If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

21 Ways To Know I'm Not A Racist
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1368


(Part 9jf of 11)

1. As a general golden rule, I have stopped lying to myself about anything; therefore I am ready to face this uncomfortable truth.

2. I know racism is a global system of discrimination where one group acts as a collective to infringe upon the rights of another group as a collective. Racism uses all of the society's institutions, systems and subsystems.

3. I understand racism is not so much an individual choice as it is a culturally infused choice. Therefore, I understand I cannot opt out of racism, I must work racism out of myself, out of my deeply programmed logic.

4. I have stopped lying to myself about the chronic existence and pervasive prevalence of racism and all of its causes and effects that cause more causes and effects, and so on.

5. I can see how racism is racial rape that happens so much, that victims are not believed.

6. The education and media I'm exposed to is non-racist.

7. The culture I defend is non-racist, including the holidays, traditions and people I honor.

8. My family and friends are non-racist,

9. The religion I support is non-racist.

10. The government I support is non-racist,

11. I am not part of the racist collective.

12. I disavow the identities the racist collective uses to base racism on.

13. I disavow the privileges my racist collective identity affords me and I clearly state my reasons for doing so.

14. I do not work a job that supports the racist collective, unless I am fighting against racism every chance I get.

15. I don't think I'm not a racist based on having “minority” or “black” friends.

16. I have reviewed all of my main ideologies, at least the top 25, to see how they could possibly be racist. If I don't know where to start I am willing to begin with the list of optimal and suboptimal identifiers of self.

17. I don't have a mental conniption when I hear my homeland is Africa or that me and my Ancestors are 100% genetically African.

18. I understand members of the oppressed group cannot be racist against members of the oppressing group because the oppressed have not yet organized themselves to obtain the collective power to deprive another collective of their rights.

19. I understand members of the oppressed group can be racist against members of their own group by colluding with members of the oppressing group in order to maintain their meritorious manumission.

. 20. I am aware of all these things and am continuously taking the necessary steps to detoxify my thinking and behavior. I understand I must be diligent about this process for the rest of my life.

21. I understand racism can never be an individual act. Each time racism manifests through an individual, I will seek to understand the collective enabling supporting contribution to that racism along with more of the causes and effects and how this same form of racism affects many more victims since the beginning of racism, right now and into the future. In other words, I will stop believing racism is perpetrated by an individual, renegade, solitary person or lone wolf.

I am now certain I am not a racist.

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