If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Selfish Love For God & All Else
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1376


(Part 9jn of 11)

Everything is a work in process (progress and regress).
We are seeking to remember and recognize self so we can find our way back to loving ourselves through the Allness that is eternal.

Each time I go into the rabbit hole, there is less of me there and more of all else.
Each time I emerge, there is less of all else and more of self.
Since all I am doing is transforming, there is only one conclusion: God is knowledge of self.
Everything goes through stages because everything changes. First there is physical, spiritual, mental, emotional birth, then those areas go through stages of development, then stages of death, then stages of rebirth. During these stages, sameness and difference move farther apart, and then closer together, just as does darkness and lightness. In one cycle, they are furthest apart at midnight and midday. They are also closest at sunrise and sunset. At all other times ,the degree of sameness and difference varies. This is true of genetics, humans, gender, and so on. For instance, at one point, humans recognized all celestial bodies were stars, then as those stars continued to transform, human were able to maintain that awareness until we reach today and humans are unaware all celestial bodies are stars and Earths. Same applies to Africans who became known under different names. The transition back is in process making progress.

When it comes to stages, some are shorter, some are longer. Each stage can be viewed as a circle and cycle within itself, that interconnects and interacts with other stages, circles, cycles. We use a circle to remind us of the continuous repeating nature of things. Circles are connected in a chain. Each circle is a circle of creation that transforms, varies, matures, reproduces and passes something on to all circles connected, no matter how far removed.. Furthermore, each creation (subcircle) within each circle., also transforms, varies, matures, reproduces, and passes something on all other creations in the same circle. Thus, by extension, also passes something on the all circles in the Universe. Thus, by extension, everything we do or don't, affects God, affects how others love themselves.

Naturally, humans began reckonings using their immediate surroundings as their primary perspective. Then their perspective expanded to heaven above, then to the heaven within, then to Planet Earth, then to heaven below. A mixture of these perspectives continued through revisions until we reach today where process progressed into regress. We call it progress. Yes we have regressed in knowledge of self. Regress has created a mess. We forgot the broader meaning of love in the process.
To the detriment of self and all else, humans now use humans as their primary perspective, even in terms of understanding God. So we say God can't be anything but human, divine human and spirit, but not superhuman in terms of any other creation. Water is a basis of life, but God can't be water. Sun is a basis of life, but can't be God. Earth gives abundant birth, but don't represent God in the image of Earth. We must reconcile this and that.

Don't be scared or discouraged however. Existence is the workspace workplace of Preexistence. Existence is where God works out salvation of self, and does so through the all else form of self. No greater selfish love exists than the selfish love God has. That love covers you, me and I am.

Preexistence and Existence are two stages that form a whole. After existence, comes preexistence again.

To the degree we know different forms and cycles of the same thing, is the degree we know God.
It is not possible to know God through the individual self alone, except in small suboptimal identifier ways. It is not possible to know God through the human collective alone, except in small suboptimal identifer ways.
By extension, this hinders love and hastens hate. It suboptimizes love for self and optimizes hate for all else.

Ask a hundred people what love is and you will get at least 50 different words. Find two people who describe love using the same word. Ask them what that word means, and you will get two different responses. This simplified example is enough to remind us of what is automatically happening in our mental logic as we encounter any information. Every bit and piece of information has many meanings. We tend to go with the meanings we're used to using, to the exclusion of other possibilities. This is dangerous. It is dangerous for the simple natural fact that everything changes, even the meaning of love and even the meaning of God, thus the meaning of self and all else changes. We already know this. The part that needs improvement is knowing when, how, where and what for, to adjust. The larger circle of nature has shown us it has many different ways to express the same thing. For instance, water has many forms such as salt, drinking, blood, milk, solid, liquid, gas, B+ blood, and so on. All of these forms are appropriate sometimes. Understanding the forms and the times must come together. Same is true for the different forms of self. Selfish love is the way of ways.

Clearly, being selfish is sometimes a good thing. We need to learn when to and when not to, especially in components that make up love of self.

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