If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 29, 2017

DuDu is Two-Two is Duty Is MotherFucker
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1116


(Part 9o of 11)

Then preparations for Nutrition were made. The invited were no-shows and/or wasted what they were served, seeking desserts only. The invitation has Now been extended to all outside of the first place birthright of inheritance. The messenger of energy is delivering meals and bringing guests who quest, to the table.
Du is zero and zero as sameness.
Du is zero and one as difference. Everything is based on Zero which duplicated itself into Double Zero.

Du is one as oneness (sameness).
Du is one as manyness (difference).

DuDu is Du-ti (duty).
The only reason We, the Many, have duti is because Me, the One, has duti.
We is the flipside* of Me.
Me is the One. We is the Many.
The only reason the individual has duty is because the collective has duti, and the other way around.
The Sun shines because the Moon glows, and the other way around.

DuDu and Du-ti is:
Me and We.
One and Many.

Thus, to say I am We, is to say, Me am We, I am I, Creator am Creator...

The Creator is the Individual and Creation is the Collective.
The Creator is the Collective and Creation is the Individual.

This is why it is suboptimal to view self as an individual as separate or part of a collective without simultaneously viewing self as both separate and apart and simultaneously as different and same.

Look in the mirror. The mirror reflects the flipside.
The mirror is the metaphor. That which looks into the mirror is also the metaphor.
Metaphor looks into metaphor. Du transforms into Du, two into two.**
The metaphor is One reflecting as Many reflecting as One.
The metaphor is same reflecting as same, difference reflecting as difference and same reflecting as difference and difference reflecting as same and one reflecting as one, many as many and one as many and many as one. All of this is a different metaphor that is the same.

*an operational and optical aspect of One System, that must, by necessity of the need incentive, function as Many Systems in order to know self in order to grow self in order to maintain self.
**This is why any number divided into itself equals One and any number minus itself equals Zero and why any number plus itself or multiplied by itself, equals DuDu. Everything is based on Zero as Du and Double Zero as DuDu.

DuDu is Two Truths. Zero in the first instance as Preexistence and Zero in the second instance as Existence.
Both are True and Both are False at different points in the Circle Cycle of Life.
This is why the Truth of Preexistence becomes Nothingness and False when Existence dominates thought processes, as is currently the case.

Second Truth – Necessity is the Mother*** of Invention.
First Truth – Everlasting Life is the Mother of Necessity.

***The words ”Mother and Father,” were not gender specific in the beginning and are not gender specific outside human thought. Both male and female started out as, and still can be, mother and father. Mother and Father are the same word in different forms, just as male and female are the same creation in different forms. If we take this further, the term “MotherFucker,” is a form of MotherFather, which is a form of DuDu, albeit, in a suboptimal sense, which is to say, the Second Truth. On the other hand, Father does indeed fekh the Mother, that is to say fertilize, pollinate and impregnate. Fekh is fec is fecundate, which we now say fuck. Thus MotherFekher is the First Truth in a more optimal sense, or MotherFecundator.
Just to make sure we understand, we shall use one more example: Education is a motherfekhing process, while miseducation is a motherfucking process. When the mind is fekhed with logic, we are healthy. When the mind is fucked with logic, we are unhealthy. We are currently both fekhed up and fucked up to varying degrees.

”Definition | Curse Words, Swear Words & Profanity”

This must be understood. Everything we say is bad, ugly, evil, worse, devil, profane, etc. are Second Truth forms of DuDu. DuDu is FirstSecond, SecondFirst, FirstFirst, SecondSecond.
The question for us is “what combination of truth is my duty reflecting (all the things I consider to be my duty)?

There are multiple multiple forms of DuDu always in existence which are always changing as the Cycle changes. This is why the truth changed and is changing.
This is why and how first becomes last and last becomes first. This is why, even if all the “bad” people work together 24/7 and all the “good” people do nothing, yet and still, the First Truth will prevail and “bad” people will fail and fall from every form of high falutin' place.

If we take this further, we can see how “multiple” is the same thing as duplication.
Multiple is mul-ti-ple. Mu is du, thus dul-ti-ple. Dul-ti is Du-ti is DuDu, thus DuDu-ple, thus we shorten to du-ple, which is dupli-cation. This is why we we multiply, we are duplicating. Multiple means duplication.
Now, even when we have multiple things that are different, we are still duplicating, because we already know difference is the same thing as sameness. Therefore, anytime we hear the word multiply or multiple, we are talking about duplication and DuDu.

Now we return to the word “Many.”
Many is Ma-ny is Ma-ni is Ma-ti is MaMa is DuDu is Ma-ti is Maat is Two Truths.
Thus Many is the duplication of Ma, the Ma-ker, the Ma-ther, the Fa-ther, the Fa-ker.
Since Ma/Pa is also Me/Fe, Mi/Fi, Mo/Fo, and Mu/Fu, then we also have Mekher/Fekher, Mukher/Fuker, Mekhi/Fekhi, Mickie/Fickie...
When we reverse MaMa, we have AmAm and when we reverse one, we have Amma, thus Amma is the Creator as DuDu as First and Second Truth expressed as sameness and difference.
Likewise, Mama is the Creator as DuDu as First and Second Truth expressed as sameness and sameness or difference and difference. Likewise, the same is true of Papa. This is why we speak of Ma & Pa in many ways together and separately. We are speaking of DuDu and Du, Double Zero and Zero.

Now we come back around to gender. Gender is Gens-ar, the child of the gens. Gens is the Generator (Zero as Du). The child is female and male (One as Du). Thus we have Zero, female and male who are Generator, Gestator, Fecundator. The Generator is Du, thus can create alone. Female and Male are each one-half of Du who are separate, thus must come together to create, generate, duplicate, in a first truth optimal way.