If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Meaning, Definition, Origin Of Sport
Unity Consciousness #3195

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The word sport and the word sports and the word sporty and the word spot from:
1. Khiur-Khiur, two circles, two halves, circle-in-circle, two concentric circles like (as is) a cell and its nucleus. Khiur-Khiur is Khiurtu is Khiurti is Khiurt is Shiurt is Shirt and Shurt is Spirt and Spurt. Spirt becomes Spart and word Spark and word Parts. Spurt becomes Spert and Sport.

A circle is a container and covering for various recombinant forms of spirit-soul. These circles, and various forms of spirit-soul and their life cycles, are beings, creations, creatures, animals, persons, lifeforms, bodies, entities, alien arians, karuan khiuriuns, crayola crayons and other words describing any type or form of individual or collective. Everything goes back to circles and their contents (various varieties of spirit-soul in sufficent supply on an as is needed b-as-is). When we speak of spirit or soul, we are talking about a circle and cycle, a being, a creation, a thing which can be anything. These remembrances are brought forth again to help us again, move from stuck places, shut places in human framework infrastructure of else-self-awareness, so we can once again understand, honor and respect sameness and difference in an optimal worldview utamawazo (the wide world of sports).

Sport and Sports are primarily about circles, cycles and spirit-soul in any form by any meme necessary. Sport and Sports are always taking place within and between all creations, even among humans in ways we don't think is sport or sports.

Get this, and give yourself a, holy kiss.
All this is explained to help us become more adept at making the steady leap in our logic to understand that two circles or two halves of a circle or two parts of a circle are sport. This is critical. The word critical is karti-kar, ker-ker-rek. This is also the word credible. We can stretch this back and forth sport to the word incredible which means unbelievable as in unreliable; but also means unbelievable as in reliable since it is an-credible and iun-credible and Khiun-Credible. We can sense the relationship between credible, critical and the word criteria and word etcetera. It takes more practice to see the word analytical as an-aru-ti-cir or an-a-ruti-cir or an-arrut-i-cir or more ways.

The circle Khiurt is Shiurt is Shirt and Skirt. Thus, this leads us humans to refer to the covering for our upper half as the word Shirt, and the covering for our lower half as the word Skirt. By the law of the letter confirmed by the rek of the retter, the word Skirt existed before the word Pant or word Pants. In earlier times, all humans wore skirts (mini-skirts are loincloths) before they wore pants.
Additionally, the saying, “the shirt off my back”, is a later form of “khe khiurt ut nu bakh”. This initially refers to the placenta lining that covers the newborn in the womb, the bakh. Thus the first skirt was an inner lining equal to a woman's slip. Thus the word slip is the word srip, srep, sper (an-side, inside), sker. We are near and far in our understandings, both in time and on time.

2. Khiurt becomes Khart (Kharti), which might be easier forms to see how Khart becomes word Short becomes Sport.

3. We now move from Khiurt to Khurt to Khurt to Khurf to Kurf to Turf to Terf to Tref, which means dance, sport, lively. Then to Trep, Trip and Trap. Then leap to Wrap that collaborates the ending of Point 1 above.
Simultaneous is the change in form from Khiurt to Thiurt to Thirut to Thiru to Thriu to Three, Theru and Teriu to Teru, Teria and Tera. Both Tref and Teru are connected to the word Tree. Teru is a circle and a river-branch. So we have the round circle and the pole and branching Tree that forms the two lines (the + Cross) within the Circle. This + Cross marks the spot and the sport. The two lines are roads, crossroads and cross rivers that perform and receive mouth to mouth resuscitation. The word mark is better understood by the meaning of to mark is to Murk is to Niurkh, the opposite of the circular Khiurn. To Niurk is to Kh-Niur, create rivers of fire water, living breathing spirit-souls, some of which manifest as visible stars. Thus the Milky Way is the Murky way, Niur-Khi way, the MerKhi way, the MarKhui way, the Marquee way, the Market way to distribute supplies throughout the galaxy. These rivers are Niurs are Nirus are Niles. Rivers are serpentine, thus we should no longer view the + Cross that divides the circle as purely a straight line, but rather is a wave. The word serpentine of course contains serpent. An earlier form is Khiurf-Nu-Khiukh that leads to Kerf-Un-Khena to Serp-En-Tena (Sper-Tena) to Serp-En-Tine. This is why the river and the serpent are mirror image metaphors. Rivers are also lakes, oceans, seas, creeks, streams.
The word river is ru-mer, thus the word rumor and the word mill, which come together as rumor mill, the doubled-up forms of information that crosses back, forth, twists, turns, spins, whirls and swirls round, circulates, and is transformed at every change of hands, ears, mouth, feet, eyes. Rumor mill, as used by current humans is a character assassin sport used by snipers to deflame and kill the spark of spirit-soul. This mars the spot. It tars the feathers of the bird of two-truths, spirit-soul, breathing and being, thus prevents unfolding, expanding, flying. The word tarnish from Karnak from Kar-Nist from Khiur-Nukh. NIst is Nest is Mest is womb, birthplace Nukh is the power or force of a thing and its negation or reduction. Again we can see the Nukh-Ur and Nukh-Ar leads to the word nigger and marks the despot.
Additionally, what does Cornish hen mean?
The tree as the Cross is also called the Tat-cross or Tat which signifies to establish and found by crossing, tying the knot and Ti-ing the Net, thus doubling the power by connecting TWO same creations with one or more differences (one and the second of two). Even if the only difference is time of creation, a metric still used to distinguish twins. The word Mau in the Maori language and in the word Maori, also means to restrain, confine, fix, affix, word attach (tat-takh) establish, found, complete. Thus, going back to the word Tat, we can now see how it leads to the word Did, word Do, word Dad, second to the son or mother; word Tad.
We double-back to say that to MARK is to create something that stands out in contrast to its surroundings. Rivers stand out on the land, as do rivers of stars in black waters. X (+) marks the spot because Tekh Mirrukhs Khe Khekh.

4. Khen (Ten, Tan, Khan) means to bear, carry to, transport, navigate, bring to, divide, be divided, fire, turn to, blow to, fly to, travel by water or wind, attract, accept, calm, peaceful, inspire, reach, attain, alight, rest.
Khena (Tena, Tana, Khana) means to bear, carry away, transport, navigate, take away, divide, be divided, fire, turn away, blow away, fly away, travel by water or wind, repel, refuse, agitated, fearful, inspire, reach, attain, alight, rest.
The completion of this two part process of Khen and Khena is Khen-Ti is Khent is word Went is word Wind and word Windy is word Wend and word Wendy is word Sent and word Senti is word Send.
Khena (Tena) means to divide, become separate, which supplies a principle for naming the legs or feet. Islanders are Tena because they are separated from the mainland. This perhaps leads to the word tenant. The word Tena shares a mirror image with Aten.
Variations of Khena and Tena are: Teine (Welsh and Irish), Teen (Gaelic), Tine (Cornish), to light a fire; Tine (English), to kindle a fire; Tane (Japanese), the creative fire, ferment, cause, origin. Since our spirit is always seeking connections, we can now see words such as Butane and Octane from Akh-Tane.

5. The word Tree likely comes from Khiurt to Thiurt that is reversed as Truith, but the TH is removed to make Trui to make Tree, an open-ended circle form of rui and khui that elongate and expand with the command to curl and curve into itself to make ends meet and greet. The Tree consists of Three primary parts, a single pole and a double branch, both feathered on each end. This is four corners, ends, feet, footsies (fut-siu).

6. A Tree is the second form of the Circle, thus a tree is a repeat, a redundant word. The word repeat from rupeit from rupait from ru-pait from ruphit from rukhit from khiurt. The word repeat from reked.
The word rekhed from rekhet from re-khe-t, khe-t is khuti or two spirit-souls. Ru is the opening, mouth, place were two spirit-souls meets to form one circle or connect two circles to show their relationship, origin, evolution, etymology, genotype and phenotype.

7. We can further see the word repeat from Pehti and Ru-Pehti or Peht and Ru-Peht. We are reminded that Pehti is the two ends of the equator horizon that represent the north soul of life in water and the south soul of life in fire. Peh is Phe is Khe is Khu is Khiu.
We take another intermission as we wonder, what does all this have to do with sport?
Sport is the actions and interactions of spirit-soul. H-Tu-Kiu (H2O, water) is sport. You yourself is sport. Sport and sports are taking place within you and through everything you do and think.

8. The word Tree from T-Rep from Khi-Rep from Khiurt.
Rep from Ref from Kerf from Kherf from Khiurf from Khiurt.
Rep has variations such as Repa, Rep-A, Riuf, Ruif, Rif, Ruf, Ref, Raf, Rof, Riup, Ruip, Rip, Rup, Rap, Rop, all which mean to root,stem, grow, bud, blossom, shoot, take leaf. Rep and Leaf (Ruif) are equivalents. Tree, in the earlier form of T-Rep means THE REP, which means SPIRIT Budding, unfolding, leafing, flowering, growing, being, growing, developing. This is what a Tree does and what a circle does, and what we can relate to as what our spirit-soul desires, needs and wants to do. BE, as a circle and tree. This is self-sport, even as it is necessary to interact with all other selves and their self-sports and interact with collections of selves and their self-sports. Also, we each ourselves as individuals also function as part of many collective selves and self-sports.

9. Without going into further detail, we should be able to see how forms of the word Rep, lead to the word Root and word Roof, together representing the lower and upper halves of the circle and tree. Humans live in houses with a Roof and Root. Root being a synonym for foundation, which we know must be well-rooted and grounded in order to support the rest of the structure above.

10. We can see how the word Tree or any earlier form, can lead to the word Try. Just try and try again. Peat and Repeat in circular form and tree form, always the two together. This is sport and sports.

11. The word Try reveals itself in the sport of Rugby. A Try is achieved by crossing the end line moving forward opposite the starting point. The word rugby can resolve into khiur and repti and rekhi.

12. The Tur or Ter part of Khi-Ter (Khi-Urt, Khiurt) signifies all the people, the whole of a community, village, homestead, dwelling. These meanings are the same as group, herd, family, tribe, trip. The word tribe and word trip are easily part of this word tree and word circle. So quit running from your own shadow in the word tribe. Everything is part of many tribes. God, by any name, is the chief tribal elder.

13. We can now complete the thought to say Sport is tied to the Tree, which is the Tree of Life. The word Life is Rifu is Riuf is Rifu is Ripe. This is why we have managed to recognize and vocalize that, life imitates sport imitates life. Yet we have stopped way short of recognizing that everything in life is sport. Still yet we love sports because the word love is the word live is the word life is the word fiur is the word khiur, is what it is.

14. We can easily leap from branch to branch to show why Art imitates Life. Art is Tar is Tur is Urt is part of Khi-Urt, thus Urt imitates Khi, thus the circle, tree, people and inhabitants imitates spirit-soul as individual and whole. Art is a form of Ar-T or Ar-Ti, Urti, Rurt or two likenesses two eyes two circles, two waters. Art from Arte from Reta from Ruti from Urti.

15. Let's be sure to understand that sport is taking place in our thinking, our decisions, our everyday choices to do right or wrong. We are choosing sides and supporting one side. Self-evidently most humans are supporters and fans of the worst in sport, in life, in themselves, no matter how able to survive drinking muddy water.

16. Another derivation is peat from word fu-fu and repeat from word ru-fu-fu, which means the mother-circle as the inspirer of repeated breaths (spirit motions). Ru-fu-fu leads to ru-ru-fu-fu to ru-futi, ruti-futi and tutti-frutti, which means a lot of repetition is contained in each creation, especially the eight principles and characteristics of everything (the four primordial fruit doubled, the seven elemental souls of life and their eighth composite). Ruti is Teru is the entire whole, the Tree of Life producing abundant fruit. The eight are two truths by four corners, thus two by four or tu-ti futi. When a RU opening occurs anywhere on this tuti futi tree, tuti becomes tru-ti becomes truth because word is born; and also, futi become fruti become fruit because the khiurt has been reborn in repeated form, In addition to fu-fu, there are also forms containing mu, nu, hu, khu, mui, nui, hui, kh. All this is sport by the eight-legged solitary spider playing the word game solitaire, the card (kart) game solitaire.

17. Another way to add clarity khiurti to the word sport is through the intermediate word Sper, which means a side, one side, approaching the side, the other side, half-way round the circle, half of the circle. Tena is one-half, thus Sper-Tena is Sport. An earlier form is KhiurTe-Na. Na means of, from, to and by water. Tana or An-At is the circle of repetition. Khiurt-uni. Uni is inhabitants, the Au materials from Khau from Khiu. Another form is Khiur-Nuti.
Sper, Spur or Spr also means, to conduct, lead, cause to approach, come to the side, measure, rib. Sper-T, to ask, supplicate.

18. We can now show the word sper as the basis of word Spare and word Rib as the compound word Spare-Rib, which basically means ribs on either side or both side and is essentially the form of Sper-Sper or Rib-Rib. Rib is Ribs is Sbirs is Spirs is Spers is Spert is Sper-Ti.
Because Ribs have a lesser meat to bone ratio than other parts of the body of many animals, Rib, Sper and Spare also contain the meaning of thin and lean.

19. The word spirit and the word soul can be obtained from Khiurt, the double circle. This must be so. Important understandings can be obtained from previously explained forms of the word Spirit from Sperti shown as Spi-Ret and Sep-Ret. Important understandings can be obtained from previously explained forms of the word Soul from Khiur. Word soul is equal to word idol (iter, itur, ithur, thiur, khiur) Thus an idol is another representation of any creation, especially one that is not easily visible.

20. Sport simply means, cooperation through apposition. This allows for two winners always.
From time to time in history, as it is now, humans have mucked up this understanding, thus continue to flub and gaslight themselves.
Most things in societies are about operation through opposition where there can only be one winner. Despite us knowing that humans play games in all areas of life, we don't view them as sport and don't view most of the interplay as the worst form of sport that take all thoughts and behaviors to the level of life and death, with money and control over others, in between those two extremes. Very serious games are being played in all areas of government, business, education, media, religion and all major institutions. Many are acting like dog eat dog and rats in sports where everything is spoiled by those seeking to be the victor at the expense of other creations and their own salvation. This is because winning is not understood as kenning. Thus the concept of sharing and taking turns is out of roundness soundness. Since this is the same as being out of khiur, fhiur, fiur and fair, it is also out of square. Thus the saying, fair and square means balanced in roundness and squareness. This is the double-check of the Khekh necessary to properly click logic.

All other creations, not humans, are what humans are up against the most. As clearly shown, the big game is changing and the nature of sports is changing because the circles and cycles are changing. These are the cycles we call Ages, along with their associated alignments with other celestial beings. They are the commissioners and owners of all sports leagues. The transfer portal is open without restriction.
Thus spiritual warfare and spiritual sport is also about the sharing and non-sharing of space and time. The word share from kharu from khiur. The word Sha in share, also denotes all forms and kinds of births, commencements, beginnings, becomings and fertilizations that nourishes and allows souls of life to rise up and take their rightful place, Sha is inundation, thus does not depend on any creation's acquiescence. Sha is Kha is Khau is Khiu, Who, when completed and aligned, form the Khiurt and word Worth and phrase, for all it's worth; for all, it's worth; khiur uts khiurt. A giveaway takeaway is that repair-actions are not in the hands of the destroyers but rather in the hands of the ru-heirs. Thus, like NIL, reparations are coming from the collective and its sponsors.

Our human conception and practice of sports has once again deteriorated to its most vice-filled level where even the games we acknowledge as sports are filled with unhealthy competition, thus unfair advantages are employed to ensure winners and losers in the context of enemies rather than friendly competitors.
In certain circles, even as the moral is outnumbered by the immoral, mortal combat is always trumped by immortal combat in circles surrounding these circles. Don't move, we have you surrounded. Throw down your weapons. Someone always makes the wrong move and the massacre ensues, just as is occuring as long as masses continue to uphold the status quo suboptimal context worldview of their societies and sacrifice their own children for sport.