If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, February 15, 2013

Expanded Definitions: What Capitalism Is - A Vampire In Transfusionist's Clothing

Capitalism In Theory

Capitalism is “an economic system which encourages capitalists” who operate based on individual abilities and naturally occurring supply and demand.

Capitalism In Practice

Capitalism is a system where privatization of resources is required (individual and corporate ownership). These resources are obtained by any means and at any cost, prepared for resale at the lowest cost and sold at the highest price to accumulate the most profit at the top for the few.

14 Main Components of Capitalistic Societies According To Ongoing History

1. Land, water and all resources living and non-living taken from colonies or people who submit under threat of war. Historian Eric Williams said “a huge amount of money was made by Europeans from their network of colonies. The transatlantic slave trade and plantation wealth were the major causes of the growth of industrialism and capitalism in Europe” and America.

W.E.B. Du Bois said,“Extreme poverty in colonies was a main cause of wealth and luxury in Europe. The results of this poverty were disease, ignorance, and crime.”
2. A mindset that dehumanizes life and uses guns, war and taking of life internationally and domestically.
3. Manipulative behavior. There are thousands of examples and practices past and present. Aspects of the legal are immoral while the illegal is less than enforced.
4. Psychopathic behavior - “violation of others, such as stealing or violence, and lack of empathy and remorse “ per Wisegeek.com.

Psychopaths sin according to their own religion while claiming to possess the virtues of the religion. (See #25, ”Crime Defense 101: Inherent Rights – Doing The Right Thing.”)
5. Citizens who believe solely in “the survival of the fittest” theory. This allows subconscious acceptance that those who suffer and have less are not fit to survive (genetically inferior). This allows capitalism to consider itself blameless despite 1-4 above.
6. Consumers who are insatiable.
7. An education system whose major function is to produce workers to fill positions required by capitalists instead of an education system that supports individuals being their intended best.

Education, including college, is job training, which under normal circumstances is supposed to be a business expense. Citizens have been beguiled into paying for private schools and college without any guarantee of a job or job security.
8. An emotional tool such as religion that consents and/or remains silent. See also,”Day 4: Organized Religion & Nutrition.”
9. Voter consent year after year.
10. Malnourishment & toxins to keep citizens from thinking clearly. (See also, this article referencing brain fog.
11. A mentality that everything must be viewed as a competition and that competition is the best way to operate.
12. The illusion of liberty.
13. Plagiarizing, co-opting & rewriting history using multiple measures and venues. These lies misshape the psyche and provide a foundational basis for superiority, hatred and disparities.
14. A justification for war. This is maintained by always designating someone as the major enemy (Kemet, indigenous people, Japan, Russia, Black Panthers, Cuba, Black Wall Street,Terrorists and anyone who doesn't agree with capitalism, etc.) Without enemies or people to designate as savages, capitalism would be without a means to an end.

5+ Enemies Of Capitalism

1. Capitalism & justice have irreconcilable differences. This is why capitalism claims justice is blind. Not blind in order to be fair but blind in order to not judge capitalism itself.
2. Socialism (sharing). See also, ”Extremists For Love – President Obama's Second Inaugural Address, Dr. MLK, Jr., Sister Souljah & Jesus.”
3. Knowledge of self.
4. Knowledge of human history and the ancestors.
5. Equality, fairness, peace, harmony, order, truth, balance, reciprocity, and propriety.

27 Obvious Conclusions

1. “Capital” is derived from an early English word meaning “head, chief, ruler, leader. Since capitalism is capital + ism, capitalism is head + ism and mind-centered.
2. Since capitalism is head-centered and therefore absent of spiritual considerations, it is incapable of doing the right thing except as a means to perpetuate the wrong thing.
3. Since capitalism is headism, hedonism follows – greed and self-pleasuring.
4. Deficit, debt and living beyond what is needed are required for capitalism to exist.
5. Capitalistic societies cannot solve problems because capitalism cannot fix itself. Capitalism, with its Band-aid attempts, merely breaks large problems into pieces.
6. Profit, property and ownerships rights are superior to the inherent rights of humans and all other life.
7. Alkebu-lan (Africa), many other countries and many islands are still colonies of European capitalism as of 2013.
8. Capitalism is incapable of solving the world's problems because it created many of them. It creates problems, profits; offers a pseudo-solution, profits; and then profits on the enforcement end.
9. Capitalism is not an efficient or intelligent system because it seeks to maximize quantity of profits rather than optimize quality of living.
10. Justice is costly and slow which makes it only affordable to capitalists, therefore it is a system designed for their benefit.
11. Psychological imbalance fosters the crime of resource hoarding.
12. Resource hoarding fosters crime. The greater the imbalance, the greater the amount of crime and vice versa.
13. Win-win is not possible under capitalism.
14. Being number one and first in any and all categories is an obsession of capitalistic societies.
15. Capitalism can only serve the common good in direct proportion to the amount of resources held in common.
16. Whenever the word “privatization” is suggested, capitalism will benefit to a far greater degree than the public.
17. Since capitalism is headism, capitalists rob themselves of their own spiritual power, therefore they must take power from others.
18. Whenever cash is king, government is ruled by the financial industry. Banks are not too big to fail, they are too in control to fail.
19. Capitalism requires either invasion or strong arm persuasion (bully behavior) to obtain human labor and other natural resources for free or low-cost.
20. “World powers” of the past several centuries would not exist without the criminal behavior of capitalists. To put it in the most extremely nicest ways possible, capitalism is a cheater.
21. There would be greater balance in the world without capitalism.
22. It is folly to expect ethics, justice and inherent rights from psychopaths. See ”G-8/G-20, Groupthink, Morality Crisis.”
23. Religion and its missionaries have long since been a tool of capitalism's colonialism and imperialism.
24. Capitalism is heavily financed by taxpayers through various programs, stimulus, interest rate lowering, subsidies, incentives, the tax code, loopholes, tax breaks, tax credits, deductions, exceptions, grants, consulting, research, studies, aid and undersight.
25. Capitalism claims legitimacy based on the intelligence and work ethic of its followers. It also claims it is a system that rewards individuals based on the fruit of their labors; but, when we see, feel and taste this fruit, we know better.
26. Capitalism is full of shift. It enjoys enormous ill-gotten resource advantages and structural advantages within the system of capitalism then promotes ideas such as “free market” and “free enterprise.”
27. Capitalism uses the same M.O. It pretends to help, then sucks the lifeblood out of everything like a vampire in transfusionist's clothing.

Even so, the disequillibrium in the diaspora has not gone unnoticed because Earth and Universe are harmonious systems that tend towards the natural state of ubuntu. The immune system of the Universe has detected the viral microbial mindset and is now preparing the cure.

Since Maat has never been blind and her scales of justice not weighted by lawyers. Capitalism has been convicted in Universal Court of the ongoing rape and abuse of our mothers - Spirit, Earth & Alkebu-lan and their children. What we are witnessing now is the Universe converging and conspiring to restore natural law, natural order and thus, heal the world.

Not too long ago, in typical ill-advised fashion, capitalism decided the terms are “the one with the most resources wins.” I'm going with the Universe on this one.

Expanded Definitions: Reality, Illusion & Delusion For Everyone
Epilogue: Back To Plan A
Our Fatal Flaw – The Absence Of Harmony. The Root Cause Of Many Problems.
A Necessary Bondage? When The Church Endorsed Slavery
Let My People Go: The Catholic Church & Slavery
Occupy Harmony, Racial Solution Is Spiritual Power & Repentance And So Continues The Meaning Of Life & Existence (Part 8b)