If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Need For Water Is More Than A Notion
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1173

(Part 9bs of 11)

We have moved forth and back and forth through the waters.
In keeping with this rhythm, we khekh back.

“Water” has been discussed.

Some earlier spellings of water are Uat-ur and Ua-ter.

The TER in water is the same as the TUR in nature and the TRI in nutrition.

Simply put, since everything comes out of waTER, then everything is a form of UA, UAT, UR and TER. This is just one of many ways to present water in a basic breakdown, so we can more easily reckonize water in other words.

Some easily identifiable variations of water are: creature, critter, utter, nutrient, nuter, asterisk, star, air, earth, terrain, terra firma, territory, enter, outer, entire, tar, ter, tree, tir, tire, tor, tour, tur, ture, true, try, tyr, tri, trinity, inter, interact, matter, derive, drive, dar, der, dir, dor, dur, endure, karter, carter, charter, order, ardor, adore, trip, trap, trick, torrent, terror, term, terminate, terminal, interior, exterior, eternal, during, duration, durable, mother, father, R, T, U, A, E... (BB 217/229); (NG1 244/262)

TER Is The Universe

TER is the entirety of space and time. This makes sense based on what we understand about waTER and naTURE, both of which represent everything, as does the universe. (BB 144/156, 94-5/106-107, 325/327, 431/443)

Since TER is everything, TER represents Cycles. Everything repeats in cycles. Everything in nature repeats in cycles. Everything in nature repeats in cycles in water.

WaTER is the fundamental medium and barometer for changes in cycles. (BB 94-5/106-7)

Since TER is everything, TER is part of the words “creaTOR” and “desTROyer.”
TER also means to work, fabricate, carve, decorate, ornament, portray in colors, implement, invoke, adore, lay-out. This describes the process of creation that resulted in what we call Creation. (BB 160/172, 376/388)

This is why waTER is the Creator of life. This is why water is fundamental to transformation.
This is why nuTRItion is water-based and is essential to everything we are and do re-peatedly.

Since TER is everything, there is no end to ways we could present it for explanation. Everything represents TER, thus everything is a metaphor of TER, thus everything is a metaphor of water, thus everything is a form of water, thus Everything is Everything.

When we speak of the circle of life and the cycle of life and life cycle, we are talking about the TER, the enTIRety: the Circle, Circle-Maker and Contents of the Circle. All of this exists in water and all of this is water.

Now we move forth towards momentary closing.
TER is the same thing as tri or try.
To ter or to try means to interrogate, invoke, question.
When we try, we are interrogating, invoking and questioning.

When we are TRYing, we are TERing. We are interrogating, invoking and questioning SELF in order to see what we are capable of. We are working and fabricating our genetic potential into different forms of itself. This is what the Creator is doing and this is what Creation is all about and this is what the water is all about and this is the need incentive. (BB 86/98)

By understanding the need incentive, we realize the creaTOR, created all creaTURes out of Self for the purpose of interrogating each one under a variety of conditions so these inTERactions provide feedback loops (cycles within the circle) of understanding back and forth between the Great Self & All else and back and forth between the lesser self and all else and between the Great self and the lesser self and between the various sized portions of all else. This is what all the inTERconnectedness and inTERrelatedness is all about. It is about the creaTOR, who is the same genetic potential as us. The same rNA, drNA, derNA, TerNa, Nater, Nature, Water, Uater, U, double U, O, One, I.
And this is why I am more than a notion and more than motion, I am water, the entirety of life and existence in layers of miniature. Yet I am more powerful than when this Cycle began, because I, am more known.