If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Zero Creation – Ser Definition
No Problem, No Solution
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1378


(Part 9jp of 11)

Letters “Z” and “S” are interchangeable, thus Zer is Ser. We can hear and see it in “observe.” “S” pronounced “C” is the softer sound, thus, as part of the workings of the word-sound-power, might be the prepubescent form of “Z.” If not, the meanings of Ser still reveal many connections to Zero, the Ser-cle.

“Ser” is the soul of life in spirit energy of resurrection that manifests through the ever-coming one. This is the spirit energy that awakens beings out of rest, death, Preexistence.

Ser-en-Tep (Tep Hill) is the initial birthplace of Preexistence and the resurrection out of Preexistence. Thus the resurrection and the life. This resurrection takes place in the initial birthplace of the Parent at the time of spring equinox. At the same time, the Child is being reborn at Kep-en-teriu. Parent and Child are reborn at the same time, but in two different locations. It seems the Parent is reborn in the Terrestrial Nnut of Amenta, while the Child is reborn in the Celestial Nnut of heaven. The child rested on the mountain in Amenta. This is likely Winter Solstice when the Sun is said to stand still for three days. The Child is standing still while the Parent is being reborn.
The bottom of celestial Nnut likely overlaps with the top of Terrestrial Nnut of Amenta. These two Nnuts meet at the horizon. Earth is a connecting link between two heavens, thus half of Earth sees one heaven and the other half sees another heaven. We know this by the difference in the Southern and Northern Constellations. (BB 452-3/464-5)

Ser is a most ancient and universal root for the rock. Ser or Sire, means the chief, arranger, placer, disposer.
The Tser is the rock of the horizon. Thus Tser is the soul of life in spirit energy of resurrection. Some variations are: Sir; Sar (Assyrian); Sur, Sure, Djer, Djoser. See Djindja. (BB 214/226; 422/434)

“Tser,” is the sanctuary, temple, palace, seat or throne of the rock of the horizon that sits in the waters. Tser is the mountain upon which the ark rests. Ts in the form of St means to stand, sit or stay which is imaged by the rock or stone representing fixity as types of the soul of life in the spirit energy of darkness (dark energy) and in the soul of life in matter (dark matter).

To consolidate some of what is stated above:
1. Parent, as the ever-coming one, is born again at Ser-en-tep on Tep Hill at the location of the Winter Solstice during the time of Spring Equinox.
2. Child, as the ever-coming one, is born again at Kep-en-teriu on Tser Rock, the Hill of the Horizon at the place where the Sun moves above Earth's celestial equator (Earth's equator projected into space). This causes Annual Spring Equinox.
3. I can now see how the child resting for three days at Winter Solstice is resting in the womb of the Parent who is located at Winter Solstice.
4. I suspect the two mountains are the same mountain or mountain range with two to three peaks.
5. We extend these thoughts for later use: The parent, as first and oldest, is reborn at Au in Amenta. The child, as second and youngest, is reborn at An in Amenta. The parent is I am. The child is I an.

When we reach “ground zero” we have reached the origin, beginning with nowhere else to go.
When we hit rock bottom we have reached zero. We are still alive and in the perfect place for resurrection.

To match what we already knew had to be true, “Ser” means seed, zero, soul. It is now also understandable why we say “O my soul! We are calling the Soul of Souls by its primordial name of O (Zero). We are sending out an SOS to the SOS. (BB 114/126)

Sherau & Serau

Sherau or Serau indicate the Number 2 and the prepubescent child of dual sex. Sherau means the child is still neutral so as to experience life without the limiting lens of gender before understandings have matured enough to know how to function once gender specializes. The child is born as bi-as to inform the child as to bias.

Either spelling of Sherau or Serau takes little transformation to see how those words sound like Zero. They also mean the same thing as Zero. In addition to Sherau and Serau being the Child, they are also the Parent. Au means the primordial, the oldest of two, the oldest form. Au also means “was.” Thus we have the “was” scepter of power and Waset* in Kemet as the largest temple ever built. Every circle and every creation contains a temple because everything is born out of Zero and based on the same trueprint blueprint.

*Waset Temple contains Ipet-Isut temple, the Holy of Holies. This temple within a temple is known today as Luxor and Karnak.

No Ser, Yes Ser

One representation of two-in one (twins) was the double Anubis (two humans with dog or jackal heads), This represented the Watcher, Watch-Dog, thus the Announcer, especially when everyone was asleep or too busy to watch themselves. Some form of creation is always watching, always announcing.
Another form of the same twinship was Sut-Horus as two humans with bird heads. The twins work together. One keeps watch while the other sleeps. One is on duty; one is off duty. One is passive as no ser; one is active as yes ser.

The earliest representation of the watcher-announcer was the giraffe of Inner Africa's Utiopia. The giraffe is the Ser by name. Gir, Ger and Gher are clues to finding Ser in giraffe. The giraffe was used to represent the Feminine Parent and Male Child. The giraffe is an animal who can see both ways at once without turning its head or its eyes. It's vision is split and functions separately but in unity. This then is the perfect symbol of the fixed steadfast watcher who keeps everything under ser-veillance. Out of one eye the Ser can see sameness. Out of the other eye, the Ser can see difference.
The Ser is a measurer, calculator, regulator, arranger, disposer, organizer, renewer This is the ser-veyer. This is Zero. (NG1 486/504)

Giraffe contains Gher which leads to Kher. Briefly put, Kher is about reckoning, reckonizing, recognition, awareness, consciousness, knowledge... Kher is understanding what time it is, thus understanding proper orientation of self and all else, according to continuous cycles of continuously changing energies.

Duality exists as Twoness within One so that Preexistence within One can become Existence for Many.
In Zero, knowledge of self is optimal, thus no contradictions exist regarding sameness and difference because they are understood to be identical when combined with the cyclical. Therefore, in Zero, there is no problem, thus no solution needed.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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