If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Preparations For Reparations Health | Definition & Meanings
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1091


Reparations is repair-ations. Reparations means to repair and restore what has been lost.
Before there can be financial reparations, including land and the tools to work the land, there must be reparations of health (body, mind, emotions, spirit-soul).
Once an individual collective achieves critical momentum and mass, in the restoration of health, then so also will come the critical momentum and mass necessary to achieve restoration of financial wealth.

Nutrition yourself and the rest will follow.
Our pockets are toxic because our logic is toxic.
Our pockets are light because our logic is white.
African reparations is not a weak pathetic beggar's request to “please give me back my shtuff.”
Reparations is an individual collective imperative whose unstoppable force takes back its shtuff methodically and unapologetically with a singular focus on health and nothing else.
Due to psychological misorientation (poor health), it is certain most financial reparations will be squandered. Even so, this does not remove or delay the obligation for financial/land reparations to be returned in full with interest and penalties.
It would be far better, prior to financial/land reparations, for Africans everywhere to be exposed to an inundation of education to lay the foundation for the reparations of health.

Reparations of health to repair psychological misorientation would automatically yield numerous financial benefits, even in the absence of the criminals paying what they owe.

So now we can see how it is to the advantage of the criminals worldwide to pay reparations immediately, so as to get most of it back pretty quickly. It would also forestall revolutionary education which will lead to health reparations which exceeds the totality of financial/land reparations. Failure of the criminal collective to “pay up” only makes it worse for themselves and their descendants, not because of the accrual of interest and penalties in this dimension, but because of the unstoppable critically amassing forces of spiritual energy waves which are aligning much more than three stars. As this is occurring, the individual collective is achieving full health on its own due to restoration of the connection to nature and human ancestors. As the connection to all else (nature) is achieved, so also is the connection restored to what's left (financial/land reparations).
By the sheer momentum and amassing force of healthier understandings, repair-ations takes place, without asking the racism terrorism collective for it. Jailers do not just hand over keys. Repair-ations comes from the behavior, thus logic, of the individual collective.

Misunderstanding has assisted script flipping to the sick side. This is why, right now, understandings are assisting script flipping back to the hip side of the thigh.*

Meanings of words can be achieved by breaking down letter combinations several ways. Reparations is also repar -ations.
Repar as in preparations as in pre-parations as in re-par as in re-parity.
Reparations is preparations.
Preparing is the same thing as repairing is the same thing as reparations is the same thing as doing something before receiving something which is the same as re-pairing the firstborn to their birthright and inheritance.

Reparity is achieved through preparity which is achieved through clarity which requires changing contexts, definitions and meanings back to their absolutely much healthier forms.
Prepare yourselves, my people, to be restored to your former selves!
This is the simple entire summary of the theme of all messages on this blog.

*Genesis 49:10 (DRA), “The sceptre shall not be taken away from Juda, nor a ruler from his thigh, till he come that is to be sent, and he shall be the expectation of nations.” (he is Aquaria and Kepheus)

Three Truths Expected Of The individual Collective

1. Continue preparing repairing to achieve repair-ations reparations.
2. Continue preparing repairing to achieve financial/land reparations.
3. The genetic potential of nature is preparing repairing every day. Reparations is coming up, around, down and the other way around the mountains, mounds, plains and plantations. Nature arbitrates all human doings at the greater stronger more powerful level of the continuous individual collective. Nature is in this for the long-term. Humans are short-term manifestations of nature. We don't run this. What is happening today is the result of at least a 26,000 to 52,000 year planning cycle. What will happen tomorrow among humans is not controlled by the recent hundreds of years of human activity. Stars do not align and eclipse each other in the short-term. There is no short-term that is not the result of the long-term. Internal existed before external and hidden before revealed, and yet, they change places and orientation. In the continuous cycle of life, all things reverse course going forward. Do not be deceived by humans who think they are in power and control.

Universal Karma Is Repair-ations Reparations
Greater Power Is Never Lost, Just Misplaced