If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Stupid Behavior | Feeling Stupid, Listening, Changing

For proper context, first read, ”Expanded Definition | Stupid Behavior” and ”Stupid Behavior, Education & False Notions” and ”Stupid Behavior | Doing Something About It”

Doing Something Stupid Is Not The Same As Being Stupid

Stupid behavior has nothing to do with intellect. Stupid behavior has everything to do with false information in one or more areas of thinking and/or not enough true information. Stupid behavior can result from thinking guided by false information. Non-stupid behavior can result from thinking guided by true information. Both of these can exist simultaneously in the same person – good behavior and stupid behavior.

How To Deal With Feeling Stupid

If I've studied the three previous articles in this series but still feel stupid, due to past behavior, I need to go to the first article and start the process over.

I must take more of the actions suggested. Stupid behavior does not become who I am unless I do nothing to replace false information with true information. This is a lifelong process.

Instead of wasting precious natural resources wishing I could go back and change something, I must go forward and begin changing my thinking instead. I must work on the foundational things suggested.

Just Listen

Instead of listening to my mind only, I must listen to my spirit primarily. My spirit knows who I really am.

All it takes is free willingness to listen.

The first choice I make: to listen or not listen, makes all the difference between feeling stupid for the moment and being stupid forever.

Listening puts me in motion. Listening moves me closer to finding the knowledge I seek. Listening gives the energy of change, free reign and free range. This is the same spirit energy that creates universes. This energy is more than able to guide me through the motions of change.

Getting Over The False Hump

I must not allow false notions to stop me. Notions like, “change is easier said than done.” This is false.

If I am to change this time, as I have many times before, I must speak to change and step to change daily. Change needs daily affirmation in word and deed. Say it and do it, do it and say it... Use the power of the word and the power of motion.

I can draw upon my own experiences how I've changed in so many other ways. Now I remember. As it turns out, “change is just as easily done as said.” Damn false notions always trying to slip in and flip the script! With this perspective and my spirit guiding me, I will once again become more like my true self - change.

Change Is Who I Really Am Anyway

I will no longer be afraid of change. I am designed specifically for that purpose – to change. I was designed to grow, adjust, adapt and evolve. To be afraid of change is to be afraid of myself. The ability to change exists for my benefit. I will use it to reset my thinking and refresh the results of my behaviors.

Understanding Digesting Information And So Continues The Meaning Of Life & Existence (Part 8h)