If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, December 25, 2017

Modern Humans Cannot Make Food Nutrition
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1170


(Part 9bp of 11)

Nutrition is a primary creation.

1. First Truth: Humans are primary creations, who in their optimal state of awareness, are also primary creators, thus translators of nutrition into different forms that preserves the integrity of the nutrition, the life-sustaining vibration.
2. Second Truth: Humans are primary creations, who in their suboptimal state of awareness, are secondary creators, thus, interpreters of nutrition into different forms that diminish the integrity of the nutrition, the life-sustaining vibration.

So then, by what distortion of truth is the human, (who cannot make the basis of nutrition – water – ), instead able to make other forms of nutrition?
Without having mastered understandings of water or its metaphors, the basis of nutrition becomes separated from the process of transforming nutrition into other forms. As a result, not only is understanding lost, but so also is nutrition.

During these suboptimal times, humans have increasingly made more and more things to consume that are further away from optimal nutrition. But at least it tastes, looks, smells good and is filling.
These non-foods, suck the waters of life out of our cells along with minerals, vitamins and whatever other seeds of wholeness are in our tissue and bone factories and storehouses.
Why the drain on health?
Because non-foods do not contain sufficient nutrients to allow them to be processed. Plus, the nutrients they do contain are used to help breakdown and neutralize the toxins* they rode in on. Thus the body does not benefit nearly as much from non-foods we consume as we think. The opposite is mostly true. The body must give up nutrients when we eat non-foods, thus health is slowly weakened towards an increasing deficit.* The body must use stored nutrition in bones and tissues and convert it for energy. The body must “rob Peter to pay Paul.” The body must take supporting nutrition from our immune system and other system's infrastructure components in order to keep daily processes going. The body must take pieces of the house and burn it for fuel.

Do We Even Have A Taste For Nutrition?

If our tastes were what they should be, to facilitate health, there is no way we would consume the types of things we do. Our tastes buds, in their optimal state of calibration, would reject poison, rather than accept it.

It is impossible to grow up in a healthy environment and have unhealthy thinking.
We blame it on the environment which is culture which is part of the overall climate we are part of.

Climate turned suboptimal and thinking followed and behavior, thus culture, followed.
Climate change rules the day, every day.
It starts with water.
Water is the power to be and to do, to live and to think, to eat and to move about. Water is the power to be and to do..

Drink water watoto!
Eat, drink, think and be water.
Consume water in all its optimal forms.
The Source of Double Doors and Triple Fountain in the Square is expressing breast milk from many teats because we are being reborn all over earth.

*Toxins are consumed in foods and toxins are consumed through breathing and through the skin. Personal products, that supposedly make us more civilized, are adding to the conditions of dis-ease. Most personal products contribute to our daily toxin intake, thus increasing our need for more nutrition, especially water to flush toxins out of skin cells, lung cells, liver cells, kidney cells, intestinal cells, colon cells, rectal cells, etc. Detoxing and colon cleansing are continuous ongoing events that are supposed to take place through nutrition (that is why we pee and poop and sweat and shed skin and lose hair, pass gas, get boogers, eye crust, etc.).

*Deficit occurs when nutrients are deficient. Defeat is also a word variation of deficit and deficient. Thus, as stated on Day 5 of December 2012, we choose to fail or succeed based on what we consume.

Freedom and victory and success and health and wealth and happiness and love, etc. are attained through optimizing our food nutrition. Levels of awareness are one part of this optimization process.