If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Apples, Oranges & More Media Mind Games
Unity Consciousness #92

Most of the time, when analyzing the behavior of career criminals, the same conclusions emerge:

1. Criminals are either using lower self intelligence OR
2. Criminals are highly deceitful OR
3. Both, since the lower the form of intelligence used, the higher the form of deceit needed to compensate for what the lower self cannot create and vice versa.

The media, a career criminal against all people and all creation, is guilty of the above.

Invalid Comparisons

The media uses a basic form of the psychological mind game by making invalid comparisons. The media presents the issue in the following manner and in doing so, turns one of the apples into an orange right before your mind while getting you to believe they are both still apples:

A. The decision to use Freedom of Expression is a right (Apple) and is always the right thing to do. (Apple)
B. The decision to respond to the use of Freedom of Expression is a right (Apple) but is not always the right thing to do. (Orange)

To say this another way, one person who exercises a right is said to be right but another person who exercises a right is said to be wrong.

As a result, certain rights are prejudged to be more right than other rights. Certain people who use rights are assumed to be right no matter what, while others are automatically wrong.

How can one right be right and another right be wrong?

This only happens when lower self discrimination is used. Therefore, if there is a limitation as to how a person can respond who has the right to respond, then there must also be an equal limitation as to how a person can use a right.

To this point, there still might be confusion as to whether if's okay to kill someone for what they express? This is not the fundamental issue. The fundamental consideration is whether or not the use of a right infringes upon the rights of another.

Variations & Mutations From The Apple Tree

As long as there are different worldviews, there will be apples, apple varieties and oranges. Comparisons between different worldviews must be understood as such.

Humanity started from one tree and one worldview. Through the course of time and disconnection from the source, the worldviews no longer in Africa began to show variations, which is okay because they were variations of the same thing. These variations held true to the fundamental aspects of the original DNA. However, some worldviews began to show mutations, which is not okay, because mutations diminish what it is based on. Mutations do not hold to the original DNA. Mutations are destructive and are doomed to self-initiated extinction.

The original worldview is the universal, natural and spiritual. This is the only thing that sustains ecosystems. This is what is displayed by the Creator and thus must be the context for healthy living since it is the context by which creation was created and is the foundational motherboard all is connected to. The Creator's Worldview is the only way our interrelating, which is unavoidable, will be civil – not civil in a tolerance sense but civilized in an evolutionary sense. All freedoms and rights humans have decided amongst themselves are a threat to us all if they are not respectful of the Creator's worldview.

There will always be conflict and calamity when rights are not connected to each other in the interests of harmony. This is the sick part of history in a nutshell. It is caused by disconnection from nutrition and connection to toxins. This causes mutations. Mutations alter the unifying principles of creation to suit its own purposes. The freedoms and rights we must hold to above all else are the Rights Of Creation. Among these are the higher self spirit, the natural world, nutrition and the return to our roots of human origins so we can heal from the root up.

Quit following those who are not headed in this direction.