Knowledge Of Self Is The Way To Unity
Lack of knowledge of self prevents unity among us. We can study ourselves out of this limitation. Unity must first begin occurring within self with the Creator then extend outside self to begin unifying with all else. Unity is this basic process. Black African Unity is not something we just decide to do and do it. The problem is not that we are incapable of unity with each other, the problem is approaching unity the wrong way. Anything short of an African consciousness approach to unity will result in behavior that does not reflect African consciousness. This type of unity is easily destroyed by enemies because strong bonds of African values are absent. It is contradictory to copy behavior of others because that also means we are copying their thinking. If Black Africans are to be unified, we must not simply copy what others are doing.1. We must either take what they are doing and modify it to fit who we are OR
2. We must copy what Black Africans have done whose ideas on how to do things came from themselves. The thinking and behavior of other people has a direct negative influence against Black African unity. If we mimic their ways and attempt unity using what works against Black African unity, we must fail every time, in every way, sooner or later.
However, if unity has a foundation of African consciousness which has a foundation of knowledge of self, unifying with others of similar orientation will be automatic and enemies can do nothing, except what enemies do when desperate - kill the body and bomb and burn our businesses as was the case with Black Wall Street.
Knowledge of Self Explained Another Way
Since increasing knowledge of self is a prerequisite to Black African unity, it is explained once more.“As the capacity for both optimal [unified] and suboptimal [dis-unified] functioning exists within each human being, an optimization process exists whereby progress toward unity consciousness [knowledge of self] can be realized by utilizing any sense of separation from the Supreme Being as the opportunity for edification, growth, and mastery of lessons leading to a deeper, clearer, more cohesive, coherent, comprehensive realization of Oneness.” (1)
Black African Unity Is Inevitable
“African unity will not be denied” per Ancestor Kwame Toure. It is the water behind hundreds of thousands of damns worldwide that are about to give way. As Africans increase knowledge of self, the pressure against what is holding us back, builds.We must remember, unity is not a human concept. Unity is a universal concept. It is the Creator's mindset from which unity comes and it is in our genes. We must approach unity the Creator's way, not the human way. Our approach to unity must be the way of the human being in concert with creation. History, both ancient and as recent as today, proves Black Africans are a unifying people. We come together and work together all the time for very important reasons. Once these reasons are guided by the uniting force of knowledge of self, unity will be sustained.
(1) Myers, Linda James, Ph.D. & Speight, Suzette L., Ph.D., "Reframing Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being Among Persons of African Descent: Africana/Black Psychology Meeting the Challenges of Fractured Social and Cultural Realities,"The Journal of Pan African Studies, (2010, June), vol.3, no.8, p. 74.