Process Of Osmosis
We've already learned the Universe is the Cosmos which is the mind of the Creator which is the consciousness of the Creator. We also learned life is motion, process and sequence as well. We've further learned Spirit is the energy that transfers information both ways between Creator and creation. Osmosis is one of the methods used in the natural world to automatically move matter physically. Osmosis also moves information spiritually. As stated in Unity Consciousness #73 and #76, we must exchange information with the Universal by uploading and downloading information from and to our brain-mind-spirit. Osmosis is the process by which this happens automatically. We can't alter this setting and we can't shut it off.Osmosis Is A Form Of Cosmosis
Information from all we say, do and think is recorded and sent into the Universe, the cosmos. Therefore, this type of information is not only learning by osmosis, it is also cosmosis. Cosmosis is a way of knowing. Cosmosis is a way information gets going flowing. Through cosmosis, information is transferred between brains and the consciousness of the Creator. This information is recorded in each person's life record in the Hall Of Records.How else does God know and keep track of everything? If God is all-knowing then God needs a way of knowing all and a method to facilitate that knowing. Do you really think God or a bunch of angels are sitting around writing everything down? Of course not. The process is automatic. The process is one of osmosis and cosmosis.