If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Eating & Drinking Water, Breast Water, Breast Milk
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1166


(Part 9bl of 11)

When it comes to liquid nutrition, we must drink more water than anything else we are drinking. Water is essential to all functions. Water is essential to clearer thinking.
Water is a nutrient that must be both eaten and drunk.

We have a basic dual problem: we don't drink enough pure water and we don't eat enough pure water.
The source of our water is impure and the stuff we eat contains little to no pure water.
Most of the time, liquid nutrition is also supposed to contain solid nutrition. Likewise, most of the time, solid nutrition is also supposed to contain liquid nutrition. Now that's good eating!

Automatically, our programming causes us to ask, how much water do I need to drink?
As much as you need to drink, is the answer.
All you have to do is: (1) understand what you need and (2) understand what you need varies.

Just drink water when you feel the need to drink anything, and you'll be fine, unless you're trying to get over on yourself by drinking the minimum amount of water instead of the optimal amount - which varies.
Your body does not need you to drink milk, tea*, coffee, juice, etc.
When your body tells you to drink something, it is asking for water.
You might mistake what your body is asking for because, my and your training programming education calibration has been tampered with and dampened to the point, we think we need something else to drink.

Babies grow up just fine drinking 88 percent water every day when those babies are breastfed. Yes, breast milk is mostly water. Breast milk allows you to eat and drink water. Breast milk contains liquid and solid nutrition. Human breast milk is for growing humans while other animal breast milk is for growing those animals.

Most of us have been programmed into foolishly thinking, well, babies drink milk, so I need to keep drinking milk for the rest of my life.
No. Once we leave the breast, we no longer need breast milk. We now have teeth and a more developed system, so, those same nutrients that are in breast milk, we need to get from water and solid foods.

Yes, we still need breast milk from our Other Mother. When we are babies, we drink milk from our human birth mother. When we leave the breast of the human birth mother we transition to the breast of our earth birth mother.

Breast milk from both our mothers, comes in two parts: liquid and solid nutrients.
In human breast milk it is combined and is mostly liquid.
In earth breast milk, it is combined and:
1. is mostly liquid, in some forms.
2. has a higher solid portion, in some forms.
3. is mostly solid, in some forms.

When we are babies, we don't need anything but breast milk. This is so because our human mother is eating and drinking earth's breast milk and transforming it for us.

When we are weaned from our human mother's breast milk, all we need is earth's breast milk, not the milk of other animals.

Right now MotherFather Earth is lactating and expressing breast milk because she is pregnant with her litter of children, who are being reborn more literate.
In suboptimal terms, glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising.

Now we lean back towards the middle. It's okay to drink other liquids, but, the total of all of those other liquids together, should amount to a side dish of liquids in relation to the main course of water we drink each day.<[>

Another way to know if your water intake is what it needs to be is to self-assess and monitor your urine.
Yes, you can know how much water to put in based on the water that's coming out.

So, by now, it should be clear: It is unnaturally suboptimal for humans to approach water intake in terms of 6-8 glasses per day or any other set numerical quantity. To attempt to do so is evidence of an area of self where knowledge of self is insufficient to help you be all you could be.

Water needs, thus water intake, varies for multiple reasons. A few of these are activity level and the amount of water in other foods eaten.
If you were eating more extremely freshly picked fruits/vegetables/leaves, you would be getting electrolyte, vitamin-enriched,stimulating mineral water that serves as water, tea, juice, milk and coffee and breast milk– all in one.
If you were drinking water from a pure source, you'd be hungrier for water, because your body would crave it every day after an initial period of aversion, conversion and reversion.
In this Age of more accessible information, if you don't know by now that water is being used as a weapon by humans to negatively affect health, then study search for yourself.

This is something we've already discussed. Anything that is one thing, also has the potential to be its opposite. For example: everything that is a tool, can also be a weapon. Likewise everything that is a blessing can also be a curse. Likewise anything that can be used to trick someone can also be used to trip up the trickster. Similarly, that which relies on nukes to maintain power, becomes that which relies on dupes that drains power. And on and on it goes for everything that is anything. Everything can be turned around and everything turns around in cycles.
Water is turning around, thus, everything else that is water-based and that depends on water, is also turning around. Our genetic kinetic potential has been on lockdown, frozen. Water is releasing its frozen potential in in milky ways through glacial waters circulating universe-wide and worldwide. In those waters of Nun, that come in many forms, are nutrients from inner and outer space for this time. These nutrients are the reversal of fortunes. Listen! Hear me now. Watch me now. Feel me. Smell me. Taste me. I am water solid nu-tri-ent. To be fulfilled, you must fully fill your desire to be healthy, through me.
Papa ko, la ti do. Mama ko, do...so.

*The clear exception is homemade tea from homegrown leaves. This is nowhere near as harmful to cells as too much of the other liquids in proportion to the amount of water consumed. You still don't need tea however, especially when eating plenty of wholesome fruits and vegetables.