If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Cycle & Recycle Seeds Of Everything
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1130


(Part 9ac of 11)

As I realized everything I threw away, I could eat within 365 days, if I recycled it in my own space, much began to change and shift along with emphasis.
Since this Creation Ecosystem, is the Sum of All, once I made use of a sufficient level of this wealth to meet my basic needs, I realized I would only have to replace that which I threw away or could not recycle faster than needing it again.
Then I realized I could recycle 100% of all understanding. Everything else changed. The extended self can recycle 100% of all else.

Understandings say reverse the emphasis and reverse the impetus.
Understandings say reverse the magnetic pole that has a hold on logic, and change how energy flows.

If we focus more effort on understanding what we throw away, rather than on how we can get some more, we will be able to get more value from the things we already have.
Understanding must begin its recycle cycle through our logic before we begin to recycle other resources.
By default, recycling includes the extended self communal collective. Like all things, recycling takes place according to varying degrees of optimal and subotpimal.
A simple reason we must recycle more optimally is because the Universe is based on cycling and a repeat of cycling, thus cycle and re-cycle.
Every breath we take is re-cycled air that some other creature has breathed, even if it has been reconditioned, it is still used renewed air.
Moon and Sun cycle and recycle daily.
Our birth into this dimension called Earth, was a recycling process. We cycle and recycle into this dimension cycle and recycle out.

We must more consciously participate in the daily living recycling process, and not just for that which is outside of self.
We all can easily save the seeds from the fruits and vegetables we eat.
Saving seeds is putting money in the bank.

Investing seeds is more optimal. The metaphor comparable of the talents holds true.

”Saving Viable Seeds & Other Garden Variety Thoughts, Unity Consciousness #405”

”Sustainable Ecosystem Gardening Reminders, Unity Consciousness #313”

“Increase understandings to access the hidden meanings of what a seed is and what a seed looks like in all its forms. As you do, power you basically need and crave, power already saved, will begin to reveal itself as it has in Jinja and Djindja.” One clue as you begin to expand, one type of seed is melanin.
Seeds contain all we need, ready to grow 213.

A seed reformulates the form using the formula of the metaform.
A seed transforms the self within and the self without and merges the two into a duality equation expression containing multiple dualities. A seed is duality in waiting to evolve more, just as is Zero, thus all seeds are shaped in form of the Circle and its contents. A germinating seed is being born, into existence and out of pre-existence. Like us, as seeds, each plant seed is a child of beingness.
All of this is you, child of mine.
Child of mi-ne. Do re mi ne. Mi-ne ultimately boils down to na-na, N, Z, Zero, O. Thus, “child of mine” is the Creator saying you are the child of the Circle. The Circle is both the Seed and Seed Maker & Shaper. You are a cycle and recycle of the Circle, the Seed, the Totality of Everything & Nothing, the Creator.

When we say, “child of mine” in today's societal context, we are speaking and understanding in the suboptimal context. This suboptimal meaning is the part revealed to our understanding and it is out front in consciousness. Yet and even so, the optimal meaning is also being spoken at the same time as a shadow echo sound of duality. The optimal meaning is present but obscured and hidden behind the suboptimal meaning, but only to underutilized sensing abilities.

So what have we said?
Cycle and re-cycle is about much more than paper, plastic, glass, metal, etc.