If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, May 25, 2017

From Khaos To Chaos | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1030


(Part 1 of 7)

Khaos is the Egyptian First Truth spelling, definitions and meanings.
Chaos is the English Second Truth spelling, definitions and meanings.
The above spelling convention is used in an attempt to try to distinguish between the two types of chaos, thus the spellings of chaos found within source material have been changed to reflect the above distinctions.

Egyptian Definition Of Khaos As Fusion & Order

The Egyptian word for Khaos is Hat. Simply put, Hat is the Totality of the Universe; therefore, so is Khaos. Khaos is described as the essential beginning and precommencement (preexistence). Thus, in keeping with the two truths, Khaos is also the completion and ending. Another meaning of Khaos may be found in the Cornish “Hatch” for a dam. Thus Khaos is also the dam that seals the opening of the enclosure of the womb, just as there are damns that seal the placenta and cervix before birth.
“Batten Down The Hatches!” The Hatch of Creation's Womb (the cervix of the Black Hole) is continuously being adjusted. In keeping with the two truths, Hatch not only closes, it also opens.

Khat means close.
Hatk means open.
Khat is the womb which is closed and opened. Khaos is the totality of all three.

The localized symbol is marshland or land recovered from the waters or land created from the inundation. The land of Egypt is an example of Khaos.
A placenta is a cake and the cake symbol is the Egyptian symbol of land.
KH means placenta. (Asante & Mazama, 363/394, 672/703)
Thus, when we combine understandings, placenta is the land of birth and land that was birthed. Thus, there is a placenta from which life is born, which is a place of Khaos. Then there is also a placenta from which Creation overall is born, which is also a place of Khaos.
This must be so, based on the immutable principle of: as above, so below.

KH is also written as K, CH, C, Q , G and GH. (AE1 42/52) and (NG2 42/50, 150/172) and (BB 4/16)

Ka is an interior region or it may be high land. Thus, in keeping with Egyptian imagery, because the birthplace is the place of the thigh, then highland is thighland which is balanced against the foothills. (BB 32/44)

English Definition Of Chaos As Confusion & Disorder

Current definitions of Chaos as “utter confusion” come partly from the 1600s C.E. as fueled by the 14th century C.E. definition of Chaos as a "gaping void."
The word Chaos comes from Latin which comes from Greek Khaos which comes from Egyptian Khat.

In contradiction to the Egyptian definition, the English definition picked up the Greek definition of Chaos as an “abyss, that gapes wide open and is also vast and empty."

The Greeks did not understand Khaos means totality and contains everything, so the Greeks called it emptiness due to their inability to perceive it, count it or measure it. The French and others did not understand what the Greeks were saying so they added “utter confusion and disorder” to the already corrupt definition of Chaos.

In the 16th century C.E., Paracelsus tried to get the definition of Khaos back on track. He described Khaos as the "proper elements of spirits" or "ultra-rarefied water."
This is accurate sense it indicates there was not emptiness, rather there was order, and also that a high degree of heated action, motion and activity was taking place in the rarefied waters of the womb.

Even so, reminiscent of the late Egyptian squashing of Aten, European definitions of the abyss contributed to the misunderstanding of what the essential original beginning state of Khaos really is.

The abyss was continually described as "depths of the earth or sea; primordial Chaos; bottomless pit, Hell, enormous, unfathomable, the great depth, the underworld."
So when you take the already misunderstood definition of Chaos as “emptiness and disorder” and then add the meanings of abyss, you get a continuous, almost imperceptible buildup of feeling overwhelmed and fearful about something you don't understand and have no sense you will ever understand.

Fuel is added to fear when religions take the word “tehom,” misunderstand it also, which causes people to solely rely on the secondary Egyptian definition of Khaos as the abode of the crocodile dragon and seven wicked spirits.