Very Short Version: The word Lord is a form of Rurt (Egyptian).
Much Longer Needed Version
Rurt from Rur-Ti from Rur-Rur, to traverse, go round and round, round out, thus fill out to completion evenness, balance, symmetry dynamically. Thus each cycle is a verse and a version, a script and a scripture, a sense and a sentence, a log (rekh) and a logic (rekhit). Ru-Ru means to go, circuit, wheel, and whirl round, turn over and over, roll. Rur and the word whirl likely from a form such as: kha-rer, khar-ru, khar-ur, khiur, khiurt, khirr to whirr to whirl. More fully, Khiu-Rurt, the four going in circles, Iu Ket-Mu Khiunk En Khiurti.
The first lord recognized was the first circle cycle recognized, Ursa Major Constellation in the north lower half hinder part of heaven, the underworld birthplace lower thigh [not the haunch (hip)].
One of the names of Ursa Major circle of stars is Rurt and all other forms of the word. This circle cycle was recognized as repeating annually, dependently redundant, thus this great big circle cycle was called The Mother of Revolutions, which is why we use the phrase, the mother of..., when we want to describe something great big, enormous, giant, gigantic, gi-normous. We are also using the same sense of great big when we use the word Lord in a divine sense or in a human sense of someone who is lord or lords over. We are also using the same sense of great big when we say, Lord have mercy!
This is the Lord we are also talking about when we don't understand the ancestry of the Lord we are talking about.This Lord, this circle cycle, this constellation is located high up at the pole, thus is considered to be at the mountaintop. Many word forms of Rurt exist such as Ururut, Au-Rurt, Arurut, Ararat, Ar-artu, Ar-arat, Aarurt. These are some of the names for the island mountaintop upon which the ark rests and time begins a new cycle for a new set of souls in a new set of heavens and new set of earths.
Lord Rurt is the northern Arurut when time was reckoned by northern circumpolar and southern circimpolar constellations as Rurts (Lords) of Time and Space. When the Sun became the primary method of keeping time, the eastern horizon became Auru-Rurt Ararat where the Sun, as ark, ascended, rested and delivered souls across and up out of the flood waters of darkness in the north and northwest. The Sun and Ursa Major Constellation are two of the Lords who are my shepherd because they lead and guide us.
Many other names of this mountain of rest, resurrection, renewal and rebirth exist, such as Mount of the Four Corners,Muru, Meru, Mehru, Meroe (Merhu), Bahlua, Balua, Mehura, Mesru, Mitzru, Mestru, Mazar, Mazaroth, Maserati, Mest. One of these is one of several Mountains of the Moon, and is now called Rwenzori, earlier stated as Reru-Khe-nsa-ru-ru, Rwenzu-ruru, Rwenjura, Ruwenzori. Now updated to also include Ru-Khunsu-Ru, a form much easier to see and understand.
Ru-Ru & Khunsu
Khunsu represents both the soul of life in the dual lunation of the moon, and also the combination of the soul of life in the moon and soul of life in the sun. Thus Khunsu is Lord of the Double Light (Moon and Moon-Sun). A personified deified form of this double-double combination is Taht (Tahuti) the winged disk Moon and David (Tebhut) the Moon-Sun. Tebhut (Teb-Huti), or winged disk, is the lord of heaven and giver of life. Khunsu has a human body and head of the solar hawk bearing the lunar disk. Hu means light and TI for two. Khunsu as David Tebhut Teb-Huti represents conjoined twins, siamese. The word siamese from Su-AM-Mes-Siu, the star child of light born of the IAM mes of heaven to bring forth what's needed to save souls, so that they too may have abundant everlasting life. This together-apart principle is part of the framework infrastructure program of circles, cycles and ecosystems long before humans existed. Also Khiu-Messiu.The words David, Tevhut, Tevut, Devet, Davit, David, Tebhut, Teb-Huti, Taht, Ta-Huti, IU, Iu-Em-Hept, Jesus, Dyvid, Tepht all mean Joiner, Uniter, or the United (BB2) Thus Mount Ru-Khunsu-Ru stands between the sky above and valley below as does the mother-son moon float between Earth and Sun. The moon is a way station between earth and sun, thus we climb mountains to feel closer to the Lord and unknowingly mimic the rising of the Sun in spring assisted by the full moon that provides exultation to souls for ascending to great heights.
Since Khunsu is the giant-killer, like David and Jack, this means when the Sun rises in Great Year Spring and unites with the Full Moon, their powers help remove the status quo souls of life, who behave like ogre-ish thuggish giants.
See, earlier investigation of Mount Rwenzori
Lord Names & Symbols
Name Variations: Rert, Errt, Rort, Orrt, Urrt, Riru, Rilu , Ruru, Ru-Ru, Ruti, Rutu, Urtu, Urti, Rurit, Ruri(t) Reru, Rerit, Ret, Ret-Urn, Return, Rerr, Roll, Rura, Roar, Rweru, Rem (from Mer from Mehru from Makhru), Karuru (Karuti, sailors, not just humans, but stars, planets, moons, celestial beings). This is the same as Rahab, Ruhef, Khebt, Khepsh, Urt, Ta-Urt, Taurt, Ta-Urtu, Ârutu, Ârtu, WhaRuri, Whu-Ruruhi, Lri, in India, Rî (Ishtar) in Akkad, the Old First Mother of all things, including language.
Many symbols of Lord Rurt exist, such as hippopotamus, mostly of the lakes; bear, sow, cow, serpent, dragon, crocodile, mostly of the river; tree, pole, vine, root (rut, rerut), mountain, human female. Eventually the celestial heavenly waters of the lakes and rivers also became karest-iar khefa-niru waters the sea or ocean. Even as Lord Rurt is shown in the form of several beasts, including the human beast, the Lord is also a Teddy Bear, since Tabi is the Bear, earlier Tepi, Teti, Tevi, Tavi and more. Thus Tabi Bear is Tedi Bear is Teddy Bear, great big Bear with big belly as the hippopotamus.
We might as well emphasize the word heaven as khefa-n is the waters as sea, while the word heavenly as khefa-n-iru is waters as river.
Mothers & Child
Ruru or Rer or Rere (word Rare) denotes birth mother, wet-nurse and nurseling (nurse-renk), also to dandle and lull (rurr) the child, to create a slow steady soothing rhythm. Thus the word lullaby (English) is based on the great mother above as Rerit, the Assyrian Lilit and Hebrew Lilith, who in the hieroglyphics is the genitrix, the generating matrix, the gene pool, as the sow or hippopotamus, the old Typhon of the beginning, who first reared the child in heaven. As the two mothers, Ru and Ru, Ruru represents a pool of water as in the womb; and water that rushes forth as in water break birth inundation; and water that drip drops, releases drip by drip, drop by drop as in breastfeeding.Ru-ru means two, doubled, twined, divided, duplicated. In the Moor dialect of New Guinea, Number 2 is Roeroe, a form of Ruru, for child, children or double horizon. Rere is an English form expressing twoness in the “rere-mouse,” the winged mammal; the rere-supper, a second course, the rere-tail, and the Rear for the hinder part or following after. The rear is the second that was first first. (NG1)
The Lord is the Rurt, the Ru or Rui, the reed-pen and paint of the scribe. Each circle, as it goes round and round in its cycle, creates, makes marks, inscribes into the dimension it is in. This is why Ru is the mouth, opening, door, gate, eye, pen, paint, stylus, tongue, word, story, conversation, discussion, speech, book, record, scroll, portrait, portrayal, depiction, picture, scribble, scrabble, scramble.We can now more fully understand the earlier name of Ursa Major is Khiur Makheru or Rurt-Ta Maker.
We can also appreciate Ru as a mouth that takes in, is also Ru a mouth that lets out, one mouth eats, one excretes, but actually both mouths do both. This is why another name for mouth is Peh, a form of Khep, the womb, uterus that receives and gives, takes in, lets out. This is the nature of cycles and circles because they are living beings, souls of life, affected and affecting, effected and effecting. The Khep and Ru represents both mouths and are Khep-Ru, also Khef-Ru, Khuf-Ru, Khepera, Khefera, Khufera, Kherf, Kherp, the principal change agent, thus also Khef, Feh, Khuf, Fuh, Khif, Fih, Khaf, Fah, Khof, Foh, Khap, Pah, Khip, Pih, Khop, Poh, Khup, Puh as the mouth or rump. Since there are two mouths, we have Ru-Ru or Ruti and Peh-Peh or Pehti, plus all other forms. This applies to all circles and cycles, they each have a beginning and end, start and finish.
The Lord of Cycles today is the Sun Cycle, the Sun's Revolution is the Son of Revolutions, The Great Year. At first, the souls of life in the sun's cycle were manifesting as female behind and female out front because it was the two sisters. Then in the next cycle it was female behind and male out front because it was virgin mother and child. Then in the next cycle it was male behind and female out front. This is cycle were are at the threshold of that is causing climate changes and one of it's manifestations is the rise of the female. This is primarily caused by the Sun's alignment with Lord Circle called Aquaria-Hathor-Nut and the Lord Circle called Kepheus-Tefnut-Sekhet and the Lord Circle of the Moon. (BB2)A sign of this is Ruru, the white heron, a type of Taht the waxing-to-full moon-god. The heron is a fisher who catches lifts souls out of the black and red waters of the birthplace womb abyss, a name of which is Kester, Khester, Kist, Kist-Ruru, Kist-luru, Kistleru, Kistler). Thus the lord moon cycle is partly responsible for wokeness and helps resurrect raise souls from their mummy preservation sleep. (BB)
Another sign is Hathor, a form of the hippopotamus-headed Ursa Major mother of the beginnings. As Hathor she was the milch (milk) cow of land substituted for the water cow. Both cows are types of the wet-nurse and giver of the precious liquid of life. This is Aquaria-Hathor-Nut Mami Wata Great Mother of the Waters whose time has come as she sits ready to pounce. This Mother of the North was the three sisters of mother of earth, mother of water, mother of breath. (AE1)
Lord Mehru Is Proud Mary Big Wheel Khep-On Khiurning
Meh or Mehuri leads to the word Maori which means the water and the breath of life fresh from the fount of source in the north and west to recognize northern and western beginnings of stellar cycle and solar cycle. Another name for Mehuri is Mauru for the northwest. I suspect the word Amaruh is a form of the word A-mauru and must mean healing, curing, rejuvenating waters and refreshed breaths of life, souls, from the southeast, which corresponds to the birthplace below in terrestrial Africa and to the birthplace above to those just on the other side of the river as the sun rises and the Earth also rises and aligns and crosses the river. In the form of Au-Mauru, the word Omari could be created.Mauru, the name given to this breath of the motherland, is also the word for being eased and quieted in pain and heartache. These words as the double Meh of north and west or south and east are the Mehti or Mehi which means to fill, be full, fulfill and be completed; Mehi is also a title of Taht, the lunar god, whose name of Tekh signifies full, and of Hathor the fulfiller (fulfill-Rer). Hathor the moon is the mother who duplicates into Taht who brings the moon to full and then Aan who empties the moon's contents into the solar system.
Already shown is that the word angel means circle cycle, thus an angel of the lord is a circle of the circle or a soul of the circle.
Since Ruru as Rru is also steps, stairs, ladder, then Mauru and A-Mauru represent the double birthplace of the abyss and horizon and also the birthplace and steps, steps that descend on the west-side and steps that ascend on the east-side. This reveals A-Mauru-Ka as the first form of the word America, thus the Americas first inhabited by the Mauru Maori from the southeast.
The Rru or Ru is an outlet for water, the primary way land is divided. Heaven was divided into water-ways and the solar bark is said to be towed through the RUs of the Rusta by water. Ru (Lu) is the universal type-name for the rivers. (NG2) The circles and cycles of the heavens are the first rastafarians, rusta-seafarers.