world for ourselves will remain futile as long as we are futa-ru.
g) Human monoply players are now being pushed back three spaces to the seventh step, seventh gate, seventh elemental level. This is because we can keep taking chances with utility and expect to not suffer the consequences, and we double down and reject that our estranged sickness has perverted converted utility into futility.
h) Groggily we think monopoly is mainly about money, greed, power, unfair advantages, hoarding and playing for keeps, when in reality it is simply fundamentally about herding and preying for sheep (using others).
This is why the monetarily richest people on this planet have the most sheep following them, working for them and buying into what they sell.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Lord Is My Circle, Shepherd & Beast
What & Who Is Lord, Part 1 of 12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3191

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzh of 11)

Very Short Version: The word Lord is a form of Rurt (Egyptian).

Much Longer Needed Version

Rurt from Rur-Ti from Rur-Rur, to traverse, go round and round, round out, thus fill out to completion evenness, balance, symmetry dynamically. Thus each cycle is a verse and a version, a script and a scripture, a sense and a sentence, a log (rekh) and a logic (rekhit). Ru-Ru means to go, circuit, wheel, and whirl round, turn over and over, roll. Rur and the word whirl likely from a form such as: kha-rer, khar-ru, khar-ur, khiur, khiurt, khirr to whirr to whirl. More fully, Khiu-Rurt, the four going in circles, Iu Ket-Mu Khiunk En Khiurti.

The first lord recognized was the first circle cycle recognized, Ursa Major Constellation in the north lower half hinder part of heaven, the underworld birthplace lower thigh [not the haunch (hip)].
One of the names of Ursa Major circle of stars is Rurt and all other forms of the word. This circle cycle was recognized as repeating annually, dependently redundant, thus this great big circle cycle was called The Mother of Revolutions, which is why we use the phrase, the mother of..., when we want to describe something great big, enormous, giant, gigantic, gi-normous. We are also using the same sense of great big when we use the word Lord in a divine sense or in a human sense of someone who is lord or lords over. We are also using the same sense of great big when we say, Lord have mercy!

Lord Rurt Ursa Major Constellation has many names listed elsewhere, some of which are Mother Time, Circle-Maker, Life-Cycle Marker (Mer-Ker), Baby Maker, Mother of Beginnings, Great Mother of the Waters, First Over and Under Lord.
This is the Lord we are also talking about when we don't understand the ancestry of the Lord we are talking about.
This Lord, this circle cycle, this constellation is located high up at the pole, thus is considered to be at the mountaintop. Many word forms of Rurt exist such as Ururut, Au-Rurt, Arurut, Ararat, Ar-artu, Ar-arat, Aarurt. These are some of the names for the island mountaintop upon which the ark rests and time begins a new cycle for a new set of souls in a new set of heavens and new set of earths.
Lord Rurt is the northern Arurut when time was reckoned by northern circumpolar and southern circimpolar constellations as Rurts (Lords) of Time and Space. When the Sun became the primary method of keeping time, the eastern horizon became Auru-Rurt Ararat where the Sun, as ark, ascended, rested and delivered souls across and up out of the flood waters of darkness in the north and northwest. The Sun and Ursa Major Constellation are two of the Lords who are my shepherd because they lead and guide us.
Many other names of this mountain of rest, resurrection, renewal and rebirth exist, such as Mount of the Four Corners,Muru, Meru, Mehru, Meroe (Merhu), Bahlua, Balua, Mehura, Mesru, Mitzru, Mestru, Mazar, Mazaroth, Maserati, Mest. One of these is one of several Mountains of the Moon, and is now called Rwenzori, earlier stated as Reru-Khe-nsa-ru-ru, Rwenzu-ruru, Rwenjura, Ruwenzori. Now updated to also include Ru-Khunsu-Ru, a form much easier to see and understand.

Ru-Ru & Khunsu

Khunsu represents both the soul of life in the dual lunation of the moon, and also the combination of the soul of life in the moon and soul of life in the sun. Thus Khunsu is Lord of the Double Light (Moon and Moon-Sun). A personified deified form of this double-double combination is Taht (Tahuti) the winged disk Moon and David (Tebhut) the Moon-Sun. Tebhut (Teb-Huti), or winged disk, is the lord of heaven and giver of life. Khunsu has a human body and head of the solar hawk bearing the lunar disk. Hu means light and TI for two. Khunsu as David Tebhut Teb-Huti represents conjoined twins, siamese. The word siamese from Su-AM-Mes-Siu, the star child of light born of the IAM mes of heaven to bring forth what's needed to save souls, so that they too may have abundant everlasting life. This together-apart principle is part of the framework infrastructure program of circles, cycles and ecosystems long before humans existed. Also Khiu-Messiu.
The words David, Tevhut, Tevut, Devet, Davit, David, Tebhut, Teb-Huti, Taht, Ta-Huti, IU, Iu-Em-Hept, Jesus, Dyvid, Tepht all mean Joiner, Uniter, or the United (BB2)

Thus Mount Ru-Khunsu-Ru stands between the sky above and valley below as does the mother-son moon float between Earth and Sun. The moon is a way station between earth and sun, thus we climb mountains to feel closer to the Lord and unknowingly mimic the rising of the Sun in spring assisted by the full moon that provides exultation to souls for ascending to great heights.
Since Khunsu is the giant-killer, like David and Jack, this means when the Sun rises in Great Year Spring and unites with the Full Moon, their powers help remove the status quo souls of life, who behave like ogre-ish thuggish giants.

See, earlier investigation of Mount Rwenzori

Lord Names & Symbols

Name Variations: Rert, Errt, Rort, Orrt, Urrt, Riru, Rilu , Ruru, Ru-Ru, Ruti, Rutu, Urtu, Urti, Rurit, Ruri(t) Reru, Rerit, Ret, Ret-Urn, Return, Rerr, Roll, Rura, Roar, Rweru, Rem (from Mer from Mehru from Makhru), Karuru (Karuti, sailors, not just humans, but stars, planets, moons, celestial beings). This is the same as Rahab, Ruhef, Khebt, Khepsh, Urt, Ta-Urt, Taurt, Ta-Urtu, Ârutu, Ârtu, WhaRuri, Whu-Ruruhi, Lri, in India, Rî (Ishtar) in Akkad, the Old First Mother of all things, including language.

Many symbols of Lord Rurt exist, such as hippopotamus, mostly of the lakes; bear, sow, cow, serpent, dragon, crocodile, mostly of the river; tree, pole, vine, root (rut, rerut), mountain, human female. Eventually the celestial heavenly waters of the lakes and rivers also became karest-iar khefa-niru waters the sea or ocean. Even as Lord Rurt is shown in the form of several beasts, including the human beast, the Lord is also a Teddy Bear, since Tabi is the Bear, earlier Tepi, Teti, Tevi, Tavi and more. Thus Tabi Bear is Tedi Bear is Teddy Bear, great big Bear with big belly as the hippopotamus.
We might as well emphasize the word heaven as khefa-n is the waters as sea, while the word heavenly as khefa-n-iru is waters as river.

Mothers & Child

Ruru or Rer or Rere (word Rare) denotes birth mother, wet-nurse and nurseling (nurse-renk), also to dandle and lull (rurr) the child, to create a slow steady soothing rhythm. Thus the word lullaby (English) is based on the great mother above as Rerit, the Assyrian Lilit and Hebrew Lilith, who in the hieroglyphics is the genitrix, the generating matrix, the gene pool, as the sow or hippopotamus, the old Typhon of the beginning, who first reared the child in heaven. As the two mothers, Ru and Ru, Ruru represents a pool of water as in the womb; and water that rushes forth as in water break birth inundation; and water that drip drops, releases drip by drip, drop by drop as in breastfeeding.

Ru-ru means two, doubled, twined, divided, duplicated. In the Moor dialect of New Guinea, Number 2 is Roeroe, a form of Ruru, for child, children or double horizon. Rere is an English form expressing twoness in the “rere-mouse,” the winged mammal; the rere-supper, a second course, the rere-tail, and the Rear for the hinder part or following after. The rear is the second that was first first. (NG1)

The Lord is the Rurt, the Ru or Rui, the reed-pen and paint of the scribe. Each circle, as it goes round and round in its cycle, creates, makes marks, inscribes into the dimension it is in. This is why Ru is the mouth, opening, door, gate, eye, pen, paint, stylus, tongue, word, story, conversation, discussion, speech, book, record, scroll, portrait, portrayal, depiction, picture, scribble, scrabble, scramble.
We can now more fully understand the earlier name of Ursa Major is Khiur Makheru or Rurt-Ta Maker.

We can also appreciate Ru as a mouth that takes in, is also Ru a mouth that lets out, one mouth eats, one excretes, but actually both mouths do both. This is why another name for mouth is Peh, a form of Khep, the womb, uterus that receives and gives, takes in, lets out. This is the nature of cycles and circles because they are living beings, souls of life, affected and affecting, effected and effecting. The Khep and Ru represents both mouths and are Khep-Ru, also Khef-Ru, Khuf-Ru, Khepera, Khefera, Khufera, Kherf, Kherp, the principal change agent, thus also Khef, Feh, Khuf, Fuh, Khif, Fih, Khaf, Fah, Khof, Foh, Khap, Pah, Khip, Pih, Khop, Poh, Khup, Puh as the mouth or rump. Since there are two mouths, we have Ru-Ru or Ruti and Peh-Peh or Pehti, plus all other forms. This applies to all circles and cycles, they each have a beginning and end, start and finish.

The Lord of Cycles today is the Sun Cycle, the Sun's Revolution is the Son of Revolutions, The Great Year. At first, the souls of life in the sun's cycle were manifesting as female behind and female out front because it was the two sisters. Then in the next cycle it was female behind and male out front because it was virgin mother and child. Then in the next cycle it was male behind and female out front. This is cycle were are at the threshold of that is causing climate changes and one of it's manifestations is the rise of the female. This is primarily caused by the Sun's alignment with Lord Circle called Aquaria-Hathor-Nut and the Lord Circle called Kepheus-Tefnut-Sekhet and the Lord Circle of the Moon. (BB2)
A sign of this is Ruru, the white heron, a type of Taht the waxing-to-full moon-god. The heron is a fisher who catches lifts souls out of the black and red waters of the birthplace womb abyss, a name of which is Kester, Khester, Kist, Kist-Ruru, Kist-luru, Kistleru, Kistler). Thus the lord moon cycle is partly responsible for wokeness and helps resurrect raise souls from their mummy preservation sleep. (BB)
Another sign is Hathor, a form of the hippopotamus-headed Ursa Major mother of the beginnings. As Hathor she was the milch (milk) cow of land substituted for the water cow. Both cows are types of the wet-nurse and giver of the precious liquid of life. This is Aquaria-Hathor-Nut Mami Wata Great Mother of the Waters whose time has come as she sits ready to pounce. This Mother of the North was the three sisters of mother of earth, mother of water, mother of breath. (AE1)

Lord Mehru Is Proud Mary Big Wheel Khep-On Khiurning

Meh or Mehuri leads to the word Maori which means the water and the breath of life fresh from the fount of source in the north and west to recognize northern and western beginnings of stellar cycle and solar cycle. Another name for Mehuri is Mauru for the northwest. I suspect the word Amaruh is a form of the word A-mauru and must mean healing, curing, rejuvenating waters and refreshed breaths of life, souls, from the southeast, which corresponds to the birthplace below in terrestrial Africa and to the birthplace above to those just on the other side of the river as the sun rises and the Earth also rises and aligns and crosses the river. In the form of Au-Mauru, the word Omari could be created.
Mauru, the name given to this breath of the motherland, is also the word for being eased and quieted in pain and heartache. These words as the double Meh of north and west or south and east are the Mehti or Mehi which means to fill, be full, fulfill and be completed; Mehi is also a title of Taht, the lunar god, whose name of Tekh signifies full, and of Hathor the fulfiller (fulfill-Rer). Hathor the moon is the mother who duplicates into Taht who brings the moon to full and then Aan who empties the moon's contents into the solar system.
Already shown is that the word angel means circle cycle, thus an angel of the lord is a circle of the circle or a soul of the circle.

Since Ruru as Rru is also steps, stairs, ladder, then Mauru and A-Mauru represent the double birthplace of the abyss and horizon and also the birthplace and steps, steps that descend on the west-side and steps that ascend on the east-side. This reveals A-Mauru-Ka as the first form of the word America, thus the Americas first inhabited by the Mauru Maori from the southeast.
The Rru or Ru is an outlet for water, the primary way land is divided. Heaven was divided into water-ways and the solar bark is said to be towed through the RUs of the Rusta by water. Ru (Lu) is the universal type-name for the rivers. (NG2) The circles and cycles of the heavens are the first rastafarians, rusta-seafarers.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Burkino Faso, Part 1 of 2
Another Evolution In Revolutions Of Ra
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3190

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzg of 11)

Sufficiently proven everywhere is that truth does not depend on whether we know it or believe it or whether someone has misrepresented it. Intentionally or not. Truth is the epitome of, “it is what it is.”
Truth is not a personal choice like what clothes to wear, what to eat or the ability to change hair color. Truths cannot be customized, because if truth could, a just and balanced Supreme Being, before giving humans this ability, would allow all other creations to have priority in doing so, since all other creations existed long before humans. Humans are last in line of heir apparents. And if truth could be customized, then for all humans who believe in a life hereafter and believe in angels and heaven, then most certainly part of the reward for reaching that heavenly paradise, in conjunction with glass clearly clarity, would be the ability to customize truths on this Earth not just for loved ones, but for one love, in keeping with the nature of angels. And certainly, as swiftly as “God” took action based on a few transgressions in a storybook Garden of Eden, humans would have been cancelled from the culture long time ago and made incapable of breeding in any of the four inseparable aspects of self.

As worlds continuously turn, truths revolve and trade places, thus have limited amounts of times and spaces to manifest. Such then is the nature of what humans also face.

Also remembered by traveling this long, winding Sankofa Road, is that our understanding of a word does not limit the word to our understanding. Instead, the fullness of the meaning remains intact, and though it is not our intention or awareness, the fullness of the word applies, even when used in a limited sense or incorrect sense or spelled differently or pronounced differently.
We can now move on to remember fuller understandings of the word Burkino Faso. Yet this explanation is not exhaustive due to the many word forms and meanings that apply.

What A General Internet & Spiritweb Search Reveals About Burkino Faso

1. The European French invaded Africa, along with the rest of Europe. The French killed many Africans and claimed the land that is today called Burkina Faso. The French named it Haute Volta (Upper Volta). Burkino Faso is located between Mali and Ghana in southwest Africa.

2. Many websites say, the country's name was changed to The Republic of Upper Volta in 1960 and later changed to Burkina Faso in 1984. The new name is a combination of words from the country's three main local languages and means "land of the proud and honest people" or "country of incorruptible people".

3. Another website says President Thomas Sankara chose two names after two main languages of the country: the Moore (or Mossi language) and the Dioula. Burkina from Mòoré means ‘men of integrity‘, while Faso in Diouala means ‘fatherland‘. Thus the Burkina Faso is ‘the land of upright people‘ or ‘the land of honest people‘. The people of the country are known as the Burkinabé, where the suffix ‘bé’ comes from the Foufouldé language spoken by the Peulh people (a tribe found in many countries across West Africa), and means ‘men or women’. https://afrolegends.com/2013/09/12/why-the-name-burkina-faso/

4. As if their recognition, acknowledgement and respect are proofs of the worthiness of our existence, the United States with their usual bullshitty breath, recognized Upper Volta on August 5, 1960, in a congratulatory message from President Eisenhower. France's occupation is described as French sovereignty [this is equal to the false notion of American sovereignty]. https://history.state.gov/countries/burkina-faso

5. This is what happens when foreigners write your history (tell you your genealogies of spirit, mind, emotion, body, location, ancestry). This website states Burkina Faso is a small, poor, landlocked country in West Africa. The first people to settle in the area are the Mossi people in the 11th and 13th century [since this implies the CE period (equal to AD, this is a stupid statement. No way in hell Africans went around the world several times in the BCE era and didn't populate all of Africa.]. Because Burkina Faso is a poor country; it has not been able to satisfy the needs of its populations [sounds like USA, South Africa and all other societies]. This has resulted in numerous coups and an exodus of young people to more prosperous countries like Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria. https://www.sahistory.org.za/place/burkina-faso

As you can comprehend, no one mentions what the name of the land area was before the French murdererers arrived. In all likelikehood, the area was part of a larger area with a different name because the European invasion was all about smash and grab. Even so, the name Burkino Faso fits the current awakening and movementof the people that began in the 1900's C.E. Less than 100 years ago. In case you missed it, all people and all languages resolve and originate from the Nile Valley in Africa. Thus, though we think we speak totally different languages, due to many variations, the Nile Valley roots are evident. The Nile Valley was the well of source and a melting pot and remixing pot many times over. Thus, since we have Egyptian as representative of such origins, mergings and mixings, we can use that form of language to pull the emergency brakes and put a full stop to being so confused by bandits.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Hope A Few More Be Woke From The Okie Doke
Eddie Glaude Jr. - Racism and the Soul of America
Unity Consciousness #3189

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzf of 11)

These truths are many times said in many ways, but perhaps this time, a few more might be woke from the okie doke.

Eddie Glaude Jr. - Racism and the Soul of America – 09/13/2016

Hope is only for a few more because in the eight years since this video was released, it has only received 15,000 views and even worse, only 319 likes. Since these numbers represent a form of polling, that means 99.98% of those who viewed the video either didn't like it or didn't like it enough to like it. This video did not go “viral” yet it is the word of mouth from the King Of Glory whose story is prevailing and will prevail again soon and very soon.