So, as we can see, “IT” does not simply mean something that is non-living, inanimate, soulless or nonhuman. Those are suboptimal meanings for suboptimal times. (BB 67/79, 103/115) Since we know IT is heaven and is also the Creator-Destroyer of Heaven, then we also are able to reach a different version of the answer to the question:
“What it is?” Existence.
“What it was?” Preexistence.
“What it be like?” Everything. In UC#1380, we learned IT is Everything which is the same ole same ole always something new. 4. “Men” is a name of heaven. Therefore we know the word men does not primarily mean male humans. Before there was Men, there was Smen, the place of all souls. Smen is also a name of heaven. (BB 400/412) 5. Hert means the high country, height, above and heaven. (BB 370/382) 6. Bekh, Bekhn, beacon, Bekhens. All of these words represent origin, birthplace, dwellings of the gods, heaven.
Bekhen is Be+Khen which is Pe+Khen. Pe is heaven and Khen is sanctuary. This birthplace could be reckoned as being lower, right or upper. This refers to the birth of the ever-coming one into puberty. The birth of the ever-coming one into prepubescence occurs on the left side or lower side of the circle. (BB 277/289, 385/397) 7. Blue is the color of heaven and the soul. (BB 95/107)
Zulu means The Blue Heaven. Deep water, above or below is called Zulu. Zulura , means the blue thing and skyishness. Zulura then, must mean the soul of life in the holy spirit energy of waters in the sky of lower heaven. (NG1 237/255) 8. Uat is Water and must be a name for heaven. (BB 180/192, 325/337) 9. Meri means heaven, water, love, hate. (BB 178/190) References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2