If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, June 25, 2018

Second Creation – Soul Of Life In Darkness
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1385


(Part 9jw of 11)

Once color contrast was accomplished, darkness was positioned out front first and filled the entire circle. Darkness contained the contrast of Lightness in the background inside itself as a seed of spark. This spark grew more powerful as darkness became more condensed until that seed grew, through stages, into a pole star.
The soul of life in darkness is one-half of the total soul, the total emanation, the total essence. (NG1 473/491, 483/501)
Early evidence of this soul is the dominant brightness of pole stars in the heavens of the southern and northern hemispheres (half-circles).
The condensed concentrated energy of darkness gives birth to stars.
Darkness is alive. It has soul. It has spirit. It has Khekh.

Soul is the same thing as star, spirit, energy, life. (AE1 124/134), (AE2 593/57)

Since a soul of life as a star, came out of the Two Circles, which came out of the One Circle, then we have another way of knowing a Star is the beginning of the universe. We also know the universe is the Creator-Destroyer. So is the Star of Beginnings. See Kar-Tek. (AE1 123-4/133-4), (AE2 725/189)

Natural Phenomena, Fact & Science

All things go through similar progressions of birth, young prepubescent, adult pubescent, old, death, rebirth...
The cells in your body are doing the same.
The soul of life in darkness is born as a prepubescent star, then it becomes a pubescent star, then it gets old, dies and is reborn as another star in the black whole of darkness. Sometimes, during the pubescent stage, the star will give birth to another star. (AE2 576/50)
When it dies, the soul of life in darkness transforms into the soul of life in lightness. It begins another life cycle, but this time, as the other half of the truth. This is so because birth and death take place in the same place. The difference is death is energy slowing down, condensing, while birth is energy speeding up, expanding. (BB 329/341)

Ascending & Descending

Both halves of a circle contain ascending and descending portions. Rebirth begins as prepubescent in darkness and becomes pubescent revealed in lightness. Likewise, death begins as prepubescent in lightness and becomes pubescent revealed in darkness.
We can easily relate this to what happens daily with cycles of darkness and lightness. We can also relate this to what happens annually. Then we can take it to the next level to understand what happens during each Great Year. The same principles and same process applies. Everything is a repetition of the same thing in a different form.

So now we say the same thing a different way:
1. Death begins at the top of the circle. From here to the midway point on the left, is old age. Currently called the northwest quarter.
2. Death is complete at the midway point on the left side. This midway point is also where conception takes place. Conception is the result of death entering the tomb, which then becomes a womb. From here to the bottom is gestation. Currently called the southwest quarter.
3. Birth begins at the bottom of the circle. From here to the midway point on the right is prepubescence. The southeast quarter.
4. Birth is complete at the midway point on the right side. This midway point is also where rebirth resurrection takes place. Rebirth resurrection is the result of transformation of the prepubescent into the pubescent. This means the womb is also a cocoon. From here to the top is virility and reproduction. Northeast quarter.

We know these things in oh, so many ways. Winter solstice is at the bottom of the circle where light is low and darkness is greater. This is the time when the new year is born and the time when Christ, the ever-coming one is born. This is the time when the Light(ness) of the world is being reborn. (AE2 869/333)

Although darkness is, for the most part, still downtrodden in appreciation, darkness is a good thing.
Darkness represents fear, drought, sterility, negation, non-existence, desert, death...yet, what we've found to be the Whole Truth is that there are cycles and times and conditions when the soul of life in darkness also represents joy, abundance, fertility, initiation, existence, oasis, life....
On this note, I suspect night stars are providing energy for baking fermentation transformation, just as what takes place in a dark oven or womb. Dark energy and dark matter are being transformed, doing what they were genetically designed to do best in darkness. (AE2 629/93, 832/296, 836/300)

Let There Be Darkness! And Darkness Appeared

No, it didn't happen that way. There was no word spoken and then zip-bam-boom, full blown, full grown darkness or lightness appeared. No, instead, they appeared via process which contained a series of stages. When was the last time you were outside and all of a sudden it become dark or light? The processes of the universal creation are shown by the processes around and in us. Darkness was born as a child, an infant, a prepubescent soul of life. At the same time, so was lightness as the twin. Darkness had to mature to have the power to help create a pole star. (NG1 551/569)

Revisiting The Pole Star Aspect

The soul of life in darkness is not just a pole star. The first pole star is the Light of Lights. The pole star represents the combination of the seven elemental souls of life. The soul of life in darkness is a star that reproduces souls of life. In basic terms, stars are element factories. The factory/furnace/oven/kiln aspect of darkness, provides further evidence of the soul of life in darkness via heat energy. (AE1 28/38), (NG2 313-4/321-2 ).

Since we know the souls of life were separated from the Waters, and we know stars are element factories, we know the initial souls were born out of the waters, then their rebirth takes place through the interaction of darkness and stars (Lightness). This also means that by the time darkness became pubescent, all seven souls of life were born out of the waters. Or the pole star only combined the souls of life that were born at that time.

The pole star is equivalent to the Messiah.
There are many pole stars and each has many names. One pole star name we frequently encounter is Anup. Like all pole stars, this is a form of the Dog-Star. Dog-stars watch, lead, guide and announce the coming of the next pole star. Before the pole star was called Anup, it was called Khut and Sut. (BB 460/472), ( AE2 629/93)

Since there is a pole star in the south and north, this shows us the pole has two ends. This pole, called the meridian or solstice, provides support and stability for the universe. “St” as in Tser, Sut, Star, Stay, Start, Stop, Stand, represents fixity and steadfastness found in the soul of life in the spirit energy of darkness (dark energy) and in the soul of life in matter (dark matter). The pole stars dictate how this plays ME out. Therefore, even when there is lightness in one half of the circle, there is also a pole star functioning in the background. Where else do night stars go when sunstars are on the same side of the circle?

Loosely Speaking, So Far We Have...

1. One Circle that became Two Circles.
2. Khekh that became spirit-soul.
3. Spirit-soul that became spirit and waters, soul and waters, and other contrasts.

4. Now we further define to remind us that each of the Two Circles is one-half of the total, yet each circle has not yet been further divided in half.
5. Although there are two circles, both halves of Color Contrast are not manifesting outwardly at the same time. Energy expanded into Lightness and concentrated into darkness, then lightness was captured and placed as a seed inside darkness. In each circle, darkness is growing without; lightness is growing within. (This, as we will see, sets the stage for the calling forth of lightness from the within back hidden to the without front revealed via “Let there be light!”)
6. Although this is the stage of Second Creation, this is also third in the series of creations (Zero, First, Second). Zero is the first creation because creation took place first within Zero before Zero could become Double Zero. Double Zero is the restarting point for what we suboptimal educatedly call creation because we are viewing creation as being outside of the Creator as One, but don't realize creation now begins taking place, rather continues, within the Creator as Two.

7. Lastly, I repeat and repeat. The Supreme Being is neither Darkness nor Lightness. This duality, like all dualities were created to fulfill the need incentive. Once a duality is created, one half of it must manifest out front first in order for alternating cycles to begin with a turn and return, each a half-turn in the universal turnover and turnaround. During this iteration of creation, this time around, just so happens that Darkness manifested out front first. Same thing is shown via the more noticeable expression of the feminine principle and water and heaven above and so on. Outside of So Dayi awareness, there is always one part of a duality more noticeable than other parts. Right now, the Ages of Jackal and Pisces are still more noticeable to most people than the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus. These Great Year Ages are, respectively, part of a 7 part duality and a 12 part duality.
So I jump to another brief summary: The Supreme Being is not in disagreement with self as the Whole Total, but is in disagreement with self as Parts which are absent the mindedness of the Wholeness Ratio.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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