If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, August 25, 2017

Psychological Misorientation Eclipses Awareness In Societies
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1090


When a foundation is structurally unsound, the entire building is dangerous. It will fail, through use, and fall in time.
When a foundation of context is conceptually unsound, logic based on that context is dangerous. It will fail immediately and fall eventually.
So we continue to repair foundations of context because the orientation of our lives depends on context.

All of us with smartphones and computers and internet access, we live in societies. Societies are the weaker form of human organization. We do not live in civilrealizations.

One of the ways we know we live in a society is people are so psychologically misoriented, when a solar eclipse occurs, grown people don't know whether or not they or their pets can safely go outside, so they do what they've been programmed to do – ask a supposed expert for a response, rather than solving the unknown through understanding, and then, solving many more unknowns through seeking to understand, “why didn't I know that? It takes the uncovering of many layers in order to answer the question. If we think we've answered it sufficiently, yet have not reached the point where we realize one of the pieces of our context is misoriented, we are further weakening an already weak spot in context.

Whether or not we are talking about a solar eclipse or any other subject, not understanding the fundamental workings of nature is psychological misorientation.
Without nature, how do we function?
Without nature, what is our lives based on?
Without nature, what context are we using for all our daily doings?
Seriously, think about it. What is my context for life and existence? Like most folks, what if I said I base things on a Supreme Being or my country (culture)?
1. A Supreme Being is nature. Anyone whose understanding of their Supreme Being does not lead them to nature, therein lies the problem and solution. Solving many more unknowns through understandings of nature reorients the misoriented.
2. All cultures are based on nature. Anyone whose understanding of their culture does not lead them to nature, therein lies the problem and solution. Solving many more unknowns through understandings of nature reorients the misoriented.

3. This tells us nature existed before a Supreme Being and before a group of people and before human culture. The context was already set for life before humans existed. If we begin our context with a human-like Supreme Being and/or if we begin our context with human culture, we are starting a spiritual journey in the middle, thus without the fundamental basis of life and existence we have no sense of direction of where we came from or where we are going. As a result, we simply believe deceive ourselves rather than growing into knowing ourselves as nature to help us solve many unknowns from the root of existence (nature), not from the fruit of existence (Supreme Being and culture).
Early humans understood a lot more fundamentals of nature than we do today.
Early humans were much more observant of nature every day as their primary context for life and existence. Not just as a wow spectacular incredible amazing entertainment event and then....time to get back to life...to more important things. Understanding nature and living life were the same things, not two different things as it is in societies.

We know we live in a society when, because of our misorientation, everything else is more important than nature outside and inside self. (I'm not sure what's left.)

The solar eclipse as merely a physical blotting out of the Sun is a disconnected one-dimensional Giri-So understanding.

The motion and alignment of stars such as Earth/Moon/Sun, is part of always occurring climate change. What is easily visible above will become easily visible below in the orientations and alignments of the daily doings of Earth and all within it.

Lunar and solar eclipses are part of the continuous reorienting of Nature in keeping with the need incentive.
The same genetic reformulating/reorienting that aligns the same atoms and molecules into different types of food, is the same genetic formulating/reorienting that moves and aligns star systems.

Know nature and know all else.
If Moonstar, Sunstar & Earthstar align themselves periodically, then so also do these three align themselves with other stars in this star system. So also do other stars such as Jupiter and Mars align themselves with the Sun. So also does this star system align itself with other star systems such as those ruling the Greater Year.
Before there was an annual year, there was a Great Year (a larger governing cycle). Our context must Sankofa to an earlier point of reckoning.
Expanded awareness reveals more about the Kephean and Aquarian Ages.
Our recent temporalized fascination with eclipses is based on an annual superficial understanding which aligns perfectly with psychological misorientation.
Yes, there are degrees of eclipse in human logic from partial to totality.

The changing alignment of atoms and molecules causes food to construct and deconstruct. Same is true for the macro-atoms and macro-molecules that we call Earth, Moon, Sun and Zodiac constellations and galaxies and....

Psychological misorientation is psychological warfare is mentacide is miseducation.

We know we live in a society when a solar eclipse, becomes so superficially understood, that it's treated mainly as something to see and as a collective entertainment event to say, “I saw it, I was there, I was where, I was a part of history, where were you, what did you do....” Once again, thrill and excitement of the weakest kind, becomes an opiate substitute for the aliveness of beingness.

When we get together with others so we can say we witnessed an event such as one star being eclipsed by another star, we are seeking a sense of biggerness. We are seeking the bigger sense of the collective, which is why we like to be around a lot of other people when these events occur. Unknowingly, we are seeking the collective that defines our individual self. We are seeking the nature of our nature in nature. We are seeking our place and purpose in this existence even as we misplace our attention due to psychological misorientation.

How we are supposed to function is how Earth, Sun, Moon and other constellations function – in relationship to each other and all else – with differences in name, appearance, form and function, yet with sameness of fundamental context and sameness in their fundamental beingness, beginningness, biggerness, that is nature generated, nature-dependent and nature-oriented.


Within this message and elsewhere, hidden in plain sight, Sign-language of Nature emerges many unknowns. Associated reformulatings/reorientings are climate changing America in all fundamental dimensions, which coincides with alignment of stars, eclipses of various degrees and the opioid-driven behavior of the masses, no longer completely controllable by drug pushers due to changes in nature easily seen and understood by the psychologically misoriented, even if as a delayed reaction. In fact, it is this condition of psychological misorientation, used to enslave the masses that will evolve and revolve and simultaneously dissolve artificial light and its keepers of faith, flag and race. Psychological misorientation sickness will continue to feed on itself. All weapons of mass destruction used to build the weak context and foundation of America will continue to fall apart in what will sound like a series of louder and louder explosions, because nature tells us all processes involve explosions eruptions of genetic potential. Those who remain living in unsound contexts will not be so “lucky” to survive.

Another Example Of The Effects Of Context

Recently, in the past 20 years, there has been a marketing campaign to program your brains to automatically think, before you can do anything regarding your physical health or before you can exercise, you need to consult with a doctor. If you accept that logic, the context of your health is being based on the medical unrepentant profession which is based on medical school which is part of a university which is part of the bought-and-paid-for main list of institutions controlled by the government which represents the overseeing and defining group for culture which represents the larger collective of people who try to act like they ain't the government.
Therefore, in places like America, if you attach yourself to the context of “my doctor knows more about my health than me,” you are attaching yourself to the context of the use of money and power over yourself to maintain white supremacy racism because that is the context of American culture and their flag and anthem and all allegiances. Therefore, their medicine and medical advice is a dangerous foundation for health. (see first two sentences of this message). If you follow the path backwards (Sankofa) and bring it forward, you will see each context is connected to another context and another and another and so on.
What should be the foundation for health?
What is the foundation for health regardless of our orientation?

As we just said, even though America and other societies are based on money and power, they still use nature to achieve it – not just physical nature of land and other natural resources, but also used is the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of nature to achieve money and power over you. Psychological misorientation is the result of ongoing 24/7 365 nonstop unceasing ever increasing warfare against your spiritual, emotional and mental nature. You gotta reflip the script of context and use nature and more understandings of nature to help yourself. The Initiate quickly realizes religion is a spiritual aspect of nature being used as a wicked weapon against the weak-minded to gain money and power over those who free-willingly accept the religious context of “here's the non-holistic, non-historical, non-sensical human way to achieve something in this life and in the next.” There are thousands of examples of context in every person's logic that is causing psychological misorientation.
Along these same lines, all of the commercials for all medical drugs will tell you all the side effects and then tell you they have not told you all the side effects and then tell you the drug is safe for you and is what you need and what you should buy, and of course, it's been approved by the racism money and power governing culture who obviously know what health is so I accept that context for my health.