If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, June 18, 2018

First Creation – Orientations
More Problems
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1381


(Part 9js of 11)

Reorientation To Orientation

General Rule: Orientation goes through cycles. What we currently call the lower below hemisphere as south, was actually the upper above hemisphere as south.
There are clues: The Kemites already told us that north is lower, when they named lower Kemet as the northern part of their city and Upper Kemet as the southern part. Also the magnetic pole of Earth changes. We can be certain this is also true for other celestial bodies. (UC# 1249), (BB 15/27, 440/452), (NG1 343-6/362-4), (AE1 327/337)

Orientation To Two Halves

The Two Circles are the largest and earliest symbols of two halves.
Upper Heaven Nnun is birth waters of spirit, principles, elementals and Lightness (conception and gestation of waters took place when there was only One Circle). (NG1 164-5/182-3)
Lower Heaven Nnut is periodic nourishment waters of matter, soul, principles, elementals and Darkness. (BB 436/448)
Heaven and Earth as two halves: Nnut heaven becomes upper above; Earth is lower below.
Earth and Amenta as two halves: Earth becomes upper above; Amenta is lower below.

Orientation To How Waters Flow

1. The Sea was parted in Zero. The waters were divided into two circles called heavens.
2. Heaven & Heaven as two halves: Nnun Heaven upper above conceives and births waters; Nnut Heaven lower below nourishes with periodic waters via the water re-cycle. (AE2 664/128)
3. Heaven & Earth as two halves; Nnut Heaven now becomes upper above to Earth lower below.
4. Mountains & Valleys as two halves: Mountains upper above, to valleys lower below.
5. Earth's Hemispheres as two halves: Nile Valley upper above in Utiopia to Nile Valley lower below in Egypt Kemet.

6. Earth & Earth's Abyss of Waters as two halves; Above ground is upper above; below ground is the lower below abyss birthplace of waters that replenish Earth, rise in the annual inundation of the Nile and are part of the water-recycle with Nnut.

Another General Rule: In addition to upper and lower having their meanings switched around from time to time, along with their symbols, Left and Right were also given different designations at different times in cycles. For instance, what was associated with the lower half was switched to be associated with the left side. What was associated with the upper half was switched to the right side of the circle. We've discussed this before when talking about dualities in the sense that all things have switched back and forth such as what is good and bad, right or wrong, etc.

We live in a universe where everything is in motion and everything is changing. Our orientation must be retrained to keep up. (NG1 216/234)

When orientation was by pole stars, the orientation was upper and lower because pole stars relate to solstice.
When orientation was by the Sun, the orientation was left and right because the Sun relates to equinox. (BB 6/18, 440/452)

Orientation To Gender

In the beginning, humans did not represent nature or the elementals as either feminine or masculine. Aspects of nature were first viewed as beneficial or destructive. Things slowly changed. (AE1 6/16 ), (AE2 676/231)

Lower below is feminine; upper above is masculine.
Left is feminine; right is masculine. (NG1 470-1/488-9)

At this point in our review of orientation, we can now understand how “as above, so below” applies as we switch perspectives regarding creations. We further can see how as without, so within also applies.
For example:
As above is upper heaven; as below is lower heaven.
As above is lower heaven; as below is Earth.
As above is Earth; as below is the Abyss.
Heaven becomes the without, Earth becomes the within.
Earch becomes the without, Abyss becomes the within. And so on.

Double Dipping Into Double Take

I am simply restating the basis of the Ten Cardinal Principles of Ancient African Deep Thought.
Saving The First General Rule For Last: In this Existence, where there is one of anything, there is at least one more, another side, another perspective, a mirror image, a metaphor, a duplicate. This is duality.
For instance, there is a double heaven and a double earth. Each of the two things that make up a double, contains many doubles within and is also part of many other forms of duality, even those dualities that consist of more than two things.

Misapplication of orientation causes more problems than we are aware of.
Orientation is the same thing as many other things such as reckoning, context, worldview, utamawazo, perspective, vantage point, point of view, angle of light, metaphor, viewpoint, the other side, someone else's shoes, the shoe on the other foot....

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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